Von: Gunnhild Søgaard [mailto:GUS@skogoglandskap.no]
Gesendet: Montag, 6. Juni 2011 09:22
An: div1(a)lists.iufro.org
Cc: burger
Betreff: International boreal forest research conference 'Forest management
and silviculture in the north - balancing future needs' - Final Call
Dear IUFRO colleagues,
September 6 - 8, 2011 IUFRO WP 1.01.01 Boreal forest silviculture and
management together with the SNS-network group NORFOR ('Sustainable forest
management in northern Fennoscandia') arrange an international forest
research conference in Mid-Norway (near Trondheim). The Norwegian Forest and
Landscape Institute is host organization for the conference.
The conference title is 'Forest management and silviculture in the north -
balancing future needs'.
Scientific topics
1. Silviculture in the north in times of climate change:
· Climate change: effects on productivity and carbon sequestration in
northern forests.
· Insects and pathogens in northern forest systems under global
warming - consequences for forest production and implications for
· Cost-effective regeneration, pre-commercial thinning and young stand
management to maintain or increase biomass production of northern forest
2. Multifunctional forestry and environmental services:
· Developing adaptive silvicultural systems to maintain biodiversity
values and production levels.
· Reducing conflicts between wood production and non-timber values
such as reindeer husbandry, berry production and recreational activities.
· Implementing coherent forest policy and certification schemes that
are consistent with forest productivity, stand management, climate
mitigation and biodiversity goals.
Invited speakers
Professor emeritus Sune Linder, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences,
Dr. Dave Coates, senior research scientist at Ministry of Natural resource
Operations, Canada
Dr Matti Siren, research scientist at METLA (The Finnish Forest Research
Institute), Finland
Professor Victor Lieffers, research scientist at Department of Renewable
Resources, University of Alberta, Canada
Dr Seija Tuulentie, research scientist at METLA (The Finnish Forest Research
Institute), Finland
Dr Anne Sverdrup-Thygeson, senior research scientist at Norwegian Institute
for Nature Research, Norway
Conference location will be Quality Airport Hotel Værnes, only 2.5 km from
Trondheim Airport Værnes.
Please visit the conference website for further details:
Deadline for registration and submission of abstract (for oral or poster
presentation) is June 8.
Registration is through the Registration Form at the conference website.
Submission of abstracts to silviculture2011(a)skogoglandskap.no
We welcome researchers, managers, students and others interested in
silviculture and management of our boreal forests.
On behalf of IUFRO WP 1.01.01 and NORFOR,
Gunnhild Søgaard
Coordinator IUFRO WP 1.01.01 Boreal forest silviculture and management
Norsk institutt for skog og landskap /
Norwegian Forest and Landscape Institute
Pb PO Box 115, NO-1431 Ås
T (+47) 64 94 90 51
Cell (+47) 917 27 960
Dear IUFRO colleagues,
September 6 - 8, 2011 IUFRO WP 1.01.01 Boreal forest silviculture and
management together with the SNS-network group NORFOR ('Sustainable forest
management in northern Fennoscandia') arrange an international forest
research conference in Mid-Norway (near Trondheim). The Norwegian Forest and
Landscape Institute is host organization for the conference.
The conference title is 'Forest management and silviculture in the north -
balancing future needs', and it will be held at Quality Airport Hotel
Værnes, only 2.5 km from Trondheim Airport Værnes.
Scientific topics
1. Silviculture in the north in times of climate change:
· Climate change: effects on productivity and carbon sequestration in
northern forests.
· Insects and pathogens in northern forest systems under global
warming - consequences for forest production and implications for
· Cost-effective regeneration, pre-commercial thinning and young stand
management to maintain or increase biomass production of northern forest
2. Multifunctional forestry and environmental services:
· Developing adaptive silvicultural systems to maintain biodiversity
values and production levels.
· Reducing conflicts between wood production and non-timber values
such as reindeer husbandry, berry production and recreational activities.
· Implementing coherent forest policy and certification schemes that
are consistent with forest productivity, stand management, climate
mitigation and biodiversity goals.
