Subject: SWC2010 Conference in Casablanca: Last Call for Late-comers
Dear authors:
As SWC2010 Conference is approaching, I would like to remind you of two key deadlines:
31 March 2010 midnight: last date to submit abstracts (oral and poster presentation);
10 April 2010 midnight: last date to make your booking, at preferential booking rate
I invite those of you who have not yet submitted their abstract and/or not yet completed their registration, or have not yet booked yet their hotel room, to consider doing it, as quickly as possible, before the corresponding deadline.
On another hand, I would like to inform you that, in order to efficiently handle the conference participants’ accommodation in their chosen hotels in Casablanca, during the conference, we entrusted a travel agency (CIME VOYAGE) to assist Sylva-World (Conference organizer), for this purpose.
Within this framework, you are going to receive, a hotel accommodation form, inviting you to fill it in, indicating, in particular:
- Your selected hotel, where you want to be accommodated;
- Your accompanying person(s);
- Your arrival flight No.
- Your Departure date and hour
- Your departure flight No.
The travel agency Cime Voyage can be contacted at the following phone numbers:
Telephone: +212 537 729 097 (ask for Mr. Chihab, agency manager)
Mobile phone: + 212 665 722 412 & +212 661 935 213 +212 661 935 213
Fax: +212 537 729 167
E-mail: chihabmo(a) & cimevoyagetourism(a)
(Mention the reference: SWC2010 Conference, in Casablanca, 25-27 May 2010)
Best wishes
Dr. Mohammed Ellatifi
Conference Chair
Casablanca, Morocco
Tel: +212 661 328 797 +212 661 328 797
Fax: +212 522 982 428
Website: &
Attached: Registration Form
... the 5th story from the IUFRO.
>>> IUFRO Headquarters <office(a)> 15/02/2010 09:07 >>>
Dear Palle,
We are releasing our fifth story relating to the themes of the XXIII IUFRO World Congress: BUSHMEAT: BEYOND THE ECOLOGICAL CRISIS.
The main issue of this release deals with the threat from the hunting of rare tropical forest species to be traded on illegal markets and how on the contrary, traditional African societies consume bushmeat for other reasons than simply profit.
Please be reminded that you can comment this release on our blog and directly give your feedback to IUFRO:
Many thanks for your cooperation,
Dr. Peter Mayer - Executive Director
International Union of Forest Research Organizations
IUFRO Headquarters - Secretariat
Mariabrunn (BFW), Hauptstrasse 7 - 1140 Vienna, Austria
Tel.: +43-1-877 0151-0 - Fax: +43-1-877 0151-50
Website: - Email: mayer(at)
5th in a series of releases related to the XXIII IUFRO World Congress
English (pdf) - Espanol (pdf) - Francais (pdf) - Deutsch (pdf)
(Vienna, 15 February 2010) - Contemporary African societies are a mix of modernized, western society and traditional African roots. Those traditions mean that people - rural and urban - still consume bushmeat for reasons linked to culture, taste and attachment to healthy, natural products.
However, the scale of hunting occurring in Central Africa poses a threat to many tropical forest species. The response to this has typically been legal: ban the trade in bushmeat and criminalize the hunters and consumers.
This, said Nathalie Van Vliet, Bushmeat strategic advisor for TRAFFIC, has not been terribly effective. The trade continues to flourish but in a hidden economy that makes it more difficult to manage or control.
Those in the bushmeat trade who make money out of the commercialisation of rare species for the urban markets need to be strictly controlled. However, those who eat bushmeat for their own nutrition or sell bushmeat to pay for medicines or school fees, should not be presented as criminals," she says.
Dr. Van Vliet will coordinate a session dealing with the hunting of bushmeat in Central Africa at the 2010 IUFRO World Congress in Seoul.
She hopes her session will reach beyond conservationists to also integrate the input of social, health and economic stakeholders to help develop more integrated bushmeat strategies and policies.
You may find the original story with links to translations, media contacts and illustrations here:
.. the 4th story from IUFRO...
>>> IUFRO Headquarters <office(a)> 25/01/2010 06:41 >>>
Dear Palle,
We would like to present to you our forth story relating to the themes of the XXIII IUFRO World Congress: FULL-SERVICE FORESTS: FOOD, PHARMACEUTICALS & FIBRE.
