20th Commonwealth Forestry Conference (virtual) | August 16-18, 2021 | July update
by Brigitte Burger
Von: Commonwealth Forestry Conference 2021 <cfc.2021(a)ubc.ca>
Gesendet: Dienstag, 20. Juli 2021 19:09
Betreff: 20th Commonwealth Forestry Conference (virtual) | August 16-18, 2021 | July update
Issue #5, July 20 2021 | This message will take about 4 minutes to read
Online August 16-18, 2021
The Countdown is Officially On
The Commonwealth Forestry Conference is less than a month away. If you haven't already, make sure you register - and be sure to tell your colleagues about this unique opportunity.
Register Now<https://trk.cp20.com/click/gcbo-2f88by-axwync-habgtnd4/>
Meet Our Keynote Speakers
We are thrilled to introduce to you our keynote speakers who come from all corners of the globe.
Dr Kenneth Er<https://trk.cp20.com/click/gcbo-2f88by-axwyne-habgtnd6/>
Topic: The Science & Technology Behind Transforming Singapore Into a City of Nature.
Dr Suresh Chandra Gairola<https://trk.cp20.com/click/gcbo-2f88by-axwyng-habgtnd8/>
Topic: Forest & Climate Change in India: Innovative Approaches for Carbon Sequestration.
D<https://trk.cp20.com/click/gcbo-2f88by-axwyni-habgtnd0/>r Shannon Hagerman<https://trk.cp20.com/click/gcbo-2f88by-axwynj-habgtnd1/> (Canada)
Topic: Assisted Migration and the Reluctant Acceptance of New Forest Interventions as a Climate Adaptation Strategy.
Dr John Innes<https://trk.cp20.com/click/gcbo-2f88by-axwynl-habgtnd3/>
Topic: University Forestry Education After The Epidemic: Will Anything Change?
Dr Suzanne Mavoa<https://trk.cp20.com/click/gcbo-2f88by-axwynn-habgtnd5/> (Australia/Canada)
Topic: Urban Forestry & Human Health.
Dr Harini Nagendra<https://trk.cp20.com/click/gcbo-2f88by-axwynp-habgtnd7/>
Topic: Urban forestry in the era of the Anthropocene: Science, education, action.
Michael Norton<https://trk.cp20.com/click/gcbo-2f88by-axwynr-habgtnd9/>
Climate Change and Wildfires.
Dr Chris Quine<https://trk.cp20.com/click/gcbo-2f88by-axwynt-habgtnd1/>
(United Kingdom)
Topic: Exchanging Knowledge: Reflections on Improving Communication.
Dr Savita<https://trk.cp20.com/click/gcbo-2f88by-axwynv-habgtnd3/>
Topic: Legacy From the 19th Commonwealth Forestry Conference, and the Future of Forests.
CFC 2021 Program Finalized
We are very excited to announce the CFC program is finalized. Please make sure to check out the complete CFC 2021 Conference Program<https://trk.cp20.com/click/gcbo-2f88by-axwynw-habgtnd4/>.
Featuring an amazing array of speakers from more than 35 countries, topics being covered include: coservation, technology and innovation, building with wood, livelihoods, wildfires and climate change, wildlife and carbon sequestration and forest policy, among others.
We promise you, this event will be the highlight this August among the global forest community. Join us from August 16 to 18!
Please Note: there may be further program updates in the coming weeks.
Conference Topics
* New Markets
* Education and Careers
* Communication
* Climate Change
* Technology and Innovation
* Conservation versus Consumption
* Urban Forests
* Social aspects, forest policy and economics
Attention Presenters: Guidelines Available Now
We have now posted guidelines and instructions<https://trk.cp20.com/click/gcbo-2f88by-axwynx-habgtnd5/> for oral and poster presentations, as well as 3-Minute Talk Challenge rules:
* General virtual platform specifications<https://trk.cp20.com/click/gcbo-2f88by-axwyny-habgtnd6/>
* Oral presentations<https://trk.cp20.com/click/gcbo-2f88by-axwynz-habgtnd7/>
* Poster presentations<https://trk.cp20.com/click/gcbo-2f88by-axwyo0-habgtnd4/>: Please send the PDF version of your poster to registration(a)housing.ubc.ca<mailto:registration@housing.ubc.ca> with “CFC2021 Poster” in the subject line by August 6, 2021
* 3 Minute Talk Challenge<https://trk.cp20.com/click/gcbo-2f88by-axwyo1-habgtnd5/>
* Please also check the online program and notify us (cfc.2021(a)ubc.ca<mailto:cfc.2021@ubc.ca>) if you see any conflict with your daytime zone allocation. Please double and triple check the listed Pacific Daylight Savings Time (PDT) and your local time.
