Dear all:
We have formed a new coordination team for the IUFRO Working Party 4.02.01 on Resource Data in the Tropics. The focus of the Working Party will be on legacy tropical forest data sets: finding them, getting them and their metadata archived in an up-to-date digital format, and getting these data available for use, with appropriate protocols and credit to the sources of the data.
We invite you to join our email list at <> , where we discuss issues related to these datasets.
Sheila Ward
Coordinator IUFRO 4.02.01
Invitation to join the email list for IUFRO 4.02.01 Resource Data in the Tropics
Dear all:
We have formed a new coordination team for the IUFRO Working Party 4.02.01 on Resource Data in the Tropics. The focus of the Working Party will be on legacy tropical forest data sets: finding them, getting them and their metadata archived in an up-to-date digital format, and getting these data available for use, with appropriate protocols and credit to the sources of the data. We invite you to join our email list at <> , where we discuss issues related to these datasets.
Please contact tropfordata(a) with any questions or comments.
Sheila Ward
Coordinator IUFRO 4.02.01
>From our colleague Marie Ange: special issue (SI) Forest Ecology and
Open Call: Active restoration of timber production and other ecosystem
services in secondary and degraded forest
Dear Colleagues
I am writing to inform that I am editing a special issue (SI) of Forest
Ecology and Management, entitled "Active restoration of timber production
and other ecosystem services in secondary and degraded forest". From your
research focus, I feel that you may contribute to this special issue.
Forest Ecology and Management is a peer reviewed journal that publishes
scientific articles linking forest ecology with forest management. 2019 IF:
3.170. 5-year IF: 3.581. Website:
The Open call of the SI is located at:
The submission portal will be opened from the 1st of September and until the
1st of December 2020.
All submissions will go through the normal FEM review process. The handling
editor of this SI is Cindy Prescott (Cindy.Prescott(a)
<> ); the guest editors are Plinio Sist, Bryan
Finegan and myself.
We aim to have the special issue ready by December 2020.
We look forward to reading your Manuscript. Please inform your colleagues of
this opportunity.
Marie Ange NGO BIENG
UR Forêts et Sociétés. CIRAD
Campus International de Baillarguet, TA C-105/D
34398 Montpellier Cedex 5 France
Programa Bosques, Biodiversidad y Cambio Climatico. CATIE
Edificio principal. Turrialba. Cartago.
30501. Costa Rica
marie-ange.ngo_bieng(a) <>
<mailto: marie-ange.ngo_bieng(a)
<> >
<> MarieAnge.Ngo(a) <mailto:
<> MarieAnge.Ngo(a)>
Skype: Ngo Bieng Marie Ange
Dear colleagues,
following the successful webinar on landscape ecology and pandemics
organized by the IUFRO Landscape Ecology WP in June, the working party
has been receiving attention from the international scientific community
and from the large IUFRO community.
In August the participants of the webinar wrote an Editorial to the
journal Landscape Ecology titled "The ethics of isolation, the spread of
pandemics, and landscape ecology". The IUFRO News included a note on our
work in issue 49 (page 8), just published.
The editorial in Landscape Ecology is available from the journal:
The IUFRO NEWS issue 49 is available here:
The webinar can still be watched here:
Best regards.
João Azevedo, PhD
Prof. Coordenador
Escola Superior Agrária/Centro de Investigação de Montanha (CIMO)
Instituto Politécnico de Bragança
Campus de Santa Apolónia
5300-253 BRAGANÇA
Phone: (+351) 273 303 341
e-mail: jazevedo(a)
Dear colleagues,
Please find attached information about Landscape 2021 to be organised by
the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF).
Best regards.
-------- Mensagem reencaminhada --------
Assunto: ELI Fwd: Landscape2021 - Call for sessions now open
Data: Tue, 1 Sep 2020 11:50:14 +0200
De: Christine Fürst <christine.fuerst(a)>
CC: Landscape2021(a)
Dear all,
find below an updated information on the Landscape2021 conference.
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: Landscape2021 - Call for sessions now open
Datum: Tue, 1 Sep 2020 08:43:43 +0000
Von: Landscape2021 <Landscape2021(a)>
An: Landscape2021 <Landscape2021(a)>
Dear colleagues,
This is the call for sessions for *Landscape 2021* *- Diversity for
Sustainable and Resilient Agriculture* to be held *September 20-22, 2021
in Berlin, Germany.*
*The conference is organised by the***Leibniz Centre for Agricultural
Landscape Research (ZALF).
The call for *scientific sessions, masterclasses, market place booths
and post-conference workshops **is now***open.
More information is available at:
We look forward to your contributions and would appreciate if you could
further disseminate the announcement among your networks.
Kind regards,
*Conference Chairs: *
Prof. Frank Ewert, Scientific Director, Leibniz Centre for Agricultural
Landscape Research (ZALF), Müncheberg, Germany
Prof. Peter Feindt, Professor of Agricultural and Food Policy, Albrecht
Daniel Thaer Institute for Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences,
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany
Landscape 2021 - Conference Secretariat
Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research
Eberswalder Str. 84, 15374 Müncheberg, Germany
Phone: ++49 (0)33 432-82 410
landscape2021(a) <>
*Landscape 2021: Diversification for Sustainable and Resilient Agriculture*
Save the Date: 20-22 September 2021, Berlin
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <>
Scientific Director: Prof. Dr. Frank Ewert
Administrative Director: Cornelia Rosenberg
Court at which the institute is registered: Amtsgericht Frankfurt/Oder
Register Number: VR 3535
VAT-ID: DE811417184