Invited speakers
Professor emeritus Sune Linder, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences,
Dr. Dave Coates, senior research scientist at Ministry of Natural resource
Operations, Canada
Dr Matti Siren, research scientist at METLA (The Finnish Forest Research
Institute), Finland
Professor Victor Lieffers, research scientist at Department of Renewable
Resources, University of Alberta, Canada
Dr Seija Tuulentie, research scientist at METLA (The Finnish Forest Research
Institute), Finland
Dr Anne Sverdrup-Thygeson, senior research scientist at Norwegian Institute
for Nature Research, Norway
Please visit the conference website for further details:
Deadline for registration and submission of abstract (for oral or poster
presentation) is June 1. Registration is through the conference website.
We welcome researchers, managers, students and others interested in
silviculture and management of our boreal forests.
On behalf of IUFRO WP 1.01.01 and NORFOR,
Gunnhild Søgaard
Coordinator IUFRO WP 1.01.01 Boreal forest silviculture and management
Norsk institutt for skog og landskap /
Norwegian Forest and Landscape Institute
Pb PO Box 115, NO-1431 Ås
T (+47) 64 94 90 51
Cell (+47) 917 27 960
<http://www.skogoglandskap.no> www.skogoglandskap.no
forwarded on behalf of Gunnhild Sogaard by Brigitte Burger, IUFRO
From: bounce-1107707-220888(a)lists.iisd.ca
[mailto:bounce-1107707-220888@lists.iisd.ca] On Behalf Of Rose, Simmone
Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2011 2:35 AM
To: Forest Policy Info Mailing List
Subject: Climate change survey for forest managers / Une enquête sur le
changement climatique pour les gestionnaires forestiers / Una encuesta sobre
cambio climático para las autoridades forestales
Importance: High
FAO, in collaboration with forest management, climate change experts and
relevant stakeholders, is developing guidelines to assist forest managers to
effectively respond to climate change challenges and opportunities. These
guidelines will include actions related to both climate change adaptation
and mitigation and will be relevant to all types of forests, all management
objectives and all types of managers. More information on this effort may be
found here FAO Forests and
<http://www.fao.org/forestry/climatechange/65120/en/> Climate Change
Programme or requested at Climate-Change-Forest-Managers(a)fao.org.
To facilitate the development of the guidelines, we are conducting a survey
for forest managers (The survey in English
<https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/9L22T2Q> ). We are inviting you to provide
your views and perceptions on factors that limit the ability of forest
managers to prepare for and respond to climate change.
Kindly forward the survey to your members and your mailing list(s). The
content of individual responses will not be published and will remain
Kindly allocate 15 minutes to complete this survey.
Thank you in advance for your time and effort in responding to the survey.
Best regards,
The Forests and Climate Change Team
La FAO, en collaboration avec des experts en matière de gestion des forêts
et du changement climatique et les parties prenantes concernées, est en
train de développer des directives pour aider les gestionnaires des forêts à
répondre efficacement aux défis du changement climatique et à ses
opportunités. Ces directives comprendront des actions liées à l'adaptation
et à l'atténuation du changement climatique et seront adaptées à tous les
types de forêts, tous les objectifs de gestion et tous les types de
gestionnaires. Pour plus d'informations sur cet effort, vous pouvez
consulter le site Programme de
<http://www.fao.org/forestry/climatechange/65120/fr> la FAO sur les forêts
et le changement climatique ou vous pouvez écrire à
Pour faciliter l'élaboration de ces directives, nous réalisons une enquête
au près des gestionnaires forestiers (
<https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/9LMZ8XX> L'enquête en française). Nous vous
invitons à donner votre opinion et vos perceptions sur les facteurs qui
limitent la capacité des gestionnaires forestiers à se préparer et répondre
au changement climatique.
Veuillez s'il vous plaît envoyer lenquête à vos membres et à vos listes
d'adresses. Le contenu de vos réponses ne sera pas publié et restera
Nous vous invitons à prendre 15 minutes pour remplir ce questionnaire.
