SAF is seeking Associate Editors for Forest Science (looking for international
professionals – ideally from Latin America, Asia, and Africa). Please distribute the job
description below to your applicable colleagues and contacts. Interested individuals can
apply by sending a CV to Matt Walls (wallsm(a) There is no technical deadline,
but I would encourage those interested to contact Matt as soon as possible.
Forest Science is a peer-reviewed journal publishing fundamental and applied research that
explores all aspects of natural and social sciences as they apply to the function and
management of the forested ecosystems of the world. Topics include silviculture, forest
management, biometrics, economics, entomology & pathology, fire & fuels
management, forest ecology, genetics & tree improvement, geospatial technologies,
harvesting & utilization, landscape ecology, operations research, forest policy,
physiology, recreation, social sciences, soils & hydrology, and wildlife management.
Forest Science currently has an editorial board comprised of 1 editor-in-chief, 3 applied
research editors, and over 75 associate editors specializing in 18 areas of forestry and
natural resources. Associate editors are responsible for assisting the editor in
soliciting and developing articles of interest to forestry and natural resource
researchers, academicians, and professionals, land managers, and policy makers; obtaining
competent, timely reviews of assigned papers; and ensuring that the topics covered in
Forest Science are balanced across discipline and employment categories.
In more specific terms, there are two broad areas of responsibility. The first is the
peer-review process, coordinating the review of scientific and technical manuscripts in
the associate editor’s field that have been submitted to Forest Science for
publication—generally by distributing them to three authorities in the relevant subject
areas. To fulfill this task, associate editors must know the different subfields within
his or her specialty, and who practices in these subfields, so that papers can be sent to
appropriate, knowledgeable reviewers. Associate editors will be notified by the web-based
peer review system, Rapid Review, that a manuscript has been sent for review. It is
expected that the associate editor acknowledge the assignment and assign reviewers within
4 business days of receipt. Reviewers are asked to accept or decline a review assignment
within 2 business days and return completed reviews within 15 business days; associate
editors are expected to ensure that assignments are acknowledged and comments are returned
in a timely manner. Associate editors are asked to review reviewer comments and ensure
that they are delivered in a professional and constructive manner, then synthesize these
comments for the Forest Science editor. If the reviewers should disagree markedly, the
associate editor should recommend which course to take (accept, ask for revision, or
reject), and provide guidance that the authors can follow when preparing their revision.
The second area concerns the broader, less-defined role of consulting with and advising
the Forest Science editor-in-chief in determining the content, direction, and focus of
Forest Science, particularly in the specialties that he or she is responsible for. This
would include being aware of new developments in the field, current controversies, and
subjects that have not been adequately covered in Forest Science. Associate editors are
encouraged to suggest possible topics and authors for appropriate articles.
Danielle Watson
Assistant Director,
Government Affairs and External Relations
Society of American Foresters
O: (866) 897-8720 ext. 202
C: (301) 526-8354