Dear IUFRO Silvicuture Division 1:
I work in European project called EMPHASIS <>
on integrated pest management in both the forestry and farming sectors. I
hope you can help me with the following given the scope of the Division.
We need to distribute two surveys prepared in order to understand what the
main plant health issues are AND how stakeholders deal with them. We are
focused in Europe, but feedback at a global level is very welcome.
- One of the surveys is addressed to all end-users of pest management
measures (farm and forest managers, nurseries, public green spaces
managers...). Both professional and on “a hobby” basis. Available in 9
languages (English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Romanian, Polish,
Latvian and Hungarian). Link:
- The other survey is addressed to all stakeholders involve in pest
management, from policy makers to scientist (like yourself), and including
everything in between. Available in 5 languages (English, German, Spanish,
French and Italian). Link:
Any help will be very much welcome in distributing this polls. Feel free to
include the links in any newsletter/mailing list/message you feel might be
useful for distribution.
If you have any questions regarding the surveys or the project, feel free
to contact me at emphasisproject(a) and I will be happy to help.
Isabel Mendoza Poudereux
PD: sorry in advance if you get these surveys through more than one channel
or mailing list