So far we have received positive feedback from the release of our previous news stories.
If you have personally contributed in disseminating these stories, I would like to sincerely thank you for taking the time to help us in this process.
Enjoy your reading,
Dr. Peter Mayer - Executive Director
International Union of Forest Research Organizations
IUFRO Headquarters - Secretariat
Mariabrunn (BFW), Hauptstrasse 7 - 1140 Vienna, Austria
Tel.: +43-1-877 0151-0 - Fax: +43-1-877 0151-50
Website: - Email: mayer(at)
4th in a series of releases related to the XXIII IUFRO World Congress
English (pdf) - Espanol (pdf) - Francais (pdf) - Deutsch (pdf)
(Vienna, 25 January 2010) - Managing for wildlife habitat, soil stability, water, medicinal plants and foods - nuts, berries, and mushrooms - as well as timber resources, are now all part of most forest development plans and goals.
Today's forest management looks toward sustaining a variety of resources as well as revenue from timber products. That's at least partly because "a diversity of plant and animal species can improve the ability of a stand to survive under dramatic changes in environmental conditions including climate change," says Dr. Valerie LeMay, Professor of Forest Biometrics and Measurements at Canada's University of British Columbia.
It's a change from the past when forests were managed primarily for timber resources. Today's forest managers realize that even the structure of a stand - the variation in tree heights, diameters, location and species and the number of dead trees standing or lying in it - is an important aspect of managing for multiple benefits, she said.
Large gaps in a tree stand, for instance, provide light for new tree growth, but also for grasses, herbs, shrubs and other vegetation that often provide food for deer and other wildlife.
The question though, is how best to manage all this? Dr. LeMay and Dr. Peter Newton, Research Scientist at Natural Resources Canada, will coordinate a session that deals with managing and measuring stand structure for a diverse array of forest products at the 2010 IUFRO World Congress in Seoul.
You may find the original story with links to translations, media contacts and illustrations here:
Dear Colleague,
I've realised that I should have sent you more of the "forest-stories" sent out by the IUFRO in advance of the upcoming World Congress. I believe you got the two first stories with the season's greetings that the beech coordinator team sent out about two month ago.
Here you have the 3rd story and two more will follow shortly after this.
Palle Madsen
>>> IUFRO Headquarters <office(a)> 11/01/2010 09:45 >>>
Dear Palle,
2010 is a very important year for IUFRO since the XXIII IUFRO World Congresses will be convened from 23-28 August 2010 in Seoul, Republic of Korea. The IUFRO World Congress will also be one of the largest global forest events in 2010.
In this context I am pleased to announce the release of the third story relating to the XXIII IUFRO World Congress: CLIMATE CHANGE ADDS TO FOREST THREAT. It contains information about the services that forests provide to us and in what manner climate change is affecting the health of our forests and trees.
For additional information about this or any previous IUFRO news stories don't hesitate to contact us.
I would like to wish you a successful year 2010 and hope to see you at the IUFRO World Congress!
Dr. Peter Mayer - Executive Director
International Union of Forest Research Organizations
IUFRO Headquarters - Secretariat
Mariabrunn (BFW), Hauptstrasse 7 - 1140 Vienna, Austria
Tel.: +43-1-877 0151-0 - Fax: +43-1-877 0151-50
Website: - Email: mayer(at)
3rd in a series of releases related to the XXIII IUFRO World Congress
English (pdf) - Spanish (pdf) - French (pdf) - German (pdf)
(Vienna, 11 January 2010) - Only healthy forests can provide many important services upon which we rely - air quality and water cycle regulation; biodiversity and soil protection; carbon sequestration and mitigation of climate change, and social and cultural value.
Forest health has long been threatened by insect pests and diseases accidentally moved to new areas. More recently, climate change has become one of the greatest threats to forest and tree health, says Elena Paoletti, senior scientist at the Institute for Plant Protection of the National Council of Research of Italy. She adds "Climate change and air pollution pose new threats to forests and change their ability to tolerate stressors."
Historically, climatic extremes, air pollution, insects and disease have been the main factors adversely affecting forest health. Understanding how these stress agents are affected by, and respond to climatic change is fundamental to our efforts to mitigate the impacts of a changing environment. Adaptive forest strategies must be developed.
