> *De : *Global Landscapes Forum
> <info=landscapes.org(a)mail248.suw16.rsgsv.net
> <mailto:info=landscapes.org@mail248.suw16.rsgsv.net>> on behalf of
> Global Landscapes Forum <info(a)landscapes.org
> <mailto:info@landscapes.org>>
> *Répondre à : *Global Landscapes Forum <info(a)landscapes.org
> <mailto:info@landscapes.org>>
> *Date : *Wednesday 15 November 2017 10:02
> *À : *Leona Liu <l.liu(a)cgiar.org <mailto:l.liu@cgiar.org>>
> *Objet : *Invitation: the Global Landscapes Forum Partner
> Presentation in Bonn Wednesday 22 November from 9:30 – 11 a.m.
> Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser
> *Global Landscapes Forum Partner Presentation in Bonn *
> /*Wednesday 22 November from 9:30 – 11 a.m. at the*/
> /*Gustav-Stresemann-Institut e.V. (GSI) */
> On behalf of the Center for International Forestry
> Research (CIFOR) and our founding partners, the World Bank and UN
> Environment Program, we are pleased to invite you to a special
> presentation of the past, present and future of the Global Landscapes
> Forum (GLF).
> This is an exciting time for the GLF as we approach a crucial phase
> in the expansion of the world's largest evidence-led, multi-sectoral
> platform for integrated land use. We would hereby like to express our
> sincere gratitude to the German Government for their support in
> bringing the GLF to Bonn for the next five years. We will once again
> join forces with our coordination partners, the United Nations
> Environment Program and the World Bank, and further consolidate
> excellent collaborations with more than 3,000 stakeholder groups that
> have contributed to the GLF since its launch in Warsaw in 2013.
> We sincerely hope you will be able to join the GLF
> conference on December 19 and 20, which will help define the future
> of the Forum for the next five years. The conference offers a wide
> range of discussion forums and activities, from the UN Environment
> Program’s Interfaith Rainforest Initiative launch to a special
> pavilion on indigenous groups from around the world and a series of
> landscape talks on subjects ranging from climate change to
> afforestation for Iceland. More than 40 organizations have already
> signed up to participate including the World Bank, World Resources
> Institute (WRI), the International Center for Tropical Agriculture
> (CIAT), Global Canopy Programme (GCP), and Rabobank. The two-day
> event will gather over 1,500 global influencers and 6,000 others who
> are expected to join remotely.
> To learn more about the GLF and how you can contribute over the next
> five years, the Director of Communications for CIFOR and Executive
> Producer of the GLF, Mr. John Colmey, would hereby like to invite
> you to *Global Landscapes Forum Partner Presentation *to be held on:
> *Wednesday 22 November from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.*
> *at the Gustav-Stresemann-Institut e.V. (GSI)Europäische Tagungs- und
> Bildungsstätte*
> *Bonn* *Langer Grabenweg 68 - 53175 Bonn*
> Kindly confirm your participation via email by *Friday, November 17^th *.
> With reference to the GLF event, please refer to our website at
<https://cifor.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=68cb62552ce24ab3c280248d7&id=60dbab1802&e=5cc2d22863> where
> you can find further information and details about GLF participation
> and engagement.
> We look forward to hearing from you and having you join the Global
> Landscapes Forum in Bonn!
> With warm regards,
> John Colmey
> **
> **
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Prof. Dr. Daniela Kleinschmit
Professur für Forst- und Umweltpolitik/
Chair of Forest and Environmental Policy
University of Freiburg
Tennenbacherstr. 4
D- 79106 Freiburg
Tel: +49 (0) 761/203-3712
Secretariat: +49 (0) 761/203-3713