From: bounce-1107707-220888(a)
[] On Behalf Of Rose, Simmone
Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2011 2:35 AM
To: Forest Policy Info Mailing List
Subject: Climate change survey for forest managers / Une enquête sur le
changement climatique pour les gestionnaires forestiers / Una encuesta sobre
cambio climático para las autoridades forestales
Importance: High
FAO, in collaboration with forest management, climate change experts and
relevant stakeholders, is developing guidelines to assist forest managers to
effectively respond to climate change challenges and opportunities. These
guidelines will include actions related to both climate change adaptation
and mitigation and will be relevant to all types of forests, all management
objectives and all types of managers. More information on this effort may be
found here FAO Forests and
<> Climate Change
Programme or requested at Climate-Change-Forest-Managers(a)
To facilitate the development of the guidelines, we are conducting a survey
for forest managers (The survey in English
<> ). We are inviting you to provide
your views and perceptions on factors that limit the ability of forest
managers to prepare for and respond to climate change.
Kindly forward the survey to your members and your mailing list(s). The
content of individual responses will not be published and will remain
Kindly allocate 15 minutes to complete this survey.
Thank you in advance for your time and effort in responding to the survey.
Best regards,
The Forests and Climate Change Team
La FAO, en collaboration avec des experts en matière de gestion des forêts
et du changement climatique et les parties prenantes concernées, est en
train de développer des directives pour aider les gestionnaires des forêts à
répondre efficacement aux défis du changement climatique et à ses
opportunités. Ces directives comprendront des actions liées à l'adaptation
et à l'atténuation du changement climatique et seront adaptées à tous les
types de forêts, tous les objectifs de gestion et tous les types de
gestionnaires. Pour plus d'informations sur cet effort, vous pouvez
consulter le site Programme de
<> la FAO sur les forêts
et le changement climatique ou vous pouvez écrire à
Pour faciliter l'élaboration de ces directives, nous réalisons une enquête
au près des gestionnaires forestiers (
<> L'enquête en française). Nous vous
invitons à donner votre opinion et vos perceptions sur les facteurs qui
limitent la capacité des gestionnaires forestiers à se préparer et répondre
au changement climatique.
Veuillez s'il vous plaît envoyer lenquête à vos membres et à vos listes
d'adresses. Le contenu de vos réponses ne sera pas publié et restera
Nous vous invitons à prendre 15 minutes pour remplir ce questionnaire.
Merci d'avance pour votre temps et vos efforts consacrés à cette enquête.
Meilleures salutations,
Forêts et changement climatique.
La FAO, en colaboración con expertos en ordenación forestal y en cambio
climático y con las partes interesadas pertinentes, está elaborando
directrices para ayudar a las autoridades forestales a responder con
eficacia a los desafíos y oportunidades que plantea el cambio climático.
Estas directrices comprenderán medidas de adaptación y mitigación ante el
cambio climático, y serán adecuadas para todo tipo de bosques, todos los
objetivos de gestión y a todos los responsables de la gestión forestal. En
el siguiente enlace se presenta más información sobre esta actividad:
Programa de la FAO <>
sobre los bosques y el cambio climático o podéis escribir a
Con el fin de facilitar la elaboración de las directrices, estamos haciendo
una encuesta a las autoridades forestales (La encuesta en
<> español). Los invitamos a compartir
puntos de vista y opiniones sobre los factores que limitan la capacidad de
los responsables de la gestión forestal para prepararse al cambio climático
y responder a sus desafíos.
Envíe por favor la encuesta a sus membro y sus listas de correos. No se
publicarán las respuestas de los cuestionarios, su contenido se mantendrá
Sírvase dedicar 15 minutos a la respuesta del cuestionario.
Por anticipado, muchas gracias por su tiempo y atención para participar en
la encuesta.
