IUFRO 1.0 conference draft programme is live!
by Carol Rolando
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IUFRO 1.01.04 draft programme live!
Kia ora, Hello!
Thank you to all those who have registered for the conference and to our sponsors NZIF<https://scionresearch.us12.list-manage.com/track/click?u=6ccfef27fab422809f… >, FGR<https://scionresearch.us12.list-manage.com/track/click?u=6ccfef27fab422809f… >, TUR<https://scionresearch.us12.list-manage.com/track/click?u=6ccfef27fab422809f… > who have generously supported the event.
The draft programme is now live (see below) and we are thrilled with the number of registered attendees from across the globe. We are looking forward to what will be an exciting line up of talks on new technologies and approaches to underpin successful forest establishment at scale to address a suite of environmental, economic and social issues.
We hope our draft programme will attract additional registrations from national and international delegates representing industry, regulators and science practitioners. The conference is a great opportunity to build national and international networks on a range of topics associated with forest establishment and early growth dynamics AND also visit beautiful Rotorua, New Zealand.
We look forward to welcoming you to New Zealand next year.
Best wishes
Carol Rolando and the IUFRO 1.01.04 Organising Committee
Programme is now live
A draft programme is now available to view.
[More info]
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Visa entry to NZ
Having the right passport and visa organised is the key to a trouble-free entry into New Zealand. If you require a visa for entering New Zealand get in touch with Carol for a letter as soon as possible.
[Visa information]
Have you registered yet?
Registrations are now open until February 2025. Get in quick and secure your spot today!
[https://mcusercontent.com/6ccfef27fab422809fc651216/images/4b584669-5324-9c… ]
Latest updates
Optional activity on Friday
There are three optional activities available on the final day of the conference. Half day tour and redwoods walk, guided trip to the Kaharoa Kokako Track or trip up Mount Tarawera. You can register for one of these activities via the conference registration form.
[More here]
[https://mcusercontent.com/6ccfef27fab422809fc651216/images/acdf1ca3-97fa-5b… ]
Sponsor the conference
If you are interested in sponsoring the event, please get in touch with Kylie<mailto:kylie.gunn@scionresearch.com?subject=Sponsorship%20IUFRO%201.0&body=> for a prospectus.
[More here]
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Key dates
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Scion 49 Sala Street Whakarewarewa Rotorua, 3010 New Zealand
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2 months, 3 weeks
Survey of 1.01.12 on Silviculture and Ungulates
by palle@innovasilva.com
Survey: Share Your Views on Silviculture and Ungulates!
Are you interested in the joint management of grazing ungulates and forest
ecosystems? Do you want to contribute to mapping the silvicultural
challenges and opportunities posed by ungulates?
IUFRO Working Party 1.01.12 Silviculture and ungulates has developed a
questionnaire for you to help shape and enhance future activities of the
unit. This survey was first announced in the IUFRO News Vol. 53, Issue 10,
Page 8 about three weeks ago
(https://www.iufro.org/uploads/media/news24-10.pdf ).
This e-mail is therefore a kind reminder for those of you who are interested
in the topic to complete the survey before the deadline 15th December 2024.
You may also want to share the information and link to the
survey with colleagues in your network, you believe might be interested
in contributing.
Please fill in the questionnaire by Sunday 15th December 2024:
The Working Party aims at identifying and developing scientifically based,
socially relevant and sustainable solutions for integrated wildlife,
forestry, and forest landscape management. Your input is highly welcome!
Best regards
IUFRO 1.01.12 coordination team
3 months, 1 week