Merci d'avance pour votre temps et vos efforts consacrés à cette enquête.
Meilleures salutations,
Forêts et changement climatique.
La FAO, en colaboración con expertos en ordenación forestal y en cambio
climático y con las partes interesadas pertinentes, está elaborando
directrices para ayudar a las autoridades forestales a responder con
eficacia a los desafíos y oportunidades que plantea el cambio climático.
Estas directrices comprenderán medidas de adaptación y mitigación ante el
cambio climático, y serán adecuadas para todo tipo de bosques, todos los
objetivos de gestión y a todos los responsables de la gestión forestal. En
el siguiente enlace se presenta más información sobre esta actividad:
Programa de la FAO <http://www.fao.org/forestry/climatechange/65120/es/>
sobre los bosques y el cambio climático o podéis escribir a
Con el fin de facilitar la elaboración de las directrices, estamos haciendo
una encuesta a las autoridades forestales (La encuesta en
<https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/98HHFSG> español). Los invitamos a compartir
puntos de vista y opiniones sobre los factores que limitan la capacidad de
los responsables de la gestión forestal para prepararse al cambio climático
y responder a sus desafíos.
Envíe por favor la encuesta a sus membro y sus listas de correos. No se
publicarán las respuestas de los cuestionarios, su contenido se mantendrá
Sírvase dedicar 15 minutos a la respuesta del cuestionario.
Por anticipado, muchas gracias por su tiempo y atención para participar en
la encuesta.
Saludos cordiales,
Bosques y cambio climático
circulated by IUFRO Headquarters
Dear Div 1 colleagues
IUFRO Div 1 (RG 1.02.00) is co-organizing with IUFRO Div 8, CIRAD,
CIFOR, ECOFOR and Agropolis International an international conference
on tropical silviculture: "Research priorities in tropical silviculture:
towards new paradigms?".
This will be the occasion to make a reference point about tropical
silviculture and to reorganize our research group. We are looking for
you and your contributions. Do not miss this opportunity to share your
work and to help advance our field of research for better managed
Link to the IUFRO Div 1 event page:
To download the announcement:
The conference website is accessible at
Best regards
Dr Robert Nasi
Programme Director
Forests and Environment
CIFOR (Center for International Forestry Research)
Tel: +62 251 8 622 622
Fax: +62 251 8 622 100
Email: r.nasi(a)cgiar.org
Mailing Address:
PO Box 0113 BOCBD
Bogor 16000
Office Address
Jalan CIFOR, Situ Gede
Bogor Barat 16115
CIFOR offsets its carbon emissions through the CarbonFree(r) Partner
CarbonFree supports third-party validated renewable energy, energy
efficiency, and reforestation projects worldwide.
Dear IUFRO colleagues,
September 6 8, 2011 IUFRO WP 1.01.01 Boreal forest silviculture and
management and the SNS-network group NORFOR (Sustainable forest management
in northern Fennoscandia) arrange an international forest research
conference in Mid-Norway (near Trondheim). The Norwegian Forest and
Landscape Institute is host organization for the conference.
The conference title is Forest management and silviculture in the north
balancing future needs, and it will be held at Quality Airport Hotel
Værnes, only 2.5 km from Trondheim Airport Værnes.
Scientific topics:
1. Silviculture in the north in times of climate change:
· Climate change: effects on productivity and carbon sequestration in
northern forests.
· Insects and pathogens in northern forest systems under global
warming - consequences for forest production and implications for
· Cost-effective regeneration, pre-commercial thinning and young stand
management to maintain or increase biomass production of northern forest
2. Multifunctional forestry and environmental services:
· Developing adaptive silvicultural systems to maintain biodiversity
values and production levels.
· Reducing conflicts between wood production and non timber values
such as reindeer husbandry, berry production and recreational activities.
· Implementing coherent forest policy and certification schemes that
are consistent with forest productivity, stand management, climate
mitigation and biodiversity goals.
Registration is open. Please visit the conference website for further
details: http://seminar.skogkurs.no/silviculture2011
We welcome researchers, managers, students and others interested in
silviculture and management of our boreal forests.