She notes that, among other issues, climate change is resulting in the expansion of distribution ranges of some insect pests and pathogens. These range shifts have the potential to be permanent and to have significant implications on the future health of the world's forests.
Dr. Paoletti will coordinate a sub-plenary session at the 2010 IUFRO World Congress in Seoul. The aim will be to update forest scientists and managers regarding new breakthroughs in the field of forest tree health and especially to better understand the multi-faceted aspects of climate change.
You may find the original date of release for each story with a link including translations, media contacts and illustrations here:
Dear Colleagues,
... here is the 1st announcement of a beech symposium organized by the
Croatian Forest Research Institute and Hungarian Forest Research
Institute ERTI.
Some of you may already have recieved it through other channels.
Best regards
Palle Madsen
>>> "Igor Kolar" <igork(a)> 02/03/2010 16:02 >>>
Dear Sirs /Mrs.,
Croatian Forest Research Institute and Hungarian Forest Research
Institute ERTI in joint partnership are proud to announce and to invite
You to the International Scientific Symposium FAGUS 2010 under title:
*Is there future for beech * Changes, Impacts and Answers*, which
will be organized from October 27th * October 29th 2010 in Varaždin,
Croatia and Zala County, Hungary.
Within the initial information-package herewith You shall find attached
the 1st Announcement along with the Abstract form.
You and Your colleagues are most welcomed to participate, therefore
we*re sincerely looking forward to meet You!
On behalf of the Chairman of FAGUS 2010 Organization committee
Prof. dr. sc. Zvonko Seletkovi*
Igor Kolar
Igor Kolar, dipl. Ing.šum.
Stru*ni suradnik za me*unarodnu suradnju /Associate for International
Hrvatski šumarski institut /Croatian Forest Research Institute
Cvjetno naselje 41, HR-10450 Jastrebarsko, Croatia
Tel: +385.1.6273.008, Fax: +385.1.6273.035, Mob: +385.99.2281.681,
E-mail: igork(a)
Molimo vodite brigu o o*uvanju okoliša prije ispisa /Please consider
the environment before printing this e-mail
Dear beech-people,
I should have forwarded this message with the IUFRO New 1/2010 one month ago - but now you have it!
Shortly after will follow the 1st announcement of a beech symposium that our colleagues in Croatia and Hungary are organizing.
Palle Madsen
Senior Researcher, Ph.D.
Skov & Landskab (S&L)
Center for Skov, Landskab og Planlægning
Københavns Universitet
Forest & Landscape Denmark
Danish Centre for Forest, Landscape and Planning
University of Copenhagen
Vedelsgade 6
DK-7100 Vejle
Tlf. ++45 35 33 17 13
Mob. ++45 40 45 30 19
Fax ++45 35 33 15 12
E-post pam(a)
My profile at the S&L webpage:
S&L webpage:
Kulturkommission hjemmeside:
>>> IUFRO Headquarters <office(a)> 27/01/2010 09:53 >>>
Dear IUFRO Officeholder:
The first issue of IUFRO News in the IUFRO World Congress year 2010 can be downloaded as a PDF or Word file at:
If you would like to publish in IUFRO News, do not hesitate to contact us at IUFRO Headquarters (office(at) You can also interact with us via our social media tools (twitter, blog, facebook). Have a look at and find out more!
Note that within a few weeks, you will receive the "IUFRO Registration Package", a printed brochure with detailed information about the XXIII IUFRO World Congress in Seoul, Republic of Korea. Also check the Congress website at:
Feel free to spread all IUFRO information among your colleagues!
Best regards,
Peter Mayer
Peter Mayer
IUFRO Executive Director
IUFRO Headquarters
Hauptstrasse 7
1140 Vienna, Austria
Tel: +43-1-877 0151 0
Fax: +43-1-877 0151 ext. 50
E-mail: office(at)
IUFRO News, Volume 39, Issue 1, 2010
Download PDF from
In this issue:
Green Technologies and Products for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
Forests Moving up on the Climate Change Agenda
Experts Lay Foundation for First Global Scientific Assessment on International Forest Regime
New on the IUFRO Website: Featured Member and Social Media
Latest IUFRO World Congress News Stories
Position Announcements
Upcoming meetings
Green Technologies and Products for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
by Sim Heok-Choh, Ph.D., APAFRI, Malaysia
Climate change is a global problem, with global causes and effects. It affects the basic elements of life for people around the world - access to water, food production, health, and the environment.
