## Apologize for cross-posting! ##
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
I'm pleased to announce you the 11th International Beech Symposium,
organized by the IUFRO Research Group 1.01.07 on Ecology and
Silviculture of Beech, that will be held in Viterbo (Italy), 18-21
September 2018.
*REGISTRATION OPENING: **1 February 2018!
The conference, aimed at celebrating the importance of the inscription
to UNESCO World Heritage of European old-growth beech forests, is open
to scientists/practitioners/policy-makers and welcomes all contributes
related to:
- *Fagus biology and ecology* (including *genetics*, *physiology*,
*paleoecology *and *biogeography*)
- The *natural dynamics of old-growth beech forests*, and their role in
*conserving biodiversity*
- Beech *forest management*, and their role in providing
crucial*ecosystem services*.
The conference central theme is: ‘*/Natural and Managed Beech Forests as
Reference Ecosystems for the Sustainable Management of Forest Resources
and the Conservation of Biodiversity/*’
*Prof. Neil Pederson, Harvard Forest, USA*
Topic: /The Dynamics of Temperate Old-growth Forests in relation to
//Climate Change/
*Prof. Jacob Heilmann-Clausen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark*
Topic:/Biodiversity and its Conservation in Old-growth Beech Forests/
*Prof. Hanns Knapp, International Academy for Biodiversity Conservation,
Topic: /T//he inscription of European old-growth beech forests ///to
UNESCO/ World Heritage: implications for nature conservation in Europe
More information on the website www.iufrobeech2018.com (still under
construction, more information to be added soon).
During the conference, we'll visit some of the Italian UNESCO old-growth
beech forests (http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/1133).
We look forward to meeting you in Italy!
On behalf of the Organizing Committee,
Alfredo Di Filippo
Assistant Professor in Botany and Plant Ecology
Deputy Coordinator, IUFRO Group 1.01.07 – Ecology and silviculture of beech
DendrologyLAB, Dept. of Agriculture and Forestry Science (DAFNE)
Università della Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy
+39 0761 357393 / +39 3665899858