Dear Sheila,
Congratulations to the most successful use and processing of your session at the World
Congress - very well done!!
Happy regards
Björn Hånell
Professor of Silviculture
President International Peatland Society
Vice President IUFRO
Dept of Forest Ecology and Management
SE-901 83 Umeå, Sweden
Phone: +46 90 7868297,
FAX: +46 90 7868414
Cell: +46 70 6898 478
Make marks in your calendar:
The 15th International Peat Congress, 15-19 August 2016, Kuching, Malaysia
The IUFRO Regional Congress for Asia and Oceania:
24-27 October 2016; Beijing, China.
Från: div1 på uppdrag av Sheila Ward
Svara till: IUFRO Division 1 List
Datum: onsdag 15 juni 2016 18:08
Till: "<>"
Ämne: [IUFRO Div 1] Special Issue on Synergies between Biodiversity and Timber
A special issue for the journal International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem
Services & Managementwas published on “Synergies between Biodiversity and Timber
Management” in April 2016. This Special Issue is based on a technical session at the IUFRO
2014 World Congress. Papers examine potential positive interactions between biodiversity
and managing for timber production, especially of high-value species. These management
goals can be in conflict. But the increasing demands for high-quality timber as well as
for biodiversity conservation require that we consider these aims together. Papers range
geographically from tropical to temperate forests. The overview of the special issue can
be found at:
The links for the articles are available at:
Sheila Ward