On behalf of IUFRO WP 1.01.01 and NORFOR,
Gunnhild Søgaard
Coordinator IUFRO WP 1.01.01 Boreal forest silviculture and management
Norsk institutt for skog og landskap /
Norwegian Forest and Landscape Institute
Pb PO Box 115, NO-1431 Ås
T (+47) 64 94 90 51
Cell (+47) 917 27 960
www.skogoglandskap.no <http://www.skogoglandskap.no>
circulated on behalf of Gunnhild Søgaard by Brigitte Burger, IUFRO
I'm looking for pictures or drawings of some Kenyan trees as a first step in
a allometry project. I've had some success searching the literature, texts,
and google images, but I haven't been able to locate anything for the
following trees:
Cremaspora trifoliaGarcinia volkensis Margaritiana discoideaOlinia
rochetiana Terena graveolens
Any representative photos you could share or resources you might point me to
would be a great help.
*Ben Caldwell*
University of California, Berkeley
137 Mulford Hall #3114
Berkeley, CA 94720
Office 223 Mulford Hall
"From genomes to integration and delivery"
Arraial d' Ajuda, Bahia, Brazil
June 26 to July 2, 2011
Dear IUFRO colleagues,
The Conference organization is developing exceptionally well. I am now pleased to inform that the scientific program has been posted in the conference webpage. Please visit http://www.treebiotech2011.com/program.html for more details.
The organizing committee has also extended the abstract submission deadlines in order to capture an increased representation of worldwide contributions to the Conference. The new deadlines are:
Submission of abstracts to be selected for oral presentation March 31, 2011
Submission of abstract for poster presentation only April 30, 2011
STUDENT TRAVEL GRANTS. Applications for Student Travel Grants are open. A number of travel grants will be available to students regularly enrolled in undergraduate or graduate programs and presenting an abstract as first author either orally or as poster. The awards will include complimentary registration and a grant towards the recipients' accommodation costs. Applications are in English only and must be received by March 31, 2011. Confirmations will be made before April 15, 2011.
BEST ABSTRACT AWARDS. Awards will be granted to the three best abstracts presented orally and the three best abstracts presented as posters by students or young scientists (< 35 years old) as first authors, irrespective of the program session.
SPONSORSHIPS FOR THE CONFERENCE ARE WELCOME. We have confirmed an excellent group of sponsor organizations for the Conference (see at http://www.treebiotech2011.com/sponsors.html. Sponsorships of the IUFRO Tree Biotechnology 2011 Conference continue open until April 30. Such sponsorships offer a prime opportunity to reach the forest biotech decision makers. Sponsors benefits go beyond those directly associated with the specific sponsorship opportunities, and include complimentary registrations, recognition on marketing materials, exhibit booth area, use of meeting rooms to hold company's technical workshops to advertise company´s products or and access to meeting space on-site. Sponsor's benefits are based upon the organization's sponsorship level. As the level of financial support increases, sponsorship benefits increase accordingly. Please see the Sponsorship options at http://www.treebiotech2011.com/opportunities.html for more information.
HELP ADVERTISE THE IUFRO TREE BIOTECH 2011 CONFERENCE. We gladly welcome help from the forest science community to continue to promote the conference. To this end we encourage you to download the second conference announcement flyer (pdf format) from the conference webpage at http://www.treebiotech2011.com/conference_announcements.html print it and post it in your laboratory or department building message board. We have also posted a short Powerpoint presentation that you are welcome to use to help advertise the conference during your next seminar. You are also welcome to forward this message to any mailing list that you believe would reach colleagues interested in this Conference.
So mark the conference on your 2011 calendar, June 26 - July 2. It will sure be a memorable Conference.
We look forward to welcoming you in person!
Dario Grattapaglia
Conference Chair - IUFRO Tree Biotechnology 2011
Aviso de confidencialidade:
- Esta mensagem da Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa), empresa pública federal regida pelo disposto na Lei Federal nº 5.851, de 7 de dezembro de 1972, é enviada exclusivamente a seu destinatário e pode conter informações confidenciais, protegidas por sigilo profissional. Sua utilização desautorizada é ilegal e sujeita o infrator às penas da lei. Se você a recebeu indevidamente, queira, por gentileza, reenviá-la ao emitente, esclarecendo o equívoco.