Saludos cordiales,
Bosques y cambio climático
circulated by IUFRO Headquarters
Dear IUFRO Division 9 members,
I am forwarding herewith an impressive article of Mr. Kanna Kumar, a
development professional of India with a forestry background who has
observed that conventional forestry curriculum needs to be revised so as to
incorporate community based conservation initiatives, particularly because
participatory forest management & rights of local communities are now a
commonly accepted principle worldwide. I shall be happy to know from you if
any of the institutions you are associated with have already done this or
are in the process of doing this, and if not whether you will be able to
facilitate the same.
The link to the article is:
Bikash Rath
Coordinator, WP 09.05.06
Dear colleagues from Division 9,
IUFRO has agreed on its new strategy for the period 2010-2014. One important
decision within the strategy is the set up of new inter-divisional Task
Forces to address six thematic areas:
1. Forest for People (C: Ulrike Proebstl, Austria; DC: Perry Brown,
2. Forest and Climate change (C: Frances Seymour, Indoensia; DC:
Markku Kanninen, Finnland)
3. Forest Bio-Energy (C: Rolf Björheden, Sweden; DC: Elspeth MacRea,
New Zealand)
4. Forest Biodiversity Conservation (C: Saw Leng Guan, Malaysia; DC:
Bryan Finegan, Costa Rica)
5. Forest and Water Interactions (Tony Simons, Kenya; DC: Shirong Liu,
6. Resources for the Future (C: John Innes; Jung-Hwan Park, Korea)
These Task Forces should involve members/representatives from each of the
nine Divisions.
Therefore I would like to ask you as officeholders if you or one of your
group members are particularly interested in joining one of these groups?
And what kind of (research) perspectives should be covered within these Task
Forces? The subject of the Task Forces will be discussed at the IUFRO Board
meeting next week. And I would be pleased to bring in your opinion.
I would like to highlight specifically two Task Forces at this moment. One
is the Task Force on Resources for the future. John Innes, coordinator of
this Task Force already sent out a detailed description of the Task Force
(see document attached) and asked for representatives from each Division.
So, please let me know, if you are interested. The other Task Force is the
one on Forest and Climate Change. IUFROs consultations with stakeholders and
donors concluded that there should be a specific emphasize on governance and
REDD. Therefore I would like to ask those of you dealing with REDD questions
from a governance perspective to indicate their willingness to participate
in this Task Force and to give an idea on the research perspectives
(concepts, research questions etc.) used in this regards.
Any other feedback in regards to the Task Forces and/or your specific
(research) perspective is of course welcome as well.
Please send me your feedback until Friday, February 18th to allow me
communicating the information to the IUFRO Board next week.
Thanks in advance.
With best regards
Daniela Kleinschmit
Assoc. Prof. Daniela Kleinschmit
Department of Forest Products
P.O. Box 7008
SE-75007 Uppsala, Sweden
Phone: +46 18 67 2493
posted on behalf of Daniela Kleinschmit by Brigitte Burger, IUFRO
Dear Division 9 members,
As already posted on IUFRO calender of events our organization RCDC is going to organize a national workshop on GUIDING FOREST MANAGEMENT ON BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION & CLIMATE ADAPTATION. The year 2011 has been declared as International Year of Forest to celebrate peoples' action to sustainably manage the world's forest. All over the world initiatives are now taking place to generate awareness on sustainable management, conservation and development of all types of forests. RCDC being a pioneering organization in the field of Natural Resources Management has also joined hand to promote dialogue this issue.
At the time of globalization and rapid climate change the present system of forest management is facing various new challenges ranging from accommodating the provisions of the Forest Rights Act, to climate change impact mitigation strategy. The proposed workshop is designed to discuss specifically on the limitations and improvement of forest management practices in the light of biodiversity conservation and climate adaptation, taking the IIFM-developed Criteria & Indicator system as a tool. The objective is to come out with a clear understanding if the presently developed practices are adequate enough to address the issues of biodiversity conservation and climate adaptation and if not then what needs to be done. Of course such an important issue can't be resolved in a two-day workshop, but we do hope that it will pave the way for future deliberations on the same.
Since I would be facilitating this event on behalf of IUFRO, may I request you to send us your observations/write-ups on the concerned issue which we can publish in the souvenior to be released in the event itself? It may be even a half-page note since we would focus more on the criticality of the observation itself. Please send us full details of the author.
