Dear IUFRO LE WP members,
From our colleagues in Romania.
With wishes of good health to everyone,
Best regards,
João Azevedo
-------- Mensagem reencaminhada --------
Assunto: Conference in the virtual environment: Socio-Ecological
Practice Research for Sustainable Landscape Governance
Data: Wed, 29 Apr 2020 17:53:14 +0300
De: Ileana Stupariu <ileana.stupariu(a)>
Para: Christine Fürst <christine.fuerst(a)>, Ileana
Stupariu <ileana.stupariu(a)>
Dear colleagues and friends,
We are pleased to announce the upcoming *virtual conference*
*Socio-Ecological Practice Research for Sustainable Landscape
Governance* to be held September 06 - 08, 2020.
The aim of the virtual conference is to provide a forum for interactions
between young researchers, scientists and practitioners on the following
The event is jointly organized by the European Land-Use Institute (ELI),
the Research Institute of the University of Bucharest (ICUB), the
Doctoral School Simion Mehedinți (University of Bucharest, Faculty of
Geography), the international journal Socio-Ecological Practice Research
(SEPR) and IALE România.
We invite authors from academia and industry to submit their abstracts
by using the online form
Conference details and updates are posted on the conference website
Please feel free to spread the news among your collaborators and please
do not hesitate to contact us for further information.
Kindest Regards,
Christine Fürstand Ileana Stupariu
Prof. dr. Ileana Stupariu
University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geography
Bd. N. Bălcescu, 010041 Bucharest, România
ICUB,Transdisciplinary Research Centre Landscape - Territory -
Information Systems
Department of Regional Geography and Environment
Phone: +40745062970
E-Mail :<>ileana.stupariu(a);
De : Conigliaro, Michela (FOA)
Objet : GENTLE REMINDER: XI Workshop of the Silva Mediterranea Working Group
Dear Colleague,
This is a gentle reminder to kindly access and fill in the questionnaire
prepared in view of the upcoming workhsop of the Silva Mediterranea WG on
Urban and peri-urban Forestry:
Should you have already compiled the form, please discard the present
Thank you in advance for your collaboration.
Best regards,
Michela Conigliaro
From: Conigliaro, Michela (FOA) <Michela.Conigliaro(a)
<> >
Sent: Friday, April 10, 2020 6:10 PM
Cc: Borelli, Simone (FOA) <Simone.Borelli(a)
<> >; SALBITANO Fabio (fabio.salbitano(a)
<> ) <fabio.salbitano(a)
<> >
Subject: XI Workshop of the Silva Mediterranea Working Group on UPF: AGENDA
Dear Colleague,
Please find attached to this message the final agenda for the Workshop. As
you will see, for each session, a specific link is provided to join the
meeting. For ease of access, calendar invitations (one for each session)
will also be sent later on today to those who have confirmed their
As already mentioned in our previous communication below, we have prepared a
short questionnaire that you are kindly invited to fill in to help us better
orient the discussion and identify priorities for action. Here is the link
to the questionnaire: <> Please note that the link will remain
active until Tuesday 14 April, in order for us to have time to revise
responses and draft a synthesis report prior to the workshop (answers will
be treated confidentially and will anonimously). Both members participating
in the meeting and those not taking part in the event are invited to fill in
the questionnaire.
We look forward to counting on your participation next week.
Best regards,
Michela Conigliaro (on behalf of the Secretariat of the Silva Mediterranea
Working Group on UPF)
Agroforestry/Urban and peri-urban forestry
Forestry Policy and Resources Division
FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00153 Rome, Italy
Phone: + 39 06 570 54420
Skype: m.conigliaro
Email: <> michela.conigliaro(a)
An online Conference please note that the link bellow will remain active
until Tuesday 14 April only!
