Dear Meliaceae E-list:
Below is IUFRO Newsletter 2021 Issue 7. Past editions of the newsletter can
be found at:
Sheila Ward
Deputy Coordinator
IUFRO WP 1.02.04
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From: IUFRO Headquarters <office(a)>
Date: Wed, Aug 4, 2021 at 12:01 PM
Subject: [IUFRO Div 4] IUFRO NEWS 7, 2021
To: Dear Reader of IUFRO News <div4(a)>
[image: IUFRO News]
Issue 7, 2021
IUFRO NEWS 7, 2021
Dear Reader of IUFRO News:
We are happy to present to you issue 7 of IUFRO News 2021, volume 50!
This issue of IUFRO News Issue is also available for download as a PDF or
Word file at:
*Please share this newsletter widely with your colleagues and interested
audiences and publish the link on your organization's website!*
We are also pleased to announce *IUFRO WORLD DAY - Digital Forest Science
Forum 2021* – to be held on *28-29 September 2021*! This unique 24-hours
event aims to showcase the science covered by IUFRO research units and
Member Organizations, and to facilitate networking and communication. *We
look forward to your active participation: *
Best wishes,
Alexander Buck
*IUFRO Executive Director*
*To find out more about IUFRO, visit*
*Follow our blog at*
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*IUFRO News is widely distributed among IUFRO Members, officeholders and
other interested groups. If you would like to publish in IUFRO News,
contribute to the IUFRO website content or promote a publication via IUFRO
Spotlight, do not hesitate to contact us at IUFRO Headquarters:
IUFRO's Focus on the Interaction Between Forests and People
[image: Photo showing Prof. Liu at the carbon flux observation site in
warm-temperate oak forest, Baotianman Nature Reserve, Henan Province, PR
China. Photo by Sun Pengsen]
In this interview with Professor Shirong Liu, IUFRO Vice-President for Task
Forces, Special Programmes, Projects and IUFRO-led Initiatives, you will
learn about Professor Shirong’s research interests, the importance of
interdisciplinarity, and the plans for the Asia & Oceania Science/Policy
forum during iUFRO World Day. *More
First Ever IUFRO World Day Moving Closer – Last Call for Submission of
Live sessions will comprise high-level science policy forums for
Europe/Africa, the Americas and Asia/Oceania on topics such as forest
bioeconomy, forest fires and forest and water linkages, respectively. There
will also be one central session in each time zone designed to make you
familiar with IUFRO, meet officeholders and inform you how to get
involved. *More
Mondi and IUFRO Partner to Identify Science-based Solutions to Tackle the
Impact of Climate Change on Forests
[image: Photo showing forest landscape. Photo by Jana Kudrnova on Pixabay]
The IUFRO-Mondi partnership, as a global partnership with a pan-European
focus, aims to establish a science-business platform where both
organizations will work together to address forest-related climate change
challenges. *More <>…*
Forests, Trees and Poverty Alleviation in Africa: An Expanded Policy Brief
A new policy brief was successfully launched on 9 July 2021 during a
virtual side event of the UN High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable
Development (UN-HLPF). This expanded policy brief published by IUFRO’s
Global Forest Expert Panels (GFEP) Programme was prepared by 20 scientists
and in consultation with 207 local stakeholders. *More*
GreenRisk4ALPs Mountain Forest Conference
[image: Photo showing Rock avalanche in the GreenRisk4ALPs Pilot Action
Region “Gries am Brenner / Vals” in Austria, endangering infrastructure,
adjacent to protective forest reducing rockfall risk. Credit: Barbara
Žabota, University of Ljubljana]
The online meeting on 28-29 June involved IUFRO Units 8.03.02 Snow and
avalanches and 8.03.00 Natural hazards and risk management. Participants
agreed that climate change and socio-economic developments represent major
challenges for the future of protective forests, and that close cooperation
between science, practice and policy is a prerequisite for overcoming these
challenges. *More <>…*
Linking Growth Models with Remote Sensing Data
[image: Photo showing Group photo taken on zoom at the end of the meeting.
