-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Im Auftrag von Lukas Giessen
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 19. Februar 2015 11:02
Betreff: Defining and assessing forest governance
Dear colleagues,
based on a joint effort among researchers from the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO), especially IUFRO Division 9.05 on Forest Policy and Governance, we are happy to share with you an attempt to defining the concept of forest governance from a research perspective (see atachment).
Below you will find the essence with regard to defining forest governance from a research perspective.
Best wishes,
Lukas Giessen, PhD
Senior Researcher
Chair of Forest and Nature Conservation Policy, University of Göttingen Büsgenweg 3, 37077 Göttingen/Germany
Phone: +49 551 39 33413
Web: http://www.uni-goettingen.de/en/135009.html
Web Working Group: http://www.uni-goettingen.de/en/350489.html
Forest governance research
Research into forest governance issues is a popular and timely endeavour. The high relevance of international forest governance research is further reflected by the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) dedicating to this very topic its group 9.05 on Forest Policy and Governance, which includes a special working group 9.05.02 on Forest Governance.
Forest governance research can be conceptualized as social science inquiry into forest-related decisions, their implementation and resulting effects within a given institutional setting.
In order to arrive at relevant and valid conclusions, social science inquiry, more than their physical sciences counterparts, need to clearly define the terms, concepts and methodological frameworks which they apply. Unfortunately, this is not easily and, hence, not always done in forest governance research, running the risk of rendering the concept of forest governance a buzzword, rather than advancing scientific rigor.
Defining forest governance
In the abovementioned sense we propose a wide definition of forest governance, which researchers may find useful to build upon and to further develop according to their empirical cases. Accordingly, forest governance comprises a) all formal and informal, public and private regulatory structures, i.e. institutions consisting of rules, norms, principles, decision procedures, concerning forests, their utilisation and their conservation, b) the interactions between public and private actors therein and c) the effects of either on forests.
Assessing forest governance
Assessing forest governance can be done as a scientific endeavour conducted within the scientific realm, or as a practical enterprise undertaken by actors in the field of forest conservation and utilisation practices.
Within the scientific realm, the researchers are guided by methodological frameworks, which they develop intersubjectively in order to advance scientific knowledge about real world phenomena. There are two broad approaches for such scientific analyses: Analytical studies are concerned with the mere reflection of these phenomena and their explanation and strive for developing value-free methodological frameworks. In contrast, normative analyses imply value judgements on desirable conditions within their methodological frameworks and often develop recommendations towards selected ends. In both approaches, the researchers are free to define their concepts and hypotheses on potential causalities following scientific thought and rigour.
On the contrary, practice-oriented assessments of forest governance inherently imply value judgements which are closely related to the interests of the authors’ organisations developing the methodological frameworks. Recently, a number of such practice-oriented frameworks for assessing forest governance have been developed (FAO 2014, WRI 2013). In such works, value judgements are an implicit or even explicit part of the methodological framework. WRI (2013), for example, build on the normative concept of good forest governance. This does not mean that such assessments are non-scientific; they often are a combination of scientific and practical aspects which are integrated and through this provide for added value to real world challenges .
Dear colleagues,
Please find attached the second Announcement and Call for papers for the
international IUFRO Symposium “Cross-sectoral policy impacts on managerial
economics and accounting in forestry”, jointly organized by IUFRO Unit
9.05.03 (Cross-sectoral policy impacts on forest and environment) and IUFRO
Unit 4.05.00 (Managerial Economics and Accounting). The event will be
organized in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina (May 4th – 6th, 2015).
Kindest regards
On behalf of the Organizing committee
Mersudin Avdibegović
Mersudin Avdibegovic, Ph.D.
University of Sarajevo
Faculty of Forestry
Head of the Chair of Forest Economics, Policy and Organisation
Zagrebacka 20, 71000 Sarajevo, BiH
Tel. +387 33 81 24 90, + 387 33 81 24 91
Fax. +387 33 81 24 88
From: "siegfried.lewark" < <mailto:siegfried.lewark@fobawi.uni-freiburg.de> siegfried.lewark(a)fobawi.uni-freiburg.de>
To: <mailto:div6@lists.iufro.org> div6(a)lists.iufro.org
Date: Tue, 03 Mar 2015 11:31:01 +0100
Dear colleagues,
it is my great pleasure to invite you to this year’s annual conference of SILVA Network – probably you already know about it through other channels.