Needless to mention we have but limited time(upto 3nd February) to receive your write-ups for the said publication. Please forward this request to other competent persons who, you hope, can also contribute.
Bikash Rath
IUFRO International Council member and Coordinator, WP 09.05.06
Dear members of Division 9 mailing list,
I am happy to inform you that the first event under facilitation of our WP
on Community Forestry is going to be organized by RCDC( at
Bhubaneswar(India) on 22-23 December 2010. The event title is 'Silviculture
in Community Forestry', and the objective is to facilitate a capacity
building of purely community forestry groups who do not normally
>> practice scientific forestry. The following table shows the topics to be
>> discussed there:
Silviculture: concept, objective, practice, and issues
>> Sharing of knowledge of indigenous practices of silviculture
>> Silvicultural benefits in Joint Forest Management
>> Species-specific silviculture & its advantages
>> Silvicultural operations in kanta bamboo(Bambusa bambos): issues &
>> solutions
>> Pro-poor silviculture
>> Silviculture for new practitioners(communities)
>> Siliviculture in degraded forests
>> Silviculture vis-à-vis wildlife
>> It is a state-level programme, and probably first of its kind. If however
>> any IUFRO member wants to participate in this event on his/her own(given
>> our resource constraints), then we very much welcome him/her.
>> Bikash Rath
>> Coordinator, IUFRO WP on Community Forestry
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "burger" <burger(a)>
>> To: <div9(a)>
>> Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2010 1:43 PM
>> Subject: [IUFRO Div 9] Congratulations and Welcome to IUFRO Division
>> 92010-2014
>>> Dear colleagues,
>>> It is my pleasure to send you my congratulations to your position as
>>> officeholders in our new Division 9 on Forest Policy and Economics in
>>> (which has been approved by the Board this week). Thanks to all of you
>>> who
>>> have been willing to take over the positions but as well to those who
>>> supported to establish the structure and identifying person with the
>>> experience and background to support the Division. You can find the
>>> structure and officeholders at the IUFRO web pages,
>>> Recent changes will
>>> be
>>> done after the next IUFRO Board meeting.
>>> The aim of Division 9 is to strengthen the social dimension in IUFRO and
>>> I
>>> guess we all have the aspiration to do so. To meet the challenge a few
>>> responsibilities are linked with the IUFRO position. These
>>> responsibilities
>>> can be summarized under the following headlines: a) Lead the Unit
>>> (Research
>>> Group or Working Party) in its scientific and business activities, b)
>>> Initiate and organize meetings (ideally at least one) between the IUFRO
>>> World Congresses, c) Prepare and distribute periodic reports (which will
>>> be
>>> requested in January), d) Initiate publications and to maintain contact
>>> with
>>> the members of the group (email list, web page).
>>> I especially would like to stress the last point as IUFRO is a network
>>> and
>>> the main aim is to collaborate and to network communication is
>>> essential.
>>> For this reason I would like to ask you to use the webpage and fill in
>>> the
>>> requested information (especially those on state of the art and
>>> activities)
>>> and keep it updated as well as for using the email list of our Division.
>>> If
>>> you would like to establish own email lists for your groups, please use
>>> the
>>> IUFRO facilities as well (I would be very happy to become member of your
>>> email lists as well - that would keep me updated about the activities in
>>> the
>>> group). The use of the communicative tools supports to emphasize the
>>> activities, need and use of the different groups within IUFRO. For
>>> technical
>>> support regarding the webpage and the email list please contact Brigitte
>>> Burger ( <> burger(a) from the
>>> secretariat
>>> who kindly supports these facilities.
>>> The planning for the groups, aims and activities for the time from now
>>> to
>>> 2014 are the next steps that needs to be taken. Thus, I would like to
>>> ask
>>> you to finalize the aims and (rough) planning for your group. If not
>>> done
>>> already I would like to ask you to send your planning to me until the
>>> 10th
>>> of January 2011. Please send a copy as well to Brigitte Burger to get it
>>> posted on the webpage (if not done already).
