It is our pleasure to share with you that abstracts are now being accepted for the 2024 Short Rotation Woody Crops International Conference, to be held 13-16 May 2024 in Columbia, Missouri, USA and hosted by the University of Missouri Center for Agroforestry. The abstract submission deadline is 19 January 2024.
Information on abstract submission, lodging, and other conference details can now be found on the conference website:
Exciting news! The SRWC 2024 conference will have multiple opportunities for students, including a new student poster competition and a student career panel, led by professionals from academia, government, and industry. Please share this announcement with undergraduate and graduate students and postdoctoral scholars.
Stay tuned for more information. The conference website will be regularly updated as new information becomes available!
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions and pass this information on to as many people as possible.
We hope to see you there!
Kind regards,
Conference Steering Committee
Elizabeth Rogers (co-chair), University of Missouri; USDA Forest Service;<>
Ryan Vinhal (co-chair), USDA Forest Service; ryan.vinhal(a)<>
Asia Dowtin, Michigan State University; dowtinas(a)<>
Solomon Ghezehei, North Carolina State University; sbghezeh(a)<>
Rich Hallett, USDA Forest Service; richard.hallett(a)<>
Austin Himes, Mississippi State University; ah3798(a)<>
John Kort, Poplar and Willow Council of Canada; pwccpoplar(a)<>
Dana Mitchell, Department of Energy; dana.mitchell(a)<>
Elizabeth Nichols, North Carolina State University; egnichol(a)<>
Heidi Renninger, Mississippi State University; hr427(a)<>
Erik Schilling, NCASI; eschilling(a)<>
Courtney Siegert, Mississippi State University; courtney.siegert(a)<>
Nancy Sonti, USDA Forest Service; nancy.f.sonti(a)<>
Raju Soolanayakanahally, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada; raju.soolanayakanahally(a)AGR.GC.CA<mailto:raju.soolanayakanahally@AGR.GC.CA>
Ron Zalesny, USDA Forest Service; ronald.zalesny(a)<>
Colleen Zumpf, Argonne National Laboratory; czumpf(a)<>
[Forest Service Shield]
Ronald S. Zalesny Jr., PhD
Supervisory Research Plant Geneticist
Forest Service
Northern Research Station
Institute for Applied Ecosystem Studies
5985 Highway K
Rhinelander, WI 54501, USA
Personal Research Highlights:
Pollution Solutions: Maximizing the Cleaning Power of Trees<…>
Agroforestry Phytoremediation Buffer Systems<>
Prioritizing Contaminants for Environmental Remediation<><>
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Caring for the land and serving people
Our PHYTO-RECURRENT SELECTION<> is now endorsed as a Good Practice by the United Nations!
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Hello silviculture colleagues,
Please consider submitting an abstract to the International Oak Symposium to be held 7-10 October, 2024 in Knoxville, Tennessee, USA. This even is being sponsored by unit 1.01.06 (Ecology and Silviculture of Oak).
The call for abstracts is attached. Please distribute and share as appropriate. Information is also pasted below. Please contact me with any questions. Thank you!
International Oak Symposium: Science-Based Management for Dynamic Oak Forests<>
October 7-10, 2024
Knoxville, Tennessee, USA
Call for Abstracts
Please consider submitting an abstract for an oral or a poster presentation at the 2024 International Oak Symposium (October 7-10, 2024). Oral presentations and posters should showcase research in silviculture, ecology, forest management, health, applied genetics, economics, forest products, or similar fields for a better understanding of oak regeneration, trees, stands, ecosystems, or landscapes. Oral presentations and posters on science-based collaborative projects or programs such as technology transfer, tree improvement, or other initiatives are also welcome. The deadline for Abstract submission is January 19, 2024.
Symposium registration is not yet open, but it will be open prior to notification of acceptance of the submitted paper or poster abstract.
All oral presenters will be asked to submit a short paper (~1000 words), which will be published in the conference proceedings that will be available at the Symposium. Instructions for short papers will be provided at the time of notification of oral or poster presentation acceptance for the concurrent sessions.
Presenters (oral and poster) will also have the opportunity to submit a full-length manuscript to a special journal issue that highlights prominent work delivered at the Symposium. More information on the special issue will be provided at a later date.
For more information about the abstract submission process, please visit the symposium website<>. Direct any questions you have to Stacy Clark (stacy.l.clark(a)<>) or Callie Schweitzer (callie.schweitzer(a)<>).
The planning team encourages interested individuals, agencies, organizations, and businesses to join our wonderful sponsors to help support the International Oak Symposium in 2024. Your sponsorship will help reduce overall costs for attendees, increases opportunities for attendance of students and underserved professionals, and will enhance the attendee experience. This symposium will be an opportunity to showcase the work and opportunities available in your organization, agency, or business to professionals, researchers, and students. Sponsorship packages are available on the symposium webpage<>, and sponsorship can also be tailored to your specific needs.
[Forest Service Shield]
Stacy Clark, PhD (she, her, hers)
Research Forester, Southern Research Station
Forest Service
p: 865-974-0932
c: 865-318-8391
2505 E. J. Chapman Drive, Rm 427 Plant Biotech Bldg.
Knoxville, TN 37996-4563<>
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Caring for the land and serving people
This electronic message contains information generated by the USDA solely for the intended recipients. Any unauthorized interception of this message or the use or disclosure of the information it contains may violate the law and subject the violator to civil or criminal penalties. If you believe you have received this message in error, please notify the sender and delete the email immediately.