-------- Mensagem reencaminhada --------
Assunto: [IUFRO Div 8] IUFRO NEWS 2/3, 2020
Data: Thu, 19 Mar 2020 07:35:35 +0100
De: IUFRO Headquarters <office(a)iufro.org>
Organização: IUFRO
Para: Dear Reader of IUFRO News <div8(a)lists.iufro.org>
Issue 2/3, 2020
IUFRO NEWS 2/3, 2020
Dear Reader of IUFRO News:
Amid the global anxiety surrounding the present COVID-19 pandemic, we
trust that you, your families and colleagues are taking the necessary
precautions to remain well.
Although many upcoming IUFRO activities and events have had to be
postponed or cancelled, we are encouraged by the extraordinary level of
communications that continues among IUFRO units via email, social media
and online conferencing.
These activities, along with your continued communications with IUFRO
Headquarters, keep our global network thriving despite the uncertainties
of these times. For this, we are most grateful.
Best wishes,
John Parrotta, /IUFRO President/
and Alexander Buck, /IUFRO Executive Director/
/IUFRO News Double Issue 2&3 newsletter is also available for download
as a PDF or Word file
/To find out more about IUFRO, just visit/ https://www.iufro.org
<https://www.iufro.org/> and follow our blog http://blog.iufro.org/,
Twitter: @iufro <http://twitter.com/IUFRO> and IUFRO Facebook entries
/IUFRO News is widely distributed among IUFRO Members, officeholders and
other interested groups. If you would like to publish in IUFRO News,
contribute to the IUFRO website content or promote a publication via
IUFRO Spotlight, do not hesitate to contact us at IUFRO Headquarters:
office(a)iufro.org <mailto:office@iufro.org>/
International Day of Forests
Forests are home to about 80% of the world's terrestrial biodiversity.
Biodiversity is under serious threat from deforestation, forest
degradation and climate change. Managing forests sustainably, and
restoring them when needed, is crucial for people, biodiversity and climate.
Forest Landscape Restoration Implementation: Lessons learned from
selected landscapes in Africa, Asia and Latin America
IUFRO Occasional Paper 33: A publication prepared by contributors to the
FLR Snapshot Scientific Analysis Project led by the IUFRO Special
Programme for Development of Capacities (IUFRO-SPDC). **More*
IUFRO Starts Follow-up Study on Biodiversity, Forest Management, and
Photo by Peter Tarasiewicz.
The United Nations have declared 2020 the "super year" for biodiversity
and, accordingly, the theme of this year's International Day of Forests
is "forests and biodiversity". Against this background, IUFRO is
announcing the start of a comprehensive review and update process of its
global assessment. **More* <http://www.iufro.org/index.php?id=6948#c29825>…*
IUFRO-led Global Forest Expert Panel (GFEP) Met in Nairobi to Discuss
Forest and Poverty Interlinkages
Following a first meeting of the GFEP Expert Panel on Forests and
Poverty in late August 2019, the main authors of the upcoming GFEP
assessment report met 29-31 January 2020 at the World Agroforestry
Centre (ICRAF) in Nairobi, Kenya. **More*
Forest Research Innovation Potential in National and International
IUFRO President John Parrotta signs the visiting scientist book of CREA
Research Centre for Forestry and Wood at the presence of the Director
Piermaria Corona. Photo provided by J Parrotta.
The workshop on 29 January 2020 at CREA Research Centre for Forestry and
Wood, Arezzo, Italy, aimed to promote hands-on networking and exchanges
about innovation and developing priorities among the forest research
community. **More* <http://www.iufro.org/index.php?id=6948#c29823>…*
News from IUFRO Headquarters
*Janice Burns Assumes New Position as IUFRO-SPDC Deputy Coordinator*
In support of the expanding scope of work and diversity of activities,
we are pleased to report that Ms Janice Burns from Canada, who has been
involved in IUFRO-SPDC activities since 2016, has agreed to assume the
position of IUFRO-SPDC Deputy Coordinator. *More*
Photo by Gerda Wolfrum, IUFRO.
*IFSA-IUFRO Workshop at the IUFRO HQ*
/I/In the week of the International Day of Forests, we would like to
shine a light on the future of our forests, namely, forestry students.
IUFRO hosted a workshop for IFSA officials on the 5^th of February at
the IUFRO Headquarters in Vienna, Austria. **More*
Photo by Willfried Wende, Pixabay.