The recently intensified debates and discussions on climate change have introduced many additional challenges to the efficient and sustainable utilization of forest products. Efficient processing technologies and maximized wood utilization constitute major components in the green business strategy designed to conserve resources, reduce impacts to the environment, human safety and health, and promote greater overall efficiency. In addition, alternatives, such as using bio-fibre waste or by-products of other industries, are continuously being sought to reduce dependence on non-renewable natural resources. The ultimate objective is to improve carbon reduction, carbon sequestration and carbon conservation leading to an overall carbon emission reduction for climate change mitigation and adaptation.
>From 14-16 December 2009, the Asia and the Pacific Forest Products Workshop on "Green Technologies and Products for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation" was held in Marawila, Sri Lanka, with the aim to provide a forum for linking various agencies and institutions dealing with climate change issues in forest products processing and utilization, and to share strategies, experiences and knowledge, related to green forest products technology.
Dr Dave Cown, a senior scientist of Scion, New Zealand, and also the Coordinator of IUFRO Division V, led a panel discussion with Dr Hiran Amarasekara (Sri Lanka), Dr GS Rawat (India), Dr Jegatheswaran Ratnasingam (Malaysia) and Dr Arsenio Ella (Philippines). There was a general consensus that climate change is inevitable and unavoidable, and the impacts are evident in many countries. The role of science in the climate change debates shall be strengthened and there is a need to create sufficient awareness and contribute to policy formulation. Strategies should be developed to reduce dependence on natural forests. More environmentally friendly products, including 'green' buildings, would need to be developed and promoted. In addition, it is the people that need to be convinced to adopt the proposed strategies and policies for action.
However, prices of wood products are still low. Climate change mitigation and adaptation is a good opportunity to raise awareness for the need to demand higher prices for wood products. Life Cycle Analyses and assessments of carbon footprints would be good tools to provide the justification to support higher prices for wood products.
In many of the Asian and Pacific countries, wood products and forestry experts do not influence policy formulation. Furthermore, in the forest products industries, the industrial associations typically have different views and different expectations. However, without the significant participation of and consultations with all stakeholders, especially research and industrial communities, most of the problems faced will remain unsolved as policy implementation would prove to be ineffective.
The workshop was an initiative of IUFRO, funded by an allocation from contributions of the Korean Government, through the Korea Forest Research Institute (KFRI), to IUFRO. The workshop was organized by the Asia Pacific Association of Forestry Research Institutions (APAFRI) in technical collaboration with the Sri Lanka Forest Department, Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM), and KFRI. It was held in Marawila, Sri Lanka, from 14-16 December 2009 and attracted 35 participants from 11 countries across the Asia-Pacific region. A total of 22 papers were presented in three technical sessions. For more information, visit:
Forests Moving up on the Climate Change Agenda
By Alexander Buck, IUFRO Deputy Executive Director
Hard Work Ahead
The 15th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP15) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change took place from 7 to 19 December 2009 in Copenhagen, Denmark. Following two weeks of complicated negotiations COP15 'took note' of a two and a half page document called the 'Copenhagen Accord' that was drawn up by a select group of countries.
This Copenhagen Accord captures the political agreement to cap temperature rise, reduce emissions and raise finance for climate change mitigation and adaptation. Hence, as UNFCCC Executive Secretary Yvo de Boer said in a press conference with a view to COP16 scheduled for December 2010, "The challenge now is to turn what is agreed into something that is legally binding in Mexico in one year from now".
Headway for Forests
In the Copenhagen Accord forests have been given more attention than in previous UNFCCC decisions. The Accord recognizes the crucial role of reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation and the need to enhance removals of greenhouse gas emissions by forests.
The high level of attention being paid to forest issues has also been reflected by the impressive list of speakers during Forest Day 3 on 13 December, including Gro Harlem Brundtland and Nobel laureates Elinor Ostrom, Ravendra Pachauri and Wangari Maathai. The challenge for the forest sector will be to capture this positive political momentum and make sure that its collective professional expertise will be used effectively in the implementation of the Copenhagen Accord.
Implications for IUFRO
The IUFRO Board identified 'climate change and forests' as one thematic area of the IUFRO strategy that should guide its work in the period 2010-2014. It is recommended to take into due account the outcomes of COP15 when finalizing the activities to be included in the IUFRO strategy under this thematic area.
