IBFRA Webinar #2 - Implications of the ecological impacts of climate change on societies in the boreal forest
by IBFRA 2021
View this email in your browser (https://mailchi.mp/adb8dec10d1c/ibfra-webinar-series-integrating-climate-ch… )
IBFRA Webinar Series
Integrating climate change science in resource management in the boreal biome.
Pr. John Innes
Dean of the Faculty of Forestry, University of British Columbia, Canada.
Implications of the ecological impacts of climate change on societies in the boreal forest (https://mcusercontent.com/396aea89a262d8672c84122a9/files/335ed4b5-6935-482… )
May 20th, 2021
9:00 AM AKT, 10:00 AM PDT, 1:00 PM EDT, 7:00 PM CEST, 8:00 PM MST
Register now (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScECFUYmFa55z64WhwLUARi_CgZaKyPkim… )
If you haven't done so yet, consider registering to join us tomorrow, Thursday May 20th, for the second IBFRA webinar series on integrating climate change science in resource management in the boreal biome. The goal of this series is to provide a reference and to sparkle discussions in preparation of the 2021 IBFRA conference (https://sites.google.com/alaska.edu/ibfra2021/home-page ) coming up this summer (August 16-20 2021) and entitled “A changing boreal biome: assessing vulnerability and resilience of boreal ecosystems and their socio-economical implications”.
For this second webinar, Pr. John Innes, Dean of the Faculty of Forestry at the University of British Columbia, Canada, will discuss the implications of the ecological impacts of climate change on societies in the boreal forest. To register for this free webinar, please fill out this form (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeXYxvmH_dQIXw5hjSojdGs2MUtVpEfxt7… ) . Once registered, we will send you the information on how to join the webinar a few days prior to the event.
The recording of our first webinar is now available on our website (https://sites.google.com/alaska.edu/ibfra2021/webinars ) - please check out Pr. Turetsky's fascinating and inspiring presentation!
If you have difficulty registering, please contact us at ibfra2021(a)gmail.com (mailto:ibfra2021@gmail.com) .
** Twitter (http://www.twitter.com/ibfra2021 )
** IBFRA2021 (https://sites.google.com/alaska.edu/ibfra2021/home-page )
Copyright © 2021 International Boreal Forest Research Association, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you participated in an IBFRA event or you requested to be added to the IBFRA mailing list.
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International Boreal Forest Research Association
580 Booth Street
Ottawa, On K1A 0E4
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3 years, 9 months
IBFRA 2021 : video competition now open!
by IBFRA 2021
View this email in your browser (https://mailchi.mp/c6f7c9f8c4c2/ibfra-2021-video-competition-now-open?e=ee9… )
** Video competition: Witnessing a changing boreal biome
Are you living, working, or studying in a boreal region? If so, you are invited to submit a 3-minute video for the 2021 IBFRA conference (https://sites.google.com/alaska.edu/ibfra2021/home-page ) , that illustrates how climate change is affecting ecosystems, wildlife and/or people of the boreal biome. Your video can cover one or more of the following themes: research, management, art & education and storytelling.
* Research: showcase your research on ecosystems, wildlife and/or people of the boreal biome.
* Management: showcase management solutions to adapt to and mitigate the effects of climate change in the boreal biome.
* Art & Education: showcase initiatives that contribute to raising awareness about the importance of the boreal biome to society.
* Storytelling: share your personal narrative about what it means to live in a boreal region and how climate change has affected your environment, and livelihood.
The video should not be more than 3 minutes long. All the videos we receive will be stored and accessible through an interactive map featured on the IBFRA website (http://ibfra.org/ ) . The best video for each theme will be awarded a $400 price.
Award Criteria
Successful entries will document how climate change is impacting the boreal biome. Each entry will be reviewed by a committee composed of students, and professionals participating to the 2021 IBFRA conference.
Application Requirements
1. A one-page pdf description of entry, including
- the title of your video,
- the names and affiliations of all authors/contributors,
- contact information of person submitting the entry,
- the primary theme of your video (which will be used for the selection process)
- a statement of permissions (https://sites.google.com/alaska.edu/ibfra2021/video-statement-of-permission… ) for use of content, as necessary, and
- a 100-word description of the work.
2. A link to the composition, posted on Youtube or Vimeo or the like. To learn how to upload a video on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6C4dEpT0rYg
3. Email your application to ibfra2021(a)gmail.com (mailto:ibfra2021@gmail.com?subject=IBFRA%20-%20video%20competition)
Work created since January 2019 is accepted;
Videos must not be longer than 3 minutes in length, captured through smartphone or camera;
For tips about video making, visit https://biomovies.tve.org/filmmaking-links/
Submission Deadline
July 20^th^ 2021: Deadline to submit your application.
August 20^th 2021: applicants informed of decisions.
If you have questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at ibfra2021(a)gmail.com (mailto:ibfra2021@gmail.com)
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** Website (http://mailchimp.com )
Copyright © 2021 International Boreal Forest Research Association, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you participated in an IBFRA event or you requested to be added to the IBFRA mailing list.