The title is “Should all Forestry Students learn the same? Generalization versus Specialization”, and it will take place at BOKU in Vienna, 16.-18. April, 2015, including a nice excursion. The conference will be cosponsored by the IUFRO education group.
Please find the announcement and further details under www.silva-network.eu
(deadline for abstracts extended).
I look forward to see you in Vienna soon,
Siegfried Lewark
Prof. Dr. Siegfried Lewark
Universität Freiburg
Professur für Forstliche Arbeitswissenschaft /
Chair of Forest Work Science
Werthmannstr. 6
D-79085 Freiburg
Distinguished Professor
College of Furniture and Industrial Design
Longpan Road 159, Nanjing, Jiangsu
2nd Call for Abstracts (and sorry for cross mailings)
Extended abstract deadline 1st April 2015
SSAFR 2015 – 16th Symposium for Systems Analysis in Forest Resources
August 19-21, 2015, Uppsala, Sweden
Abstract submission through conference homepage http://www.skogforsk.se/ssafr2015
The SSAFR symposia congregate researchers and practitioners in the area of Operations Research and Systems Analysis in Forest Resources. The symposia are held biannually and have until now taken place in the Americas, mostly in USA. This would be the first time the symposium takes place in Europe. Topics of stretches from broad problem areas such as ecosystem services, pest and fire, wood for energy, and landscape planning to mathematical methods and algorithmic developments. The following themes have thus far been identified:
* Educational tools in OR/MS
* Multi Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) methods
* Fire and pest management
* Forest Decision Support Systems - construction and use
* OR/MS techniques for forest planning
* Forest operations
* Planning and control systems for the forest-based supply chains
* The forest-based sector – modeling
* The forest-based sector – challenges and policies
* Bioenergy and biorefineries
* Transportation & routing
* Forest management and biodiversity
Contact and questions
· Scientific program: Ljusk Ola Eriksson (ola.eriksson(a)slu.se<mailto:ola.eriksson@slu.se>)
· Organizational issues: Gert Andersson (gert.andersson(a)skogforsk.se<mailto:gert.andersson@skogforsk.se>)
· SLU: http://www.slu.se/en/departments/forest-resource-management/
· Skogforsk: http://www.skogforsk.se/english/
Wellcome! /Ola Eriksson
Professor Ljusk Ola Eriksson
Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Department of Forest Resource Management
Forest Planning
SE-901 83 UMEÅ
Visiting address: Skogsmarksgränd
Phone: +46 90 786 83 78
Fax: +46907868111
Ljusk.Ola.Eriksson(a)slu.se<mailto:Ljusk.Ola.Eriksson@slu.se>, www.slu.se/srh<http://www.slu.se/srh>
Von: Zadnik-Stirn, Lidija
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 18. Februar 2015 22:53
Betreff: [IUFRO Div 4] IUFRO 4.05.00 and 9.05.03 symposium in Sarajevo may 4-6, 2015: abstract deadline
Dear friend, dear colleague!
Let us kindly inform you that the extended abstract submission deadline for the International IUFRO Symposium: Cross-sectoral policy impacts on managerial economics and accounting in forestry, jointly organized by IUFRO Unit 9.05.03 and IUFRO Unit 4.05.00 in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Hotel Hollywood, May 4th – 6th, 2015 (http://www.iufro.org/science/divisions/division-9/90000/90500/90503/activit…) is
March 1st, 2015 - the extended abstract should be sent to Mersudin Avdibegović ( <mailto:mavdibegovic@gmail.com> mavdibegovic(a)gmail.com) and Bruno Marić ( <mailto:bruno.m.maric@gmail.com> bruno.m.maric(a)gmail.com.
We hope you can participate in this symposium by submitting a paper reflecting your current research and/or professional work/expertise.
All information regarding the symposium can be found in Attachment and on IUFRO web-site:
We believe that the symposium will bring important scientific and professional insight into recent research in the discipline and will be of a great interest to you.
We look forward to meeting you in Sarajevo in May 4-6, 2015.