Finally, a GRAND THANK YOU for your willingness to present and participate in sessions happening in early mornings, late evenings, mid-days and when-not. This is a most ambitious endeavour, to gather individuals residing in 17 time zones on a planetary scale, and we should all congratulate ourselves for becoming the oh, so very skilled, time-benders! 😊
The Fun Stuff:
Calling on all music lovers
A few playlists inspire us further to detail this Conference:
* Light Up CFC 2021 - Forest & Trees
* Light Up CFC 2021 - Places – Connect – People
* Light Up CFC 2021 - Climate Change
* Light Up CFC 2021 - Fire
Your turn: Tune in through YouTube or Spotify. Nominate other songs to add to these playlists. Send the singer/song name to cfc.2021(a)ubc.ca<mailto:cfc.2021@ubc.ca>! We’d love to have you join our listening party 😊
Calling on all place hunters!
We are collecting ideas about places to visit – online, if we can’t travel, or for later, when the times are more opportune.
Do send us the name and coordinates of your favourite forest or a remarkable ecosystem – could be any place on our planet Earth, big or small. It may be recreational, wildlife rich, a unique and sensitive ecosystem, a biodiverse or culturally significant location, and so on. For example, we challenge you to go bear-spotting, in particular, find the Spirit Bear (Ursus americanus kermodei) who might or might not be here<https://trk.cp20.com/click/gcbo-2f88by-axwyo2-habgtnd6/>.
We’ll post our CFC collection of your favourite places during the Conference. Who knows, you may be in for a place-hunt if you jump aboard the 20thCommonwealth Forestry Express 😊!
Registration Fees
Standard registration - $100
Standard registration - $40
(lower and lower-middle income countries)<https://trk.cp20.com/click/gcbo-2f88by-axwyo3-habgtnd7/>
Student registration - $40
Student registration - $15
(lower and lower-middle income countries<https://trk.cp20.com/click/gcbo-2f88by-axwyo4-habgtnd8/>)
All prices in Canadian dollars. Fee includes secure access to the virtual platform of the Conference and extended access to recorded content for up to 6 months after the event.
Register Here<https://trk.cp20.com/click/gcbo-2f88by-axwyo5-habgtnd9/>
A Unique Opportunity. A Rare Value.
It's not often that we have the chance to participate with world experts in forestry from the convenience of our computers - and at a fraction of the usual conference costs.
Keeping the Conference fees minimal (on a cost-recovery basis) is only possible thanks to the targeted support from our hosts<https://trk.cp20.com/click/gcbo-2f88by-axwyo6-habgtnd0/> and sponsors<https://trk.cp20.com/click/gcbo-2f88by-axwyo7-habgtnd1/>. To avoid unnecessary transactions and administrative fees, there will be no cancellation policy for this Conference.
Friends and Supporters
This Conference is made possible by our generous supporters and friends:
Commonwealth Forestry Conference
Hosted virtually by the Faculty of Forestry, University of British Columbia
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Website: www.cfc2021.ubc.ca<https://trk.cp20.com/click/gcbo-2f88by-axwyoj-habgtnd2/>
Email: cfc.2021(a)ubc.ca<mailto:cfc.2021@ubc.ca>
Sending from Vancouver, BC, Canada | Traditional, ancestral and unceded territory of the Coast Salish Peoples
If you know another colleague who may be interested in the Conference, we thank you for forwarding or suggesting they subscribe by sending an email request to cfc.2021(a)ubc.ca<mailto:cfc.2021@ubc.ca>. We value your privacy and will be using this list to send only updates about the CFC 2021.
You are subscribed to this email as burger(a)iufro.org<mailto:burger@iufro.org>.
Click here to modify your preferences<https://trk.cp20.com/form?2f88by--130us-habgtnd3&sl=u&t=1&ac=gcbo> or unsubscribe<https://trk.cp20.com/form?2f88by--130us-habgtnd3&sl=u&t=5&ac=gcbo>.
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