Adaptation will continue to be an important issue in the work of UNFCCC. The possibility for targeted contributions by IUFRO is, however, limited by the fact that the UNFCCC agreed not to refer to any specific sectors. However, the Copenhagen Accord recognizes the particularly high vulnerability of Africa to climate change. Against this background, IUFRO's ongoing efforts towards addressing climate change impacts and adaptation options in the African region seem to be well targeted.
IUFRO Activities in Copenhagen
IUFRO was well represented in Copenhagen, organizing a side-event during UNFCCC COP15; co-hosting and co-organizing Forest Day 3, and promoting IUFRO and the upcoming XXIII World Congress in Korea with a booth.
Together with ITTO and the Swiss Foundation for Development and International Cooperation, IUFRO organized a side event on "Forests, Livelihoods and Climate Change". In its contribution IUFRO focused on forest adaptation globally and in the African region. Participants commended IUFRO on its collaboration with African knowledge and supported the key messages that had been drafted by members of the FORNESSA thematic group on "Forests and Climate Change" during a workshop held on 3-4 December 2009 at the IUFRO Headquarters in Vienna. The workshop formed part of the joint project of GFEP and IUFRO-SPDC on "Making African Forests Fit for Climate Change" that will result in a regional policy brief to be launched in late spring 2010.
Forest Day 3 was organized by CIFOR in collaboration with CPF members and the Danish government in order to highlight key issues related to forests and climate change and to facilitate the implementation of the Copenhagen outcomes. IUFRO served as Forest Day 3 co-host and contributed to its program by co-organizing the sub-plenary session on "Adaptation" with CIFOR, and by organizing a Learning Event titled "Boreal and Temperate Forests and Climate Change - What will happen? And what actions should be taken?"
The summary statement of Forest Day 3 focuses on REDD-plus, but also takes into account the outcomes of the discussion at the sub-plenary session on adaptation and the Learning Event on boreal and temperate forests.
UNFCCC COP15 (including Copenhagen Accord and REDD decision): http://unfcccint/2860.php
Forest Day 3:
IUFRO press release:
Nairobi Work Program synthesis publication:
Experts Lay Foundation for First Global Scientific Assessment on International Forest Regime
The use and conservation of forests and trees around the globe is governed by a multitude of international agreements and instruments, ranging from the Non-Legally Binding Instrument on All Types of Forests to the forest-related provisions of the World Trade Agreement. In December 2009, the members of the newly established IUFRO-led Expert Panel on the International Forest Regime held their first meeting in Vienna to agree on the content and process of the first global scientific assessment of this international forest regime.
The Panel which unites leading experts in the fields of political science, environmental governance and international law will provide its assessment in early 2011, just in time for the International Year of Forests. In an interview conducted on the occasion of the Expert Panel meeting in Vienna, Panel Chair Jeremy Rayner said: "The Panel will make some concrete proposals for a better coordination and better outcomes on the ground of the international forest regime".
The assessment is carried out by the following scientists who act as Coordinating Lead Authors or Lead Authors:
Jeremy Rayner (Chair), B.J.M. (Bas) Arts, Benjamin Cashore, Deborah S. Davenport, Peter Glück, Constance L. McDermott (Coordinating Lead Authors); Arun Agrawal, Marie Appelstrand, Samuel Assembe-Mvondo, Steven Bernstein, Janette Bulkan, Richard Eba'a Atyi, Fred Gale, Reem Hajjar, Patrick D Hardcastle, Karl Hogl, Hans Hoogeveen, David Humphreys, Daniela Kleinschmit, Kathleen McGinley, Ahmad Maryudi, Patrick Verkooijen, Ingrid J. Visseren-Hamakers, Christoph Wildburger, Peter Wood, Yurdi Yasmi (Lead Authors). Numerous additional experts participate as Contributing Authors.
Visit the IUFRO blog at for photos and to
watch the interview with Jeremy Rayner.
Find out more about the IUFRO-led Global Forest Expert Panels (GFEP) at:
New on the IUFRO Website
Featured Members
The IUFRO homepage has a new item called "Featured Members". This item will introduce our Member Organizations to our website visitors. Entries will change every month. For an example, please visit the IUFRO homepage,, and read the posting about the Federal Research and Training Centre for Forests, Natural Hazards and Landscape (BFW), Austria, at the bottom of the right-hand column.