De : Conigliaro, Michela (FOA) Envoyé : vendredi 10 avril 2020 17:11
Cc : Borelli, Simone (FOA) <Simone.Borelli(a)>; SALBITANO Fabio
(fabio.salbitano(a) <fabio.salbitano(a)>
Dear Colleague,
Please find attached to this message the final agenda for the Workshop. As
you will see, for each session, a specific link is provided to join the
meeting. For ease of access, calendar invitations (one for each session)
will also be sent later on today to those who have confirmed their
As already mentioned in our previous communication below, we have prepared a
short questionnaire that you are kindly invited to fill in to help us better
orient the discussion and identify priorities for action. Here is the link
to the questionnaire: <> Please note that the link will remain
active until Tuesday 14 April, in order for us to have time to revise
responses and draft a synthesis report prior to the workshop (answers will
be treated confidentially and will anonimously). Both members participating
in the meeting and those not taking part in the event are invited to fill in
the questionnaire.
We look forward to counting on your participation next week.
Best regards,
Michela Conigliaro (on behalf of the Secretariat of the Silva Mediterranea
Working Group on UPF)
Agroforestry/Urban and peri-urban forestry
Forestry Policy and Resources Division
FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00153 Rome, Italy
Phone: + 39 06 570 54420
Skype: m.conigliaro
Email: <> michela.conigliaro(a)
From: Conigliaro, Michela (FOA) <Michela.Conigliaro(a)
<> >
Sent: Tuesday, April 7, 2020 3:49 PM
Cc: Borelli, Simone (FOA) <Simone.Borelli(a)
<> >; SALBITANO Fabio (fabio.salbitano(a)
<> ) <fabio.salbitano(a)
<> >
Subject: DRAFT AGENDA - XI Workshop of the Silva Mediterranea Working Group
on UPF
Dear Colleague,
As a follow up to my message of Monday 30 March (see below), please find
attached the draft agenda of the XI Workshop of the Silva Mediterranea WG on
The workshop will be structured into four 90-minutes sessions:
Session 1 - The Working Group in the framework of Silva Mediterranea
Session 2 - Inspirational UPF projects developed in the Region
Session 3 - Revising activities and work plan
Session 4 - What next?
For Session 2, in particular, the aim is to share information on UPF-related
projects/studies that are either ongoing or currently under development in
the Region at local/national/international level. Should you have
interesting cases to report on (even not directly developed by you), please
let us know by Thursday this week (9 April) in order for us to include your
presentation in the final programme of the event that will be sent out on
Friday. We are also planning to send a short questionnaire to help us
better orient the discussion.
Feel free to share this message within your professional networks,
requesting those who are interested to write to us so that we can include
them in the mailing list for the event.
Best regards,
Michela Conigliaro (on behalf of the Secretariat of the Silva Mediterranea
Working Group on UPF)
Agroforestry/Urban and peri-urban forestry
Forestry Policy and Resources Division
FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00153 Rome, Italy
Phone: + 39 06 570 54420
Skype: m.conigliaro
Email: <> michela.conigliaro(a)
Enjoy this opportunity !
Stay safe
Sandra Luque
De : kienast []
Envoyé : dimanche 5 avril 2020 07:08
Objet : MOOC Landscape Ecology: self-paced re-run due to Corona Situation
Self-Paced Re-Run due to Corona Situation
Dear colleagues, dear students,
due to the Corona Situation University teachers and students are in
desperate need of distant learning tools. We thus decided to re-run the MOOC
Landscape Ecology as a self-paced version until Sept. when the next regular
course starts. We would like to give everyone the opportunity to use this
particular time to learn about landscape ecology and to use parts or the
entire course to enrich the current distant learning efforts. Note that this
course is a re-run from our last year's instructor-paced edition. Any
content and notes related to due dates are now irrelevant in the self-paced
mode. And, we cannot provide any support in the discussion sections,
therefore students are requested to help each other. Enjoy the course and
stay safe!
The course features theory, methods and tools to solve landscape-related
environmental problems. Building on introductory theory units, leading
Landscape Ecology professors present case studies from around the world,
highlighting innovative and collaborative approaches.
Head to our course page to find out more:
Help us spread the word - please forward this email to interested
colleagues, and post it on social media channels and websites of your
organisations (IALE, IUFRO, IFLA, Landscape Observatory etc.). Thanks!
Best regards,
Felix Kienast
Prof. Dr. Felix Kienast
ETHZ & Swiss Federal Institute for Forest,
Snow and Landscape Research WSL
8903 Birmensdorf
Tel +41 44 739'23'66
E-Mail: felix.kienast(a) <>
Past President 2015-2019
International Association for Landscape Ecology IALE
( <> )