[cid:image002.jpg@01D94553.4E76C930]2022 IN A NUTSHELL – A SHORT ANNUAL REPORT
Have a look at this brief annual report to review highlights and nuggets of information from IUFRO network activities throughout 2022.
A full annual report will follow in spring 2023.
Download at: https://www.iufro.org/publications/annual-report/article/2023/02/20/2022-in…
Dear Colleagues,
It is my pleasure to share with you the 2nd Announcement for the 1.05 and 1.09 Conference, 18-20 September 2023 in Brno, Czech Republic.
Conference website: https://iufro2023.ldf.mendelu.cz/
Registration is now open: https://iufro2023.ldf.mendelu.cz/registrace
Deadline for abstract submission: 30 April 2023
Meeting details are below and in the attached flyer. We hope to see you in Brno in September!
On behalf of the Planning Committee,
Linda Nagel, United States, 1.05 Coordinator
Tomáš Vrška, Czech Republic, Conference Host
2nd Announcement IUFRO 1.05 Uneven-aged Silviculture & 1.09 Ecology and Silviculture of Mixed Forests Conference
Meeting Title: Uneven-aged Silviculture: Insights into Forest Adaptation in Times of Global Change
18 September - 20 September 2023, Brno, Czech Republic
Further information: https://iufro2023.ldf.mendelu.cz/
- What are the challenges of uneven-aged silviculture to forest adaption under climate change for sustainable wood production and biodiversity?
- Quantifying species and spatial structure changes related to climate change.
- Ecosystem services of uneven-aged/mixed species silviculture in the light of changing social needs.
- Dynamics of uneven-aged and/ or mixed forests under climate change.
In-conference excursion:
- Transformation of even-aged forests to uneven-aged forests after 50 years (1973-2023) - the rate of change of tree species composition under climate change (presentation of 50 years data set and practice in the field).
- Beech silviculture - from even-aged stands to value increment silviculture. Is it the best way to compare production and the social order?
- Long-term transformation of even-aged stands to Dauerwald - which Dauerwald models are optimal for the future? Presentation of spruce-beech-silver fir-maple model and oak-hornbeam-scots pine model.
Post-conference field trip
21 September - 23 September 2023
- 100 years celebration of Mendel University Forest Enterprise - "Silviculture for climate change and society "- presentation of diversified uneven-aged, multi-aged silvicultural models and training stands for students and foresters in practice.
- Kinský estate Žďár n. Sázavou - Conversion of spruce even-aged stands into multi-aged mixed stands - experiences after 28 years; what knowledge from natural forest dynamics can we use in the uneven-aged forestry - presentation and field walk through natural forest Žákova hora on the Kinský estate.
- Transformation of even-aged scots pine stands into the mixed oak-dominated forests in the buffer zone of Podyji National Park; restoration management for biodiversity support. Evening in the local winery.
Linda Nagel
Dean & Professor | S.J. & Jessie E. Quinney College of Natural Resources
Utah State University | Logan, UT 84322
Office: (435) 797-1491 | linda.nagel(a)usu.edu<mailto:linda.nagel@usu.edu>
International Union
of Forest Research
XXVI IUFRO World Congress: Call for Abstracts
XXVI IUFRO World Congress 2024
Stockholm, Sweden; 23-29 June 2024
Congress website: https://www.iufro2024.com/
Dear forest scientists and experts, dear IUFRO members, dear colleagues,
The Congress Scientific Committee (CSC) is pleased to announce that the Call for Abstracts for the XXVI IUFRO Congress in Stockholm, Sweden, 23-29 June 2024, is open and welcomes submissions of abstracts for presentations in sub-plenary, technical and poster sessions.
To submit your abstract, please take the following steps:
1. Consult the list of sessions at Call for Congress Abstract | IUFRO Stockholm 2024 (iufro2024.com)<https://iufro2024.com/call-for-congress-abstract>
2. Submit your abstract at Abstract Submission | IUFRO 2024 <https://www.appinconf.com/kas/Abstract?projectName=iufro2024abstracts>
A form for abstract submission is available online. You will be required to insert a title (max 150 characters), authors with their affiliation (the author presenting the paper or poster at the Congress must be designated as the Presenting Author), and text (max 350 words describing context, specific topic of the study, methods, main results, and conclusions in plain writing). No figures, tables or list of references should be added. Please note that abstracts may be submitted in English only.
Authors must select one of the following options: oral only; poster only; oral or poster. The session organizers will decide on the length of a talk, which could range from 2-3 minutes for flash talks to 15 minutes or more for regular talks. Please note that poster presenters will be given the opportunity to present their work orally (2-3 min) during moderated poster sessions. The Congress will feature only digital poster displays to ensure high visibility for poster presentations. Poster areas will be open and free to visit during the whole Congress.
Authors are limited to a maximum of two abstracts as presenting author, although an individual may be listed as a co-author on several abstracts. Abstracts not associated with one of the sessions in the list may be assigned to a general poster session. Session organizers will review the abstracts for scientific quality, topical significance and relevance to the Congress themes<https://iufro2024.com/iufro-world-congress-2024/forests-and-society-towards…> and to the particular session to which the abstract is submitted, and assign them as oral or poster presentations. You will be informed in due time about the type and length of your presentation.
Candidates for Best Poster Award<https://www.iufro.org/fileadmin/material/discover/honour-bpa.pdf> must apply online during the abstract submission process.
Abstracts will be accepted until 2 June 2023. Authors will be informed if their presentation is accepted by 30 October 2023. In order to remain in the programme, the registration deadline for Presenting Authors of accepted abstracts is 15 January 2024.
We look forward to your active participation in the design of the scientific program for the 2024 IUFRO Congress in Stockholm.
Elena Paoletti
On behalf of the CSC
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