Dear Meliaceae Working party:
Below is the IUFRO Issue 6 2018 newsletter. Past editions of the newsletter
can be found at:
Sheila Ward
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: IUFRO Headquarters <office(a)>
Date: Wed, Jul 4, 2018 at 9:05 AM
Subject: IUFRO NEWS 6, 2018
To: Dear Reader of IUFRO News <mahoganyforthefuture(a)>
[image: IUFRO News]
Issue 6, 2018
IUFRO NEWS 6, 2018
Dear Reader of IUFRO News:
We are happy to present to you issue 6 of IUFRO News 2018, volume 47. The
newsletter is also available for download as a PDF or Word file at:
You are welcome to pass on this newsletter to your colleagues!
To find out more about IUFRO, just visit <> and follow our blog, Twitter: @iufro
<> and IUFRO Facebook entries
Enjoy the read!
Alexander Buck
*IUFRO Executive Director *
*Submit your nominations for candidates for IUFRO World Congress Awards by
31 August 2018!*
*IUFRO News is widely distributed among IUFRO Members, officeholders and
other interested groups. If you would like to publish in IUFRO News,
contribute to the IUFRO website content or promote a publication via IUFRO
Spotlight, do not hesitate to contact us at IUFRO Headquarters:
office(a) <office(a)> *
*International Conference on Ozone and Plant Ecosystems*
Ozone pollution continues to be a serious issue for terrestrial ecosystems
and plant health. The conference on 21-25 May 2018 in Sant'Apollonia
Auditorium Florence, Italy, allowed experts in the field of interactions
between ozone and plant ecosystems to meet and discuss the state-of-the-art
and future strategies for decision-makers. *More*
*Transformations towards a New Era in Small Scale Forestry*
The IUFRO 3.08.00 Small-Scale Forestry conference on 11-13 June 2018 in
Vaasa, Finland, discussed landholder engagement with aims to unify
stakeholders and empower small-scale forest owners. Conflicting land-use
issues were addressed such as swidden agriculture as well as hunting
rights. *More* <>…
*Communicating Risks in Decision Support Systems: from basic research to
advance decision support tools*
Risk analysis is an emerging field of research and relatively new in
forestry. The international conference on 6-8 June 2018 in Solsona and
Barcelona, Spain, focused on presenting models, methods and decision
support systems that might be used by public administrators, forest owners
and industry for forest management planning in a context of risk and
uncertainty. *More* <>…
*Natural Resources, Green Technology and Sustainable Development*
Following the great success of GREEN 2014 and GREEN 2016, the conference
3-GREEN 2018 on 5-8 June in Zagreb, Croatia, brought together leading
experts in the fields of forest and biotechnology from around the world to
present recent achievements, share the latest developments and address
present and future challenges. *More*
*New: IUFRO World Series 37*
This book comprises fifteen major contributions by leading scholars on the
ecology, history, heritage, and management of ancient trees, ancient
woodlands and forests. Taking trees, woods and forests as eco-cultural
resources, the authors explore ecology and nature, history, tradition and
heritage, and the evidence base of archaeology, literature, and archives.
*More* <>…
*New: IUFRO Spotlight #59*
A Special Issue of the International Forestry Review developed by IUFRO
WFSE takes a closer look at forestry discourses, and specifically how they
have affected forest-based development. *More*
*10 July at HLPF, New York: Launch of GFEP Report on Forest and Water
The Global Forest Expert Panel (GFEP) on Forests and Water has finalized
its comprehensive scientific assessment. A report and policy brief will be
launched in the course of a side event of the HLPF in New York titled
"Forests and Water on a Changing Planet: Scientific Insights for Building
Sustainable and Resilient Societies" and hosted by the Permanent Mission of
Austria to the UN and IUFRO on Tuesday 10 July, 13.15-14.30 (EDT). *More*
*Awards - Nominate Your Candidates for IUFRO World Congress Awards!*
At the XXV IUFRO World Congress to be held from 29 September to 5 October
2019 in Curitiba, Brazil, IUFRO will again honor outstanding scientific
achievements and contributions to forestry with a range of awards. You are
invited to nominate suitable candidates for the various categories of
awards by 31 August 2018. *More*
*XXV IUFRO World Congress – Call for Sessions*
In keeping with the spirit of the Congress title – *Forest Research and
Cooperation for Sustainable Development* - the Congress Scientific
Committee (CSC) is developing a program that will highlight the
contributions that forest science is making to address the significant
environmental, social and economic challenges facing our world. *More*
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*IUFRO News Issue 6*
*, 2018, published in early July 2018by IUFRO Headquarters, Marxergasse 2
<>, 1030
Vienna, Austria.Available for download
<>Contact the
editor at
office(at) <> or
visit <> If you wish to
unsubsribe from IUFRO News, please send us a short note by e-mail