If your institution wants to become a "Featured Member", send a description of approximately half a page highlighting history, recent research activities, and a link to your institution's website and maybe a picture to office(at)
Let us and our website visitors also know why membership in IUFRO is important for your institution!
Social Media on the IUFRO Website
Follow IUFRO on Twitter!
Join the IUFRO Group on Facebook!
Find the dirct link on our home page or search for IUFRO on Facebook!
Visit and comment the IUFRO blog!
Multipurpose Forest Management
Program and Abstracts of the International Conference on Multipurpose Forest Management - Strategies for Sustainability in a Climate Change Era, held from 20-25 September 2009 in Niigata, Japan, and sponsored by IUFRO Division 4. Contact: Satoshi Tatsuhara, tatsu(at)
Wood Science and Engineering in the 3rd Millennium
Report from the 7th International Conference on "Wood Science and Engineering in the 3rd Millennium - ICWSE 2009", hosted by "Transilvania" University in Brasov, Romania, from 4 to 6 June 2009. The next international conference in this series is scheduled for summer 2011 also in Brasov, Romania. Visit and also find a report on 50 years of history of the only faculty for wood industry in Romania.
Forest Insects and Environmental Change
Report and further information from the meeting held Sep 28 - Oct 2, 2009, in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, USA, on the IUFRO 7.03.05 website at:…
Effects of Forest Certification on Biodiversity
Tropenbos International (TBI) publication by Marijke van Kuijk, Jack Putz and Roderick Zagt
Latest news stories related to the
XXIII IUFRO World Congress
23-28 August 2010, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Climate Change Adds to Forest Threat
3rd in a series of releases related to the XXIII IUFRO World Congress
(Vienna, 11 January 2010) - Only healthy forests can provide many important services upon which we rely - air quality and water cycle regulation; biodiversity and soil protection; carbon sequestration and mitigation of climate change, and social and cultural value.
Forest health has long been threatened by insect pests and diseases accidentally moved to new areas. More recently, climate change has become one of the greatest threats to forest and tree health, says Elena Paoletti, senior scientist at the Institute for Plant Protection of the National Council of Research of Italy. She adds "Climate change and air pollution pose new threats to forests and change their ability to tolerate stressors."
Historically, climatic extremes, air pollution, insects and disease have been the main factors adversely affecting forest health. Understanding how these stress agents are affected by, and respond to climatic change is fundamental to our efforts to mitigate the impacts of a changing environment. Adaptive forest strategies must be developed.
She notes that, among other issues, climate change is resulting in the expansion of distribution ranges of some insect pests and pathogens. These range shifts have the potential to be permanent and to have significant implications on the future health of the world's forests.
Dr. Paoletti will coordinate a sub-plenary session at the 2010 IUFRO World Congress in Seoul. The aim will be to update forest scientists and managers regarding new breakthroughs in the field of forest tree health and especially to better understand the multi-faceted aspects of climate change.
Contact: Elena Paoletti - e.paoletti(at)
Full-service Forests: Food, Pharmaceuticals and Fibre
4th in a series of releases related to the XXIII IUFRO World Congress
(Vienna, 25 January 2010) - Managing for wildlife habitat, soil stability, water, medicinal plants and foods - nuts, berries, and mushrooms - as well as timber resources, are now all part of most forest development plans and goals.
Today's forest management looks toward sustaining a variety of resources as well as revenue from timber products. That's at least partly because "a diversity of plant and animal species can improve the ability of a stand to survive under dramatic changes in environmental conditions including climate change," says Dr. Valerie LeMay, Professor of Forest Biometrics and Measurements at Canada's University of British Columbia.
It's a change from the past when forests were managed primarily for timber resources. Today's forest managers realize that even the structure of a stand - the variation in tree heights, diameters, location and species and the number of dead trees standing or lying in it - is an important aspect of managing for multiple benefits, she said.
Large gaps in a tree stand, for instance, provide light for new tree growth, but also for grasses, herbs, shrubs and other vegetation that often provide food for deer and other wildlife.
The question though, is how best to manage all this? Dr. LeMay and Dr. Peter Newton, Research Scientist at Natural Resources Canada, will coordinate a session that deals with managing and measuring stand structure for a diverse array of forest products at the 2010 IUFRO World Congress in Seoul.
