Dear IUFRO colleagues,
September 6 8, 2011 IUFRO WP 1.01.01 Boreal forest silviculture and
management and the SNS-network group NORFOR (Sustainable forest management
in northern Fennoscandia) arrange an international forest research
conference in Mid-Norway (near Trondheim). The Norwegian Forest and
Landscape Institute is host organization for the conference.
The conference title is Forest management and silviculture in the north
balancing future needs, and it will be held at Quality Airport Hotel
Værnes, only 2.5 km from Trondheim Airport Værnes.
Scientific topics:
1. Silviculture in the north in times of climate change:
· Climate change: effects on productivity and carbon sequestration in
northern forests.
· Insects and pathogens in northern forest systems under global
warming - consequences for forest production and implications for
· Cost-effective regeneration, pre-commercial thinning and young stand
management to maintain or increase biomass production of northern forest
2. Multifunctional forestry and environmental services:
· Developing adaptive silvicultural systems to maintain biodiversity
values and production levels.
· Reducing conflicts between wood production and non timber values
such as reindeer husbandry, berry production and recreational activities.
· Implementing coherent forest policy and certification schemes that
are consistent with forest productivity, stand management, climate
mitigation and biodiversity goals.
Registration is open. Please visit the conference website for further
We welcome researchers, managers, students and others interested in
silviculture and management of our boreal forests.
On behalf of IUFRO WP 1.01.01 and NORFOR,
Gunnhild Søgaard
Coordinator IUFRO WP 1.01.01 Boreal forest silviculture and management
Norsk institutt for skog og landskap /
Norwegian Forest and Landscape Institute
Pb PO Box 115, NO-1431 Ås
T (+47) 64 94 90 51
Cell (+47) 917 27 960
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circulated on behalf of Gunnhild Søgaard by Brigitte Burger, IUFRO
I'm looking for pictures or drawings of some Kenyan trees as a first step in
a allometry project. I've had some success searching the literature, texts,
and google images, but I haven't been able to locate anything for the
following trees:
Cremaspora trifoliaGarcinia volkensis Margaritiana discoideaOlinia
rochetiana Terena graveolens
Any representative photos you could share or resources you might point me to
would be a great help.
*Ben Caldwell*
University of California, Berkeley
137 Mulford Hall #3114
Berkeley, CA 94720
Office 223 Mulford Hall