Confidentiality note:
- "This message from Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa), a government company established under Brazilian law (5.851/72), is directed exclusively to its addressee and may contain confidential data, protected under professional secrecy rules. Its unauthorized use is illegal and may subject the transgressor to the law's penalties. If you are not the addressee, please send it back, elucidating the failure".
Dear Division 1 colleagues (and tropical silviculturists)
Please find attached the announcement for an international conference of
RG 1.02.00 (Tropical and Subtropical Silviculture) and 8.02.00 (Forest
Biodiversity), in November 2011 in Montpellier co-organized by CIRAD,
You can also find the announcement on IUFRO calendar of events:
Best regards
Dr Robert Nasi
Programme Director
Forests and Environment
CIFOR (Center for International Forestry Research)
Tel: +62 251 8 622 622
Fax: +62 251 8 622 100
Email: r.nasi(a)cgiar.org
Mailing Address:
PO Box 0113 BOCBD
Bogor 16000
Office Address
Jalan CIFOR, Situ Gede
Bogor Barat 16115
CIFOR offsets its carbon emissions through the CarbonFree(r) Partner
CarbonFree supports third-party validated renewable energy, energy
efficiency, and reforestation projects worldwide.
Dear Participants of the FAGUS 2010 International Scientific Symposium,
Dear Organisers and Supporters,
It is our special pleasure to share with you the news on publishing Papers on the Future of Beech further to the FAGUS 2010 International Scientific Symposium which took place from October 27th - October 29th 2010 in Varaždin, Croatia and Zala County, Hungary.
All authors who submitted their papers to the FAGUS 2010 reviewing process and were positively evaluated in review will find their papers in the upcoming edition of 'Acta Sylvatica et Lignaria Hungarica', Vol.6 (2010):
Other news on FAGUS you may check at: http://www.sumins.hr/fagus2010/news.html
Once again we would like to express our most sincere gratitude to IUFRO and EFI on their overall contribution and support in organisation of FAGUS 2010;
to our Hungarian partners for their organisation and support same as for the post-symposium activities;
to national Institutions who generously supported this international scientific event of great importance for both countries organisers;
and to all participants without whom we would not have such a successful symposium!
Thank you all!
On behalf of the FAGUS 2010 Organization Committee we cordially salute you,
and looking forward to meet you on some other occasion
Igor Kolar, dipl. Ing.šum.
Hrvatski šumarski institut /Croatian Forest Research Institute
Stručni suradnik za međunarodnu suradnju /Associate for International Cooperation
Cvjetno naselje 41, HR-10450 Jastrebarsko, Croatia
Tel: +385.1.6273.008, Fax: +385.1.6273.035, Mob: +385.99.2281.681,
E-mail: igork(a)sumins.hr
Molimo vodite brigu o očuvanju okoliša prije ispisa /Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail
Dear Sirs - Mrs,
It is our special pleasure to share with you the 3rd Official FAGUS 2010 Announcement along with the supporting information package available from now onwards on our web-site: http://www.sumins.hr/fagus2010/index.html
On behalf of the FAGUS 2010 Organization Committee we cordially salute you,
and looking forward to meet you soon in Varaždin, Croatia and Zala County, Hungary from October 27th - October 29th 2010
Igor Kolar, dipl. Ing.šum.
Hrvatski šumarski institut /Croatian Forest Research Institute
Cvjetno naselje 41, HR-10450 Jastrebarsko, Croatia
Tel: +385.1.6273.008, Fax: +385.1.6273.035, Mob: +385.99.2281.681,
E-mail: igork(a)sumins.hr
Molimo vodite brigu o očuvanju okoliša prije ispisa /Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail
Looking forward to meet you at the upcoming FAGUS 2010 Symposium: http://www.sumins.hr/fagus2010/index.html