>>> I will come back soon to you with more information on the planned all
>>> Division 9 meeting.
>>> Please let me know if you have any further comments or questions. You
>>> are
>>> of course welcome to contact as well the Deputy Coordinators of Division
>>> 9
>>> Margaret Shannon ( <>
>>> Margaret.Shannon(a) or Konstantin von Teuffel (
>>> <>
>>> konstantin.teuffel(a)
>>> With best wishes for the season
>>> Daniela Kleinschmit
>>> Assoc. Prof. on Forest Policy/SLU
>>> Daniela.kleinschmit(a)
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------
>>> circulated on behalf of Daniela Kleinschmit by Brigitte Burger, IUFRO HQ
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> IUFRO Mailing List
>>> To post a message to all list members, send email to:
>>> div9(a)
>>> List info and Archive:
Dear colleagues,
It is my pleasure to send you my congratulations to your position as
officeholders in our new Division 9 on Forest Policy and Economics in IUFRO
(which has been approved by the Board this week). Thanks to all of you who
have been willing to take over the positions but as well to those who
supported to establish the structure and identifying person with the
experience and background to support the Division. You can find the
structure and officeholders at the IUFRO web pages, Recent changes will be
done after the next IUFRO Board meeting.
The aim of Division 9 is to strengthen the social dimension in IUFRO and I
guess we all have the aspiration to do so. To meet the challenge a few
responsibilities are linked with the IUFRO position. These responsibilities
can be summarized under the following headlines: a) Lead the Unit (Research
Group or Working Party) in its scientific and business activities, b)
Initiate and organize meetings (ideally at least one) between the IUFRO
World Congresses, c) Prepare and distribute periodic reports (which will be
requested in January), d) Initiate publications and to maintain contact with
the members of the group (email list, web page).
I especially would like to stress the last point as IUFRO is a network and
the main aim is to collaborate and to network communication is essential.
For this reason I would like to ask you to use the webpage and fill in the
requested information (especially those on state of the art and activities)
and keep it updated as well as for using the email list of our Division. If
you would like to establish own email lists for your groups, please use the
IUFRO facilities as well (I would be very happy to become member of your
email lists as well - that would keep me updated about the activities in the
group). The use of the communicative tools supports to emphasize the
activities, need and use of the different groups within IUFRO. For technical
support regarding the webpage and the email list please contact Brigitte
Burger ( <> burger(a) from the secretariat
who kindly supports these facilities.
The planning for the groups, aims and activities for the time from now to
2014 are the next steps that needs to be taken. Thus, I would like to ask
you to finalize the aims and (rough) planning for your group. If not done
already I would like to ask you to send your planning to me until the 10th
of January 2011. Please send a copy as well to Brigitte Burger to get it
posted on the webpage (if not done already).
I will come back soon to you with more information on the planned all
Division 9 meeting.
Please let me know if you have any further comments or questions. You are
of course welcome to contact as well the Deputy Coordinators of Division 9
Margaret Shannon ( <>
Margaret.Shannon(a) or Konstantin von Teuffel (
<> konstantin.teuffel(a)
With best wishes for the season
Daniela Kleinschmit
Assoc. Prof. on Forest Policy/SLU
circulated on behalf of Daniela Kleinschmit by Brigitte Burger, IUFRO HQ
Dear all in IUFRO Division 9,
I came across an interesting report produced under the Swiss-Ukrainian Forest Development Project, and available at the following link:…
I am yet to go through the report, but a glance through it prompted me to focus on the definition of the term 'Community Forestry'. I appreciate the author(s) of the report to attempt at this definition that has in fact inspired me to provide a better(more intimate, concrete, and at the same time relatively all embracing) one. I have started working on the same, and shall let you know once it is done.
I have copied this mail to the English- and Ukranian editors of the said report, Jane Carter and Nataliya Voloshyna. Such a report is very much welcome.
Sorry for cross posting, if any.
Bikash Rath
IUFRO Working Party on Community Forestry