Issue 12/2017
IUFRO NEWS 12, 2017
Dear Reader of IUFRO News:
We are happy to present to you Issue 12 of IUFRO News 2017, volume 46. The newsletter is
also available for download as a PDF or Word file at:
You are welcome to pass on this newsletter to your colleagues!
To find out more about IUFRO, just visit
www.iufro.org and follow our blog
http://blog.iufro.org/, Twitter: @iufro <http://twitter.com/IUFRO> and IUFRO
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With Season's Greetings!
Alexander Buck
IUFRO Executive Director
IUFRO News is widely distributed among IUFRO Members, officeholders and other interested
groups. If you would like to publish in IUFRO News, contribute to the IUFRO website
content or promote a publication via IUFRO Spotlight, do not hesitate to contact us at
IUFRO Headquarters: office(a)iufro.org
Genetics and Genomics of Fagaceae and Nothofagaceae
The Workshop on Fagaceae and Nothofagaceae genetics and genomics held in Shanghai, China,
on 1-3 November 2017, focused on most recent findings and advances in the phylogenetics,
genomics and conservation of the Fagaceae and Nothofagaceae families.
<http://www.iufro.org/index.php?id=6592#c27095> More…
IUFRO Videos to Watch and Share!
Did you know that IUFRO presented a short video in September during the 125th Anniversary
Congress offering the ideal introduction to IUFRO? You might also want to have a look at a
new video showcasing IUFRO's 125th Anniversary Congress.
<http://www.iufro.org/index.php?id=6592#c27103> More…
Traditional Forest Knowledge and Culture in Asia
The "10th International Conference on Traditional Forest Knowledge and Culture in
Asia: Traditional Use of Non-wood Forest Products and its Sustainability in Asia" in
Seoul, Republic of Korea, explored values of TFK and highlighted the sustainable use of
non-wood forest products related with TFK in Asia.
<http://www.iufro.org/index.php?id=6592#c27102> More…
53rd Session of the International Tropical Timber Council (ITTC53)
At ITTC53 in Lima, Peru. Michael Kleine, Deputy Executive Director of IUFRO, informed
about the services that IUFRO as a global science network can provide to tropical timber
producing and consuming countries. <http://www.iufro.org/index.php?id=6592#c27101>
Global Scientific Assessment on Interactions between Forests and Water Well Underway
The Global Forest Expert Panel (GFEP) on Forests and Water is preparing a comprehensive,
peer-reviewed full assessment report and a summary for policy makers to be launched at the
session of the UN High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development in July 2018.
<http://www.iufro.org/index.php?id=6592#c27094> More…
IUFRO at the Global Landscapes Forum 2017
At this year's Global Landscapes Forum in Bonn, Germany, IUFRO will co-host two
discussion forums and share a booth with partner organizations at the Restoration Pavilion
throughout the event. One discussion forum will focus on "rainfall recycling",
the other on "capacity building for forest and landscape restoration".
<http://www.iufro.org/index.php?id=6592#c27093> More…
Other Information
Publications <http://www.iufro.org/index.php?id=6592#c27085>
Positions <http://www.iufro.org/index.php?id=6592#c27084>
Fellowships <http://www.iufro.org/index.php?id=6592#c27083>
Summer Schools <http://www.iufro.org/index.php?id=6592#c27086>
IUFRO Meetings <http://www.iufro.org/index.php?id=6592#c27082>
Other Meetings <http://www.iufro.org/index.php?id=6592#c27081>
IUFRO Website Features
IUFRO Blog <http://blog.iufro.org/>
Noticeboard <https://www.iufro.org/discover/noticeboard/>
Proceedings Archive <https://www.iufro.org/?id=75>
Scientific Summaries <https://www.iufro.org/?id=79>
RSS Feeds <https://www.iufro.org/?id=3745>
Newsletter Archive <https://www.iufro.org/index.php?id=147>
IUFRO News 12, 2017, published in December 2017
by IUFRO Headquarters, Vienna, Austria.
Available for download at:
Contact the editor at
office(at)iufro.org or visit
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