Contact: Peter Newton - peter.newton(at)
Position Announcements
Head of Office
The European Forest Institute and the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna - EFI and BOKU - are seeking a Head of Office for the EFI Regional Office Central Eastern Europe (EFICEEC) located in Vienna, Austria. Deadline for application: February 8, 2010.
For more information, read the flyer at: under position announcements or contact:
Dr. Risto Päivinen, European Forest Institute, Joensuu, Finland, Director
Tel. +358 10 773 4300 Fax +358 10 773 4377;
Email: risto.paivinen(at)
Nominations for Next Chair of the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme
Dr. Carlos Nobre (INPE, Brazil) is due to rotate off as Chair at the end of 2011. Nomination for the next chair should be submitted by 12 February 2010.
Find more information on the IUFRO Noticeboard at under position announcements or contact Charlotte Wilson-Boss (charlottew(at)
Graduate Research Assistantship in Forest Tree Genomics Beginning Summer/Fall 2010
Applications are invited for graduate student positions (Ph.D. or M.Sc. level) to study plant-insect interactions in the laboratory of Dr. Steven Ralph ( at the University of North Dakota (UND). The deadline for applications is February 15, 2010.
For more information, read the flyer at: or go to
Call for Nomination of Candidates for the Marcus Wallenberg Prize
The purpose of the Prize is to recognize, encourage and stimulate path breaking scientific achievements which contribute significantly to broadening knowledge and to technical development within the fields of importance to forestry and forest industries.
Nominations are accepted by e-mail or airmail at any time of the year. The Prize will be awarded in a Prize Ceremony in Stockholm, Sweden. More information:
2010 Prince of Asturias Awards
Call for Nominations open! Proposals can be sent to the Foundation's head office by mail or e-mail (info(at), or to Spanish Embassies or Consulates overseas by 19 March 2010.…
IUFRO Meetings
NOTE: This is not a full list of IUFRO meetings!
For a comprehensive list of IUFRO events, please visit our online calendar:
Find more details on the homepages of IUFRO Units involved:
Non-IUFRO meetings are also announced on the IUFRO Noticeboard:
Also search for forest-related events at:
7-12 March 2010
Phytophthora in Forests and Natural Ecosystems
Rotorua, New Zealand
IUFRO 7.02.09
Contact: Pam Taylor, pam.taylor(at)scionresearch.com
9-10 March 2010
Forest Ecosystems and Climate Changes
Belgrade, Serbia
Contact: Vera Lavadinovic, conference(at)
IUFRO focal point: Peter Mayer, mayer(at)iufro.org
3-7 May 2010
Recognition, Identification and Management of Pests and Diseases of Tropical Plantation and Forest Trees
Kampala, Uganda
IUFRO 7.02.07
Contact: Jolanda Roux, jolanda.roux(at)…
24-26 May 2010
1st Int'l Soil and Roots Engineering Relationship Conference
Ardebil Province, Iran
IUFRO 8.00.00
Contact: Alex Mosseler, amosseler(at) ; Ghassem Habibi Bibalani, habibibibalani(at)gmail.com
26-29 May 2010
EFUF 2010: "Urban People Meet Urban Forests"
Tulln, Austria
IUFRO 6.14.00
Contact: Georg Findeis, georg.findeis(at)
29-30 May 2010
International Conference on Sustainable Management of Multi-purpose Poplar Plantations
Siyang, Jiangsu, China
Contact (IUFRO focal point):
Shirong Liu, liusr(at)
31 May-2 Jun 2010
12th International Symposium on Legal Aspects of European Forest Sustainable Development
Nikosia, Cyprus
IUFRO 6.13.00
Contact: Peter Herbst, hp(at)
9-13 August 2010
PRIFOR 2010: Northern Primeval Forests: Ecology, Conservation and Management
Sundsvall, Sweden
IUFRO 8.01.01
Contact: Thomas Spies, tspies(at)
19-21 August 2010
Advances in Somatic Embryogenesis of Trees and its Application for the Future Forests and Plantations
Suwon, Republic of Korea
IUFRO 2.09.02
Contact: Yill-Sung Park, ypark(at); Heung-Kyu Moon, hkmoon(at)
23-28 August 2010
XXIII IUFRO World Congress
Seoul, Republic of Korea
21-27 September 2010
