Dear Meliaceae E-list:
Below is the IUFRO Newsletter Issue 3 2021. Past editions of the newsletter
can be found at:
Sheila Ward
Deputy Coordinator
IUFRO WP 1.02.04
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: IUFRO Headquarters <office(a)>
Date: Thu, Apr 8, 2021 at 5:43 AM
Subject: IUFRO NEWS 3, 2021
To: Dear IUFRO Officeholder <mahoganyforthefuture(a)>
[image: IUFRO News]
Issue 3, 2021
IUFRO NEWS 3, 2021
Dear IUFRO Officeholder:
We are happy to present to you issue 3 of IUFRO News 2021, volume 50!
IUFRO News Issue 3, 2021 is also available for download as a PDF or Word
file at:
*Please share this newsletter widely with your colleagues and interested
audiences and publish the link on your organization's website!*
We are also pleased to announce *IUFRO WORLD DAY - Digital Forest Science
Forum 2021* – to be held on *28-29 September 2021*! This unique 24-hours
event aims to showcase the science covered by IUFRO research units and
Member Organizations, and to facilitate networking and communication.
*You will receive detailed information at the end of April!*
Best wishes,
Alexander Buck
*IUFRO Executive Director*
*To find out more about IUFRO, just visit* and
follow our blog, Twitter: @iufro
<>, IUFRO Facebook entries
<> and Instagram
*IUFRO News is widely distributed among IUFRO Members, officeholders and
other interested groups. If you would like to publish in IUFRO News,
contribute to the IUFRO website content or promote a publication via IUFRO
Spotlight, do not hesitate to contact us at IUFRO Headquarters:
office(a) <office(a)>*
Towards Gender Mainstreaming in Forestry
Achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls is one of the
17 goals (SDG5) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development. Although important progress has been made in several areas,
gender inequalities are still deeply rooted in societies worldwide. Read
this interview with IUFRO officeholders! *More
2021 World Wood Day: Carbon Capture and Storage in Forests, Wood and
Non-Wood Products
World Wood Day (WWD) is celebrated every year on 21 March in order to
highlight wood as an ecofriendly and renewable biomaterial and to raise
awareness on the key role wood plays in a sustainable world through
biodiversity and forest conservation. Find out about the scientific
symposium held on this occasion. *More
Forest Roads in Southern Africa
[image: Photo showing a forested landscape with roads. Photo by Dr Muedanyi
Ramantswana, November 27, 2020]
This seminar series provides regional perspectives on the design,
construction, and management of forest road systems. The intent is to
provide the participants with regional views of what forest roads are and
the major factors affecting them. *More
Forests, Nature and Public Space during the Global Pandemic
[image: Photo showing a skyscraper with a park in the forefront, in New
York City. Photo by melle1228 on Pixabay]
The first webinar of the new IUFRO Division 6 webinar series was
successfully held on 19 March 2021. It presented and discussed research on
the role of forests, nature, and public space in urban areas during the
Covid-19 pandemic. *More <>*
Forest Genetic Monitoring
[image: Photo showing a screenshot taken during the conference on breeding
and conservation of Meditearranean conifers.]
The meeting "Forest Science for Future Forests: Forest genetic monitoring
and biodiversity in changing environments" was held on 21-25 September 2020
at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. FGM aims at the assessment of the
current state of genetic variation and the quantification of its relevant
changes at a temporal scale. Its main goal is to preserve the long-term
adaptive evolutionary potential. *More
Webinars #3 and #4 of the Int'l Tree Mortality Network Now Online!
