· Which
institutional and socio-economic factors increase climate
change related hazards in the forest, such as wild fires,
pest infestations, droughts or storms? Which factors
reduce the risks?
· What
are the consequences for adaptation responses and how can
these responses be supported by policy and governance?
· How
can institutional settings of forest management and other
interrelated policy fields (e.g. spatial planning, nature
conservation) support prevention of climate change induced
forest-related hazards?
· How
can adaptive governance of climate change induced
forest-related hazards be designed and what adaptive
policies have already been put in place and implemented?
particular role do organizations, private or public, play
for the implementation of strategies regarding the
management of climate change hazards and risks?
What are the
particular approaches and strategies of dealing with
climate change effects with regard to different
institutional/ management levels, management cultures or
organizational types?
How is the
management of forest ecosystems in the face of climate
related hazards characterized in comparison with other/
“neighbouring” sectors from natural resources management
such as coast/ water management, landscape management or
-- Dr. Sylvia Kruse Akademische Rätin/Lecturer Professur für Forst- und Umweltpolitik/Chair of Forest and Environmental Policy Universität Freiburg/University of Freiburg Tennenbacherstr. 4 D- 79106 Freiburg Tel: +49 (0) 761/203-3721 Email: sylvia.kruse@ifp.uni-freiburg.de https://www.ifp.uni-freiburg.de/