Dear Colleagues of the IUFRO Beech Working Group,
I hope you are all doing great.
It is my pleasure to share an article on the die-back of
European beech trees with you.
Chakraborty, T., Saha, S., Matzarakis, A., Reif, A. (2017):
Influence of multiple biotic and abiotic factors on the
crown die-back of European beech trees at their drought
limit. Flora, 229: 58 - 70.
I have also attached the pdf version.
I hope this article will be interesting for you.
With kind regards,
Dr. rer. nat. Tamalika Chakraborty
Chair of Site Classification and Vegetation Science
Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources
University of Freiburg
Tennenbacherstr. 4
79085 Freiburg, Germany