Dear all,
the Call for Abstracts for Session 34 "Institutional drivers and
barriers for the management of climate related hazards in the forest" at
the IUFRO 125^th Anniversary Congress, “Interconnecting Forests, Science
and People” 19.-22. September 2017 in Freiburg, Germany is now open.
Deadline for Submissions: 30th November 2016
Please find details here:…
and below in this Email.
We are looking forward to contributions from political science, planning
studies and organisational research.
Best regards,
Marco Pütz, Roderich von Detten and Sylvia Kruse
Session 34: "Institutional drivers and barriers for the management of
climate related hazards in the forest"
Forest-related hazards, e.g. wild fires, pest infestations, storms, are
expected to increase in a changing climate. Thus climate change is
expected to introduce so far unknown hazards and risks to some regions
while increasing already existing ones in other parts of the world.
While silviculture and forest planning already investigate the
consequences of these potentially harmful climate related hazards for
adaptive planning and management, socio-economic, institutional and
organisational factors are only rarely explored in forest research. We
want to address this research gap and invite both empirical and
conceptual contributions focussing on the socio-economic, institutional
or organisational factors as well as on their interlinkages that drive
and hinder the management of climate related hazards in the forest. The
following not exhaustive list of research questions could be addressed:
·Which institutional and socio-economic factors increase climate change
related hazards in the forest, such as wild fires, pest infestations,
droughts or storms? Which factors reduce the risks?
·What are the consequences for adaptation responses and how can these
responses be supported by policy and governance?
·How can institutional settings of forest management and other
interrelated policy fields (e.g. spatial planning, nature conservation)
support prevention of climate change induced forest-related hazards?
·How can adaptive governance of climate change induced forest-related
hazards be designed and what adaptive policies have already been put in
place and implemented?
·Which particular role do organizations, private or public, play for the
implementation of strategies regarding the management of climate change
hazards and risks?
·What are the particular approaches and strategies of dealing with
climate change effects with regard to different institutional/
management levels, management cultures or organizational types?
·How is the management of forest ecosystems in the face of climate
related hazards characterized in comparison with other/ “neighbouring”
sectors from natural resources management such as coast/ water
management, landscape management or agriculture?
Dr. Sylvia Kruse
Akademische Rätin/Lecturer
Professur für Forst- und Umweltpolitik/Chair of Forest and Environmental Policy
Universität Freiburg/University of Freiburg
Tennenbacherstr. 4
D- 79106 Freiburg
Tel: +49 (0) 761/203-3721