*Climate Change and Sustainable Supply of Softwood. An Outlook for the
21st Century. The Case of Central Europe.*
In pursuit of IUFRO's strategic goal of providing analysis, insights and
options for practical use by stakeholders, IUFRO started to intensify
cooperation with the forest industry. **More*
IUFRO Vice-President Shirong Liu at 2019 IUFRO World Congress in
Curitiba, Brazil. Photo courtesy of Congress Organizing Committee.
*IUFRO Task Forces: A Multi-disciplinary Approach to Addressing Forest
Challenges around the Globe*
This is the first in a series of IUFRO Spotlight articles that will
highlight the work of IUFRO Task Forces. Current forest-related
challenges are best addressed from a multi-disciplinary perspective.
That's one of the primary reasons underlying the IUFRO Task Forces
(TFs). **More* <http://www.iufro.org/index.php?id=6948#c29817>…*
*Forest Education in Japan*
Historical Review; Current Forestry Practices, Forest Management, and
Wood Processing Education; and Future Expectations - Tama Forest Science
Garden. *More* <http://www.iufro.org/index.php?id=6948#c29816>…
Other Information
Other publications <http://www.iufro.org/index.php?id=6948#c29830>
Awards <http://www.iufro.org/index.php?id=6948#c29833>
News from IUFRO Members and Partner Organizations
Position Announcements <http://www.iufro.org/index.php?id=6948#c29837>
Courses <http://www.iufro.org/index.php?id=6948#c29838>
IUFRO Meetings <http://www.iufro.org/index.php?id=6948#c29806>
Other Meetings <http://www.iufro.org/index.php?id=6948#c29805>
IUFRO Website Features
IUFRO Blog <http://blog.iufro.org/>
Noticeboard <https://www.iufro.org/discover/noticeboard/>
Proceedings Archive <https://www.iufro.org/publications/proceedings/>
Scientific Summaries <https://www.iufro.org/?id=79>
RSS Feeds <https://www.iufro.org/?id=3745>
Newsletter Archive <https://www.iufro.org/index.php?id=147>
/IUFRO News Double Issue 2/3//, 2020, published in March 2020
by IUFRO Headquarters, Marxergasse 2, 1030 Vienna, Austria.
Available for download at:
Contact the editor at office(at)iufro.org <mailto:wolfrum@iufro.org> or
visit https://www.iufro.org/
If you wish to unsubscribe from IUFRO News, please reply to this
newsletter by e-mail (burger(at)iufro.org <mailto:burger@iufro.org>).
Imprint: https://www.iufro.org/legal/#c10402/
-----Message d'origine-----
Dear all,
A research associate (postdoc) opportunity is available with the Forest
Ecosystems & Society Department at Oregon State University
This postdoctoral position will work with Dr. David Bell (USFS) and Dr. Meg
Krawchuk (OSU) on collaborative research projects in the fields of landscape
fire ecology and modeling, conservation, plant community ecology, and
multi-scale vegetation monitoring in the Pacific Northwest: the Fire Refugia
Project and the Vegetation Change Mapping project.
The Fire Refugia Project focuses on the regional geography and
predictability of fire refugia in late successional forests of the PNW
(http://firerefugia.forestry.oregonstate.edu/).This position will be the
research project lead in scientific analysis and communication of results,
with expertise in landscape fire ecology, forest ecology, geography, and
data analysis.
The Vegetation Change Mapping Project focuses on innovations in remote
sensing of forest status and change in support of monitoring the effects of
forest disturbance on forest ecosystems. This position will provide
scientific and technical leadership of components of regional vegetation
monitoring research and development in the Landscape Ecology, Modeling,
Mapping & Analysis team (LEMMA; https://lemma.forestry.oregonstate.edu/).
For further details, please take a look at the full job post:
David M. Bell
[Forest Service Shield]
David Bell
Research Forester
Forest Service
Pacific Northwest Research Station
Resource Monitoring and Assessment Program Vegetation Monitoring and Remote
Sensing Team
p: 541-750-7298
3200 SW Jefferson Way
Corvallis, OR 97331
[USDA Logo]<http://usda.gov/> [Forest Service Twitter]
<https://twitter.com/forestservice> [USDA Facebook]
Caring for the land and serving people