Forest Landscapes and Global Change: New Frontiers in Management, Conservation and Restoration
Bragança, Portugal
IUFRO 8.01.02
Contact: Joao Azevedo iufrole2010(at) ; Jiquan Chen, jiquan.chen(at)utoledo.edu
6-8 October 2010
Mixed and Pure Forests in a Changing World 2010
Vila Real, Portugal
IUFRO 1.00.00
IUFRO 4.00.00
IUFRO 7.01.00
Contact: Margarida Tomé, magatome(at); Domingos Mendes Lopes, dlopes(at)
6-8 October 2010
Emerging Economic Mechanisms: Implications for Forest-Related Policies and Sectoral Governance
FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy
Conference in the framework of the COFO World Forest Week;
IUFRO 6.12.00
Contact: Gerard Buttoud, gerard.buttoud(at)
7-15 October 2010
Travelling Workshop: Canopy Processes in a Changing Climate
South East Australia
IUFRO 2.01.12
Contact: Anthony O'Grady, anthony.ogrady(at)…
11-15 October 2010
Society of Wood Science and Technology: 53rd International Convention
Geneva, Switzerland
IUFRO 5.00.00
Contact: Victoria L. Herian, vicki(at)swst.org
19-21 October 2010
IX Seminar on Remote Sensing and GIS applied to Forestry
Curitiba, Paraná State, Brazil
IUFRO 4.02.05
Contact: Tomasz Zawila-Niedzwiecki, tzawila(at)
Other Meetings
2010 - International Year of Biodiversity
A tentative list of the main International Events which will be taking place throughout the Year can be found at
IYB website:
13-14 March 2010
Forest Resource Management and Mathematical Modelling - 10th Anniversary of FORMATH Symposium
Tachikawa, Tokyo, Japan
Risk Analysis Research Center (RARC), ISM
Contact: Naoto Matsumura,
15-17 March 2010
Worldbiofuels Markets
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Including focussed session of forestry biofuels
Contact: info(at)greenpowerconferences.com
24-26 March 2010
Taking Stock of Smallholder and Community Forestry
Montpellier, France
Hosted by: CIFOR, IRD, CIRAD, Agropolis International
Contact: Laurène Anne Feintrenie, l.feintrenie(at)cigar.org
19-22 April 2010
Workshop on Decision Support Systems in Sustainable Forest Management - Experiences and Perspectives
Lisbon, Portugal
Organized by Cost Action Forsys FP0804
13-15 May 2010
Forestry: Bridge to the Future
Sofia, Bulgaria
Organized by the University of Sofia
Contact: maria(at)cim-pco.org
9-11 June 2010
Conference on Forest Ecosystem Genomics and Adaptation
San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain
Contact: Barbara Vinceti, b.vinceti(at)cigar.org
IUFRO News 1/2010, published in January 2010
by IUFRO Headquarters, Vienna, Austria.
Contact the editor at office(at) or visit
SWC2010 International Conference
Casablanca, Morocco
May 25-27, 2010
Only 3 weeks left to register!
Dear All:
This is to remind that the extended deadline for early-bird registration for SWC2010 international conference, and abstract submission, will end on 31 March 2010 (in 3 weeks!).
Those of you who have not registered yet, are invited to fill in, and send their registration form to the conference secretariat (, as soon as possible.
Those who want to submit an abstract to be considered for oral or poster presentation have still 3 weeks left to send their abstract. After the 31st. of March 2010, no abstract will be accepted!
Those participants who registered to the conference, but do not yet booked the hotel accommodation, are invited to do it as soon as possible. The deadline for hotel booking at preferential room rate will end on 10 April 2010. But, take care, hotel rooms at hotel special rate are booked to conference participants, on the first-arrived, first-served basis!
For any additional information, please visit the conference website at or
Looking forward to welcoming you, next May, to this exciting meeting in Casablanca (Morocco).
Dr. Mohammed Ellatifi
Conference Chair
Casablanca (Morocco)
Tel: +212 661 328 797
Fax: +212 522 982 428
E-mail: and sylva.monde(a)
Website: &
Attached: Registration Form + Hotel Booking Form
PS: The list of hotels offering special price for the conference participants is available in the conference website, at: