Conference announcement and call for papers:
Forest sector modelling
- new approaches and findings for improved resource decisions in a globalized world
In Lillehammer, Norway, October 15-18, 2013 IUFRO Division 9.07.00 Forest sector analysis
and the Department of Ecology and Natural Resource Management at the Norwegian
University of Life Sciences (UMB) invite researchers and others interested in Forest
Sector Modeling (FSM) to a conference devoted to explore methodological issues and
research questions of high current interest at the national, regional and global scale.
Keynote presentations, plenary and concurrent sessions are expected to be filled by
developers and users of FSM with emphasis on forestry, forest industry, trade and policy.
Call for papers:
The committee seeks papers on recent methodological developments and applications in
the field. We are particularly interested in analyses addressing:
* Coupling or linking of partial equilibrium FSM with other models (energy, climate, land
and general equilibrium models)
* Short-term vs. long-term modeling issues
* Impacts of agent behaviour assumptions
* Climate change mitigation
* Impacts of and adaptation to climate change
* Bioenergy
* International trade of wood fibre
* Competition for wood fibre between traditional and new uses
* Risk and uncertainty
* Technological change
* FSM in future foresight studies
* New econometric results as important input in forest sector modelling
Because of space limitations, priority is given for model analyses which include both
forestry and wood-using sectors.
Abstracts not exeeding 200 words should be submitted to fsm2013(a) by
April 8, 2013.
Depending on the number of contributions, a special issue or a book is planned in
collaboration with one or two international refereed journals.
The committee welcomes in particular young researchers in the field and they are
encouraged to submit abstracts.
The conference will be held in the town of Lillehammerin Norway, situated approximately
km north of Oslo Airport. The hotel can be easily reached by train and bus from the
airport. Lillehammer hosted the Olympic winter games in 1994 and offers good opportunities
for outdoor activities and picturesque surroundings (with wooden buildings from A.D. 1150
onwards). Information regarding hotel bookings and registration will be provided later.
Program outline:
October 15 (evening): Reception
October 16-17: Scientific program
October 18: Excursion
Conference fee: 150 Euro
For more information, please contact:
* Chair of Organizing Committee, Professor Birger Solberg, birger.solberg(a)
* Researcher Hanne K. Sjølie, hanne.sjolie(a)
* or send e-mail to fsm2013(a)
Scientific committee:
* Birger Solberg (chair), Norwegian University of Life Sciences
* Maarit Kallio, Finnish Forest Research Institute, Helsinki, Finland
* John Perez-Garcia, University of Washington, USA
* Satoshi Tachibana, University of Tsukuba, Japan
* James Turner, AgResearch, Ruakura Research Centre, New Zealand
* Hanne K. Sjølie, Norwegian University of Life Sciences
Daniela Kleinschmit
Assoc. Professor
Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Unit of Forest Policy
PO Box 7008, SE-75007 Uppsala
Visiting address: Vallvägen 9C
Phone: +46 18 672493
Mobile: +46 72 5867588