The recorded webinars entitled "Tree mortality in Australian ecosystems:
past, present and future" and "Rising tree mortality in the Anthropocene"
are now available. *More <>*
IUFRO Division 1 Silviculture – Designing the Way Forwards
Fifty-two office holders of the IUFRO Silviculture Division got together in
an online meeting on 23 February 2021 to exchange views on strategic issues
and report on on-going activities and future plans. The meeting started
with four scientific and technical presentations. *More
News from Members
Cork Oak Research in Tunisia
[image: Photo showing a cork oak. Photo by maya7777 on Pixabay]
Report by Boutheina Stiti, Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and
Fisheries, Tunisia, and Deputy Coordinator of IUFRO Working Party 4.05.01 -
Managerial, social and environmental accounting, on the 10th International
Ecology Symposium and the 6th International Congress of Plant and Animal
Biodiversity - CIBVA6- 2020. *More
Forest Research Wins Funding for Collaborative Research into Oak Tree
[image: Photo showing an oak tree. Photo by Robin Greenwood on Pixabay]
The project, named 'BAC-STOP' (Bacteria: Advancement of Control and
Knowledge to Save Threatened Oak and Protect them for Future Generations'),
will focus on Acute Oak Decline (AOD) - an emerging complex disease in
which bacteria cause stem lesions on native species of British oak:
BAC-STOP - BPD-UK. *More <>…*
100 Years of Forest Research in British Columbia, Canada
Exactly 100 years ago the Canadian Province of British Columbia (BC)
started investing in forest research. It was 1921 when the BC Forest Branch
hired the first research scientist, J.L. Alexander, to work on forest
regeneration, growth and yield, and fire protection. *More*
[image: Photo showing Daniela Kleinschmit. Photo COC Freiburg.]
On 1 April 2021 IUFRO Vice-President *Daniela Kleinschmit *joined the
Rectorate of the *University of Freiburg*, Germany as new part-time
Vice-President. The environmental social scientist *Professor Kleinschmit*
will be responsible for issues of internationalization and
sustainability. *More
Memories of the XXV IUFRO World Congress
[image: Photo showing the cover of the Memorias/Congress Report of the XXV
IUFRO World Congress, Curitiba, Brazil, 2019.]
All information on the XXV IUFRO World Congress in Curitiba, Brazil, has
now been compiled in a beautiful brochure by the Congress Organizing team
from Embrapa Forestry, Brazil. "Enjoy good memories, enjoy good times! The
effort to document each session and every detail of the IUFRO2019 Congress
has been done with you in mind!" *More
Obituary Karl - Charly - Kleemayr
[image: Photo showing Karl Kleemayr, deceased.]
IUFRO Division 8 - Unit 8.03.00 *Natural hazards and risk management*, in
particular - mourns the loss of our colleague and friend Karl (Charly)
Kleemayr, who passed away on Friday 26 February 2021. We remember Charly's
enthusiasm and creativity in advancing the knowledge and value of
forest-based solutions for the prevention of natural hazards. *More*
Publications and FLR
French Version of "Forest Landscape Restoration Implementation”
IUFRO Occasional Paper 33 now also in French: 'Mise en œuvre de la
restauration des paysages forestiers: Leçons apprises de paysages
sélectionnés en Afrique, en Asie et en Amérique latine'*. More
Take the Global Restoration Survey!
In preparation for the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, a coalition of
41 organizations prepared a global online survey to identify existing
capacity needs to scale up restoration. Participate until 15 April! *More
Latest IUFRO Spotlight: Getting everyone on board to succeed in forest
landscape restoration
[image: Photo showing Alignment and planting in SMM Komitibanda. Photo:
Forest College & Research Institute, Telangana, India.]
In many countries land degradation is severe and widespread, and
restoration will be a task for many years to come. So, capacities there
must be enhanced to help shape a more sustainable world. *More
Newsletters and Mailing Lists
IUFRO News in its 50th Year
Look back on early issues of IUFRO News, read news from Division 4.00.00 -
Forest Assessment, Modelling and Management, get latest updates on criteria
and indicators, or join the e-list for IUFRO Working Party 4.02.01 Resource
Data in the Tropics! *More
Papers, Proceedings, Journals
[image: Photo showing plants in hollow tree. Photo by Mike Goad on Pixabay.]
Find information on recent research papers and special journal issues,
newly published proceedings from IUFRO meetings, and calls for submissions
to journals! *More <>…*
[image: Photo showing a winner's trophy. Picture by Mohamed Hassan on
Calls for nominations for the Premi Ramon Margalef D'Ecologia and the
Marcus Wallenberg Prize 2021 are still open! *More
Other Information
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*IUFRO News Issue 3*
*, 2021, published in early April 2021 by IUFRO Headquarters, Marxergasse
2, 1030 Vienna, Austria. Available for download
<> Contact the
editor at
office(at) <wolfrum(a)> or
visit <> If you wish to
unsubscribe from IUFRO News, please reply to this newsletter by e-mail
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