With best regards,
Lidija Zadnik Stirn, coordinator of IUFRO 4.05.00
Walter Sekot, coordinator of IUFRO 4.05.01
Donald Hodges, coordinator of IUFRO 4.05.02
for Symposium Organizing Committee
Apologies for cross-posting. Please send to interested colleagues and students.
2nd Call for Abstracts (and sorry for cross mailings)
Abstract deadline March 1st 2015 – Notification April 1st 2015
SSAFR 2015 – 16th Symposium for Systems Analysis in Forest Resources
August 19-21, 2015, Uppsala, Sweden
Homepage: http://www.skogforsk.se/ssafr2015
Abstract submission: https://www.anpdm.com/public/run-survey.aspx?Id=41435A40794444504B7540&Sess…
The SSAFR symposia congregate researchers and practitioners in the area of Operations Research and Systems Analysis in Forest Resources. The symposia are held biannually since the 1980’s and have until now taken place in the Americas; for the first time now in Europe.
Objectives and themes
The aim is to have a representation of presentations and experts that covers this broad and expanding field. Topics of interest include: strategic, operational and tactical planning forest planning, fire and pests, spatial problems, hierarchical problems, forest operations, forest supply chain, multiple objectives, uncertainty, GIS and information technologies, algorithmic developments, exact, heuristic and metaheuristic methods as well as broad problem areas such as economics of sustainability, assessment of ecosystem services, environmental issues, wood for energy, and landscape planning. The following themes are identified for the conference (other may be organized on request, please get in touch with Scientific Committee chair):
* Educational tools in OR/MS
* Multi Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) methods
* Fire and pest - modeling and control
* Forest Decision Support Systems - construction and use
* OR/MS techniques for forest planning
* Forest operations
* Planning and control systems for the forest-based supply chains
* The forest-based sector – modeling
* The forest-based sector – challenges and policies
Some important dates
* March 1st, 2015: Deadline submission of presentations and posters
* April 1st, 2015: Presentations and posters notification
* June 15th, 2015: Early bird registration deadline
Contact and questions
* Scientific program: Ljusk Ola Eriksson (ola.eriksson(a)slu.se<mailto:ola.eriksson@slu.se>)
* Organizational issues: Gert Andersson (gert.andersson(a)skogforsk.se<mailto:gert.andersson@skogforsk.se>)
* SLU: http://www.slu.se/en/departments/forest-resource-management/
* Skogforsk: http://www.skogforsk.se/english/
Professor Ljusk Ola Eriksson
Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Department of Forest Resource Management
Forest Planning
SE-901 83 UMEÅ
Visiting address: Skogsmarksgränd
Phone: +46 90 786 83 78
Fax: +46907868111
Ljusk.Ola.Eriksson(a)slu.se<mailto:Ljusk.Ola.Eriksson@slu.se>, www.slu.se/srh<http://www.slu.se/srh>
Dear All,
We are happy to inform you that we have opened the registration for
neFFE Conference, August 17-23, 2015 at Peking University China. The
last date for registration is April 30, 2015.
Please note that:
(I) The process of abstracts (for paper and posters) submission and
selection has been completed. The authors of selected papers have been
(2) Now the registration is open for anyone who is interested in
participating in the conference. Please refer to the conference website
for the role of all participants.
(3) We will close the registration as soon as we have 40 participants.
I am enclosing a registration form with this e-mail. This form is also
available on the conference website.
For all details of the conference, please visit the conference website:
With warm regards
Prof. Shashi Kant
Faculty of Forestry
University of Toronto
Dear colleagues,
please find enclosed the promised 1st announcement and call for papers for
our IUFRO Unit 9.06.00 meeting to be held in Brasov, Romania, in May 20 -22,
The pre-registration form is also included, so please, feel free to complete
it and send us back as soon as possible, not later that February 28, 2015.
We are already looking forward to meet you in May in Brasov!
Best regards,
Rastislav Sulek
Assoc. Prof. Rastislav Šulek, Ph.D.
Department of Forest Economics and Management
Faculty of Forestry
Technical University in Zvolen
T. G. Masaryka 24, SK-96053 Zvolen, Slovak Republic
tel.: +421-45-5206325
fax: +421-45-5332654
e-mail: sulek(a)tuzvo.sk