Dear IUFRO Division 9 colleagues,
Please consider it yourselves and also circulate among potentially interested candidates.
The FAO forest policy team is looking for a consultant to work on a guide for forest
policy and/or nfp review/evaluation. This person should have a combination of practical
experience in the matter (ideally in the context of developing or transitioning
countries), analytical thinking and "easy-to-read" writing capacities. The
purpose of the guide is to outline general concepts and practicalities associated with
forest policy and or/nfp evaluation and reviews, based on countries experiences in the
recent decades. The principle intended audience is senior government officials and the
representatives of stakeholders who may be involved in a forest policy/nfp evaluation or
The TOR for this consultancy are attached.
This guide for policy evaluation/review is foreseen as a continuation of the guide
"Developing effective forest policy" published by the FAO in 2010
Interested candidates are kindly requested to send their CV and a short note about their
experience in this field with the list of related publications to<> before April 25, 2012.
Even if not selected for the consultancy, some candidates may still be invited to
participate in the expert meeting to discuss and contribute to the draft guide for forest
policy evaluation/review, once it is ready.
Thank you
Best regards
Irina Kouplevatskaya-Buttoud (PhD)
Forestry Officer (forest policy)
Forest Economics, Policy and Products Division
Forestry Department
room C-472
tel: + 39 06 57 05 39 22