IUFRO MELIACEAE MEETING 25-26 June 2012 Nairobi, Kenya
The first meeting of the IUFRO working party 1.02.04 – Sustainable
management and genetic resources in Meliaceae – will be held on Monday
and Tuesday June 25 and 25 2012 in Nairobi, Kenya. The purpose is
share the latest in research and applications for a global perspective
on solutions for the Meliaceae.
This meeting will be held in conjunction with the IUFRO-FORNESSA
Regional Congress in Africa (IUFRO = International Union of Forest
Research Organizations; FORNESSA = Forestry Research Network of
Sub-Saharan Africa). We are also investigating a field trip on the
Meliaceae for Wednesday July 27.
Potential sessions for the Meliaceae meeting are as follows:
Advances on the shoot borer
Conservation and use of Meliaceae genetic resources (genetics,
conservation,germplasm production etc)
Population genetics of natural populations
Management of Meliaceae plantations
Meliaceae ecology and biogeography
Meliaceae management in natural forests (including multiple use management)
If you would like to chair one of these sessions, or have other
suggestions for sessions, please send them to Dr. Sheila Ward
(mahoganyforthefuture(a)gmail.com ) by September 1, 2011. These
sessions will be coordinated with those of the African Regional
If you wish to submit a paper or a poster please send it to: Dr.
Sheila Ward (Deputy Coordinator; IUFRO Meliaceae Working Party;
mahoganyforthefuture(a)gmail.com) AND Dr. Joe Cobbinah (chair, Africa
Regional Congress Scientific Committee; joe.cobbinah(a)ymail.com;
iufroforn_2012(a)yahoo.com). The deadline is 15 November, 2011.
The abstract should include: title, list of authors with email address
and affiliations, and a 300-350 word abstract. Please indicate in
which of the above sessions the abstract would best, and the theme(s)
of the African Regional Congress it addresses. Presenters that address
the Congress themes (as well as the Meliaceae meeting themes) may be
eligible to receive partial or complete coverage of costs for
attending the meeting. Information on the Regional Congress and its
themes can be found at:
http://fornis.net/content/first-iufro-fornessa-regional-congress .
For more information, please contact:
Dr. Sheila Ward
Deputy Coordinator
IUFRO working party 1.02.04 –
Sustainable management and genetic resources in Meliaceae