Credit: Richard Zabel, Western Forestry and Conservation Association]
The Western Mensurationists Meeting took place digitally on June 21-22 and
was attended by 152 participants from North and South America, Asia, Africa
and Europe. IUFRO Units 4.01.02 - Growth Models for Tree and Stand
Simulation / 4.01.00 – Forest mensuration and modelling were involved in a
session on “Linking growth models with remote sensing data”. *More
Celebrating Environment Day 2021 at PAU Ludhiana, India
[image: Photo showing Activities for awareness campaign on restoration of
ecosystem on June 5, 2021. Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, India.]
The Department of Forestry & Natural Resources, Panjab Agriculture
University, India, in collaboration with the Indian Society of Geomatics,
Ludhiana Chapter organized an awareness campaign on restoration of
ecosystem on June 5, 2021. *More
Building Capacities in Forest Landscape Restoration in Latin America
[image: Photo showing Participants during the last session of the course
(provided by CATIE)]
From 31 May 2021 to 25 June 2021 an online course was
held in Spanish on
the practice of forest landscape restoration. Thirty young
scientists and
professionals with interest and involvement in forest landscape restoration
from Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras,
Mexico, Panama, Paraguay and Peru participated actively in the virtual
sessions. *More <>…*
Forest Landscape Restoration and Climate Change in Latin America
[image: Photo showing Planning restoration in National Parks near
Guanacaste Costa Rica. Photo by René Zamora]
The impacts of climate change in Latin America and the Caribbean already
have serious economic, social and environmental consequences. This online
seminar shared innovative restoration strategies that contribute to the
adaptation to global change of the countries of the Latin American region.
*More* <>*…*
International Virtual Workshop on Latest Advances in Evolution and
Adaptation of Fagaceae and Nothofagaceae
[image: Photo showing Quercus dentata. Photo by Keiko Kitamura]
Over sixty scientists participated in the virtual workshop, across all
three continents (Asia, Europe and the Americas). The meeting format was
successful and well accepted, with many participants very happy about the
opportunity to view the pre-recorded presentations at their leisure before
the meeting and to review parts for improved clarity and comprehension. *More
Humusica 2021: Soil Biodiversity and Management - Practical Tools and
Actions for Facing the Future
[image: Photo showing What to do after a storm that has landed the trees of
a forest to give strength to the ground and restore as quickly as possible
in the woods? The recommendations of an Austrian expert on the subject:
keep the ground covered as much as possible even leaving fallen trees in
the woods.]
The webinar was organized in three sessions, one dedicated to TerrHum and
the classification of humus forms and two to the themes of biodiversity and
climate warming on the second day. Testimonials on the use of TerrHum have
shown that the app works well but that it needs at least one field trip of
a classification expert with potential users of the app. *More
The Amazon We Want: Public Consultation
[image: Photo showing a river, with clouds in the sky and trees at the
banks. Photo by Jose Eduardo Camargo on Pixabay]
Many scientists warn the Amazon as a whole may be approaching a tipping
point of irreversible collapse. In response to these challenges, a group of
over 200 preeminent scientists from the region have united to form the
Science Panel for the Amazon (SPA). The Panel is convened by the United
Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN). *More
More Calls for Participation!
- IPBES Call for Experts to Assess Interlinkages among Biodiversity,
Water, Food and Health and Causes of Biodiversity Loss
- Key Factors for Forest Biodiversity
- Open Science and the UNESCO Initiative
*More <>…*
Launch on 12 August: Building a Successful Forestry Career in Africa:
Inspirational Stories and Opportunities
The Joint IUFRO-IFSA Task Force on Forest Education is cordially inviting
participation in the virtual book launch taking place on 12th August 2021
at 12:00 GMT, via Zoom. *More
Why Boreal Forests Matter
Communication brochure on the role of boreal forests in sustainable
development published by FAO and UNECE and prepared in collaboration with
the UNECE/FAO Teams of Specialists on Boreal Forests. *More
Staying on Top in Academia
A *Primer for (Self-)Mentoring Young Researchers in Natural and Life
Sciences* by Arne Pommerening, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Deputy Coordinator of IUFRO Division 4 Forest Assessment, Modelling and
Management. *More <>…*
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*IUFRO News Issue 7*
*, 2021, published in early August 2021 by IUFRO Headquarters, Marxergasse
2, 1030 Vienna, Austria. Available for download
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