This IUFRO symposium is intended to provide a forum for exchange of ideas related to principles of nutrition in nursery seedlings and juvenile forest trees. Emphasis will be placed on the development of effective and environmentally sound technologies to optimize seedling quality and promote reforestation and forest restoration operations. The first day will focus on Nutrition in the Nursery and at Field Establishment and the second day will focus on Juvenile Stand Nutrition. The program is aimed toward an international audience of nursery and forest practitioners, scientists, and educators. Presentations will be of excellent scientific quality while also providing new, useful information which can be readily and widely applied to nursery and forest practices. Selected authors will be invited to prepare a paper for the symposium proceedings to be published in a special issue of the international journal, New Forests.
The symposium is being organized by Western Forestry and Conservation Association, Purdue University, and USDA Forest Service with support from IUFRO divisions 1.01.03 (Temperate Forest Regeneration), 1.06.00 (Restoration of Degraded Sites), and 3.02.00 (Stand Establishment and Treatment).
· Barbara Hawkins , University of Victoria, Canada - Influence of species and soil temperature on N-form preference and uptake
· Simon Landhausser, University of Alberta, Canada - The role of carbon reserves in seedling nutrition and stress tolerance
· Juan Oliet, Politecnica University, Spain - Seedling nutrient loading to improve planting success: A Mediterranean perspective
· Pedro Villar-Salvador, University of Alcala, Spain - Nursery fertilization of oaks: consequences for plant quality and outplanting performance
· Joshua Sloan, Purdue University, Indiana, USA- Improved fertilizer use efficiency and growth of tree seedlings on reclaimed oil sands
· Jordi Cortina, University of Alicante, Spain - The role of nutrients for improving seedling quality in drylands
· Tom Fox, Virginia Tech University, USA - Juvenile fertilization of loblolly pine plantations
· Leonardo Gonçalves, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil - Nutrition and fertilization of short-rotation eucalypt plantations of high productivity
· Cindy Prescott, University of British Columbia, Canada- Nutrition of cedar and hemlock plantations in coastal BC
· Shucai Zeng, South China Agricultural University - Comparison of soil properties under plantations and natural forests in South China
· Rob Harrison, University of Washington, USA - Nutrition management of Pacific Northwest Douglas-fir plantations
· Owen Burney, USA - The role of seedling nutrition on ungulate herbivory patterns
· John Turner, Forsci Pty Ltd, New South Wales, Australia - Site specific management and inter-rotational productivity of radiata pine
· Johanna Riikonen, Finnish Forest Research Institute - Effects of boron fertilization applied in nursery or after planting on the performance of Norway spruce seedlings on boron-poor sites
If you would like to participate in this event with a presentation or poster, please send an abstract (max. 300 words including title, authors and affiliations) to DLHaase(a) by July 20, 2012.
The full agenda and registration details will be available at:<>
Diane Haase
Western Nursery Specialist
Editor, Tree Planters' Notes
USDA Forest Service
PO Box 3623
Portland, OR 97208
503.808.2349 office
503.867.0469 mobile
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To All,
Please note that registration is now open for the above meeting and
abstracts of scientific papers and ideas for symposia can now be
submitted. The conference title is 'Uneven-aged silviculture:
Optimizing timber production, ecosystem services and resilience to
climate change'.
To register and find out more detailed information follow the link:
To register click on the green 'here' under Registration details.
I look forward to meeting you later in 2012.
Dr Gary Kerr
Co-ordinator IUFRO RG 1.05.00
Forest Research
Alice Holt Lodge
GU10 4LH
United Kingdom
Telephone: 01420 526224
Fax : 01420 520558
International Telephone: ++ 44 1420 526224
International FAX : ++ 44 1420 520558
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The deadline for abstracts has been extended to June 11, 2012 for the
which is jointly organized by the WP 1.01.09, 2.02.13, 2.02.09 and the
forest faculty of Kastamonu University. The meeting will be held on
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, September 12-14, 2012 in Kastamonu, Turkey.
For details see: <>
The aim of the conference is to provide a synoptic overview on latest
research outputs in fir ecosystem dynamics, recent threats and suitable
management concepts. Presentations are welcome for the following session
1. The current status of fir species in Europe and the Mediterranean region
2. Ecology of fir species (incl. pathology)
3. Genetics of fir species (incl. provenance trials)
4. Silviculture of fir species (incl. multipurpose management concepts)
5. Economic value and marketing on fir species
6. Usage of fir species for non-wood products and services (landscape,
ornamental plants etc.)
7. The importance of fir species on industrial use
A pre-conference tour is offered separately which will bring you to the fir
forests of Bolu and Karabük.
We cordially invite all scientists working with fir species for contributing
to this interdisciplinary conference.
On behalf of the organizing committee
Sezgin AYAN
Dear Colleagues,
Please note that the provisional programme for this IUFRO conference is
now available on our website at$FILE/IUF
RO_spruce_2012_programme.pdf .
The Early Bird registration deadline has been extended until the end of
June. Registration forms and other details are also available on the
website: .
Please do not hesitate to let us know if you require further
With kind regards,
Bill Mason
W.L.(Bill) Mason,
Senior Silviculturist,
Forest Research,
Northern Research Station,
EH25 9SY
Tel: +44 (0) 1314452176 or 6953
Fax: +44 (0) 1314455124
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