Our mailing address is:
International Boreal Forest Research Association
580 Booth Street
Ottawa, On K1A 0E4
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3 years, 10 months
[SPAM?] IBFRA Webinar #2 - Implications of the ecological impacts of climate change on societies in the boreal forest
by IBFRA 2021
View this email in your browser (https://mailchi.mp/8bb877cf661c/ibfra-webinar-series-integrating-climate-ch… )
IBFRA Webinar Series
Integrating climate change science in resource management in the boreal biome.
Pr. John Innes
Dean of the Faculty of Forestry, University of British Columbia, Canada.
Implications of the ecological impacts of climate change on societies in the boreal forest (https://mcusercontent.com/396aea89a262d8672c84122a9/files/335ed4b5-6935-482… )
May 20th, 2021
9:00 AM AKT, 10:00 AM PDT, 1:00 PM EDT, 7:00 PM CEST, 8:00 PM MST
Register now (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScECFUYmFa55z64WhwLUARi_CgZaKyPkim… )
If you haven't done so yet, consider registering to join us next Thursday May 20th, for the second IBFRA webinar series on integrating climate change science in resource management in the boreal biome. The goal of this series is to provide a reference and to sparkle discussions in preparation of the 2021 IBFRA conference (https://sites.google.com/alaska.edu/ibfra2021/home-page ) coming up this summer (August 16-20 2021) and entitled “A changing boreal biome: assessing vulnerability and resilience of boreal ecosystems and their socio-economical implications”.
For this second webinar, Pr. John Innes, Dean of the Faculty of Forestry at the University of British Columbia, Canada, will discuss the implications of the ecological impacts of climate change on societies in the boreal forest. To register for this free webinar, please fill out this form (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeXYxvmH_dQIXw5hjSojdGs2MUtVpEfxt7… ) . Once registered, we will send you the information on how to join the webinar a few days prior to the event.
The recording of our first webinar is now available on our website (https://sites.google.com/alaska.edu/ibfra2021/webinars ) - please check out Pr. Turetsky's fascinating and inspiring presentation!
If you have difficulty registering, please contact us at ibfra2021(a)gmail.com (mailto:ibfra2021@gmail.com) .
** Twitter (http://www.twitter.com/ibfra2021 )
** IBFRA2021 (https://sites.google.com/alaska.edu/ibfra2021/home-page )
Copyright © 2021 International Boreal Forest Research Association, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you participated in an IBFRA event or you requested to be added to the IBFRA mailing list.
Our mailing address is:
International Boreal Forest Research Association
580 Booth Street
Ottawa, On K1A 0E4
Want to change how you receive these emails?
You can ** update your preferences (https://ibfra.us9.list-manage.com/profile?u=396aea89a262d8672c84122a9&id=a5… )
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3 years, 10 months
Invitation to our online-symposium on research activities in Nepal Himalayas
by Bruckman, Viktor
Dear colleagues,
I would like to invite you to our online symposium "Gaurishankar Conservation Area Revisited: Status of Current Research activities" as follows:
DATE: Friday, May 7, 09:15 AM CEST, 01:00 PM (NPT)
PROGRAM: see attached PDF, alternatively: https://www.oeaw.ac.at/kioes/aktivitaeten/detail/forschung-fuer-die-gaurish…
ACCESS LINK: https://oeaw-ac-at.zoom.us/j/93417077969
NO registration required, symposium language: Englisch
Research activities in Gaurishankar Conservation Area (GCA) were initiated in 2015, with a kick-off meeting in Kathmandu on 22nd of April titled "Research Methodology for Integrated Forest Management in Gaurishankar Conservation Area, Central Nepal Himalayas". The subsequent ill-fated fieldwork campaign did not result in expected outcomes as it was suddenly interrupted by a massive (7.8Mw) earthquake, known as the Gorkha earthquake, which took place on 25th of April, 2015. The project team soon realized that pursuing the initial aims was impossible and hence a follow-up project was initiated in 2016, within the carbon offset project framework of BOKU University. The aim of the ongoing long-term carbon offset project is to provide scientific evidence for decisions that help to improve livelihoods, to increase resilience and to help overcoming negative consequences of the 2015 earthquake event, all embedded in an accountable carbon sequestration framework. For instance, a nursery was set up to enhance afforestation with the aims of increasing carbon, reduce erosion and for local production of construction and firewood.
The symposium presents the status of scientific research in GCA, both within and beyond the BOKU carbon offset project. It provides a platform to share current research of various disciplines, strengthens existing collaborations and establishing new links. The summary and discussion session aims at providing input fur future activities at GCA. Colleagues and friends from IUFRO are very welcome to attend and share their ideas, suggestions and perhaps identify potential collaboration.
Looking forward to welcome you at this virtual event!
With best wishes,
Viktor Bruckman
Dr. Viktor Bruckman
Austrian Academy of Sciences
Dr. Ignaz Seipel-Platz 2
1010 Vienna, Austria
Voice: +43-1-51581-3200
Mobile: +43 664 6127259
Email: viktor.bruckman(a)oeaw.ac.at<mailto:viktor.bruckman@oeaw.ac.at>
Web: http://www.oeaw.ac.at/kioes/
3 years, 10 months