Dear IUFRO Meliaceae Working Party:
The deadline is June 2 for submitting abstracts for IUFRO 2024 Session
T3.30 Research advances towards sustainability for the high-value Meliaceae
(page 129 in the sessions book) and other sessions.
The call for abstracts for IUFRO 2024 is at The abstract
announcement is at….
Download the book of IUFRO 2024 sessions at
Submit your abstract at
Tropical timber species of the Meliaceae are among the world’s finest
hardwoods, and are widely distributed in Asia, Oceania, Africa, and Latin
America. The family includes about 53 genera and about 600 known species,
including the genera of *Swietenia*, *Cedrela*, *Toona*, *Entandrophragma*
and *Khaya*. Demand for these species remains high, in spite of decreasing
populations for many of the species*, *especially in the wild. Many species
(e.g. mahogany, African mahogany, Chinese Toon, Australian red cedar) are
being grown as plantations around the world (e.g. Australia, Malaysia,
Brazil, China, and Nigeria). These sources can potentially reduce pressure
on natural populations and provide highly desired wood products to society.
However, the sustainable management of high value species of the family
Meliaceae faces similar issues in the eastern and western hemispheres. In
addition to timber, other products from these species also contribute to
livelihoods for forest communities. Much research is still needed over a
wide range of topics. The purpose of this session is to share the latest
findings in research and management towards sustainability for these
species, presenting insights from various countries. Important topics
include conservation of genetic resources, genetic improvement, advances in
shootborer control, natural forest management, carbon sequestration
potentials, climate change adaptation, development of products useful for
human health, improvement of yields from plantation-grown Meliaceae, and
advances in science for Meliaceae wood and non-wood forest products.
We hope to broadly communicate advances made in research on these species
for improved management and utilization, and to find common research themes
among participants to help build possible collaborations. We aim for the
last part of the session to be a discussion, with questions from the
audience and discussion among the presenters and moderators. We also
welcome associated posters for this session. This theme should be
interesting for Congress participants, since demand remains high for
Meliaceae wood in global markets.
SESSION: (Search for the session of interest)
TITLE: Spell out words, do not use abbreviations. The title or text is not
to indicate the country of origin, unless it is pertinent to the topic.
AUTHORS: Names and surnames for each author must be provided. Do not
include degrees or titles. The presenting author’s name will be published
in bold.
AFFILIATIONS: Each author should be listed by University/Hospital,
Department and Country. Please make sure to include this complete
information in the Affiliation text box.
TEXT: The abstract must be in English and should be a maximum of 300 words,
excluding the title. It is the author’s responsibility to submit a correct
abstract; any errors in spelling, grammar, or scientific fact will be
published as typed by the author, if accepted. Poor English may be a cause
for rejection. The Programme Committee will accept abstracts for the
Scientific Programme (oral or poster presentation) on scientific merit.
“Only Abstracts of registered participants will be printed. At least one of
the authors must be registered for the Conference.”
We look forward to seeing you in Stockholm for IUFRO 2024.
Sheila Ward
Dear IUFRO Meliaceae Working Party:
The time has come to prepare and submit abstracts for IUFRO 2024 for
Session T3.30 Research advances towards sustainability for the high-value
Meliaceae (page 129 in the sessions book) and other sessions.
The call for abstracts for IUFRO 2024 is at The abstract
announcement is at….
Download the book of IUFRO 2024 sessions t
Submit your abstract at
*Meliaceae Session Description*
Tropical timber species of the Meliaceae are among the world’s finest
hardwoods, and are widely distributed in Asia, Oceania, Africa, and Latin
America. The family includes about 53 genera and about 600 known species,
including the genera of *Swietenia*, *Cedrela*, *Toona*, *Entandrophragma*
and *Khaya*. Demand for these species remains high, in spite of decreasing
populations for many of the species*, *especially in the wild. Many species
(e.g. mahogany, African mahogany, Chinese Toon, Australian red cedar) are
being grown as plantations around the world (e.g. Australia, Malaysia,
Brazil, China, and Nigeria). These sources can potentially reduce pressure
on natural populations and provide highly desired wood products to society.
However, the sustainable management of high value species of the family
Meliaceae faces similar issues in the eastern and western hemispheres. In
addition to timber, other products from these species also contribute to
livelihoods for forest communities. Much research is still needed over a
wide range of topics. The purpose of this session is to share the latest
findings in research and management towards sustainability for these
species, presenting insights from various countries. Important topics
include conservation of genetic resources, genetic improvement, advances in
shootborer control, natural forest management, carbon sequestration
potentials, climate change adaptation, development of products useful for
human health, improvement of yields from plantation-grown Meliaceae, and
advances in science for Meliaceae wood and non-wood forest products.
We hope to broadly communicate advances made in research on these species
for improved management and utilization, and to find common research themes
among participants to help build possible collaborations. We aim for the
last part of the session to be a discussion, with questions from the
audience and discussion among the presenters and moderators. We also
welcome associated posters for this session. This theme should be
interesting for Congress participants, since demand remains high for
Meliaceae wood in global markets.
*Abstract submission instructions*
SESSION: (Search for the session of interest)
TITLE: Spell out words, do not use abbreviations. The title or text is not
to indicate the country of origin, unless it is pertinent to the topic.
AUTHORS: Names and surnames for each author must be provided. Do not
include degrees or titles. The presenting author’s name will be published
in bold.
AFFILITATIONS: Each author should be listed by University/Hospital,
Department and Country. Please make sure to include this complete
information in the Affiliation text box.
TEXT: The abstract must be in English and should be a maximum of 300 words,
excluding the title. It is the author’s responsibility to submit a correct
abstract; any errors in spelling, grammar, or scientific fact will be
published as typed by the author, if accepted. Poor English may be a cause
for rejection. The Programme Committee will accept abstracts for the
Scientific Programme (oral or poster presentation) on scientific merit.
“Only Abstracts of registered participants will be printed. At least one of
the authors must be registered for the Conference.”
We look forward to seeing you in Stockholm for IUFRO 2024.
Sheila Ward
Deputy Coordinator, IUFRO WP 1.02.04