Dear Colleagues of the IUFRO Beech Working Group,
I hope you are all doing great.
It is my pleasure to share an article on the die-back of
European beech trees with you.
Chakraborty, T., Saha, S., Matzarakis, A., Reif, A. (2017):
Influence of multiple biotic and abiotic factors on the
crown die-back of European beech trees at their drought
limit. Flora, 229: 58 - 70.
I have also attached the pdf version.
I hope this article will be interesting for you.
With kind regards,
Dr. rer. nat. Tamalika Chakraborty
Chair of Site Classification and Vegetation Science
Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources
University of Freiburg
Tennenbacherstr. 4
79085 Freiburg, Germany
Dear Colleagues of IUFRO Beech Group,
Today I joined the mailing list of IUFRO beech group.
Few days ago, I and my co-authors had published biomass
equations for European beech trees growing on dry forests.
I would like to share this publication, as it may be
helpful for some of you. Here is the link of the article:
Many regards from Freiburg, Germany and looking forward to
join the future activities of the group.
Tamalika Chakraborty, M.Sc.
Doctoral candidate (Heinrich Böll Fellow)
Chair of Vegetation Science
Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources
University of Freiburg
Tennenbacherstr. 4
79085 Freiburg, Germany
Telephone: ++49(0)761/203-8627
Fax: ++49(0)761/203-3781
Mail: tamalika.chakraborty(a)
Dear colleagues,
You can access the web site of the IUFRO 10th Beech Symposium, September
1-6, 2015 in Kastamonu, Turkey under the following address:
Web page:
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Khosro SAGHEB-TALEBİ
Prof. Dr. Sezgin AYAN
Coordinator of IUFRO 1.01.07Head of Silviculture
Ecology and Silviculture of BeechKastamonu University
World Biodiversity Congress (WBC), November 24-27, 2014, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
INVITATION from the President WBC-2014
Integrating Bio-conservation with Natural Heritage
Dear Sir/ Madam,
There is growing recognition of the fact
that biological resources and diversity are vital to humankind's economic
and social development. It is accepted that Biological diversity is a global
asset of tremendous value, and it needs to be preserved for future
generations. At the same time, the threat to species and ecosystems has
never been greater than it is today and, it is vital that biodiversity
conservation is given due recognition in order to ensure that the ongoing
development embodies a strong sense of sustainability. Sri Lanka is an
island, 65,610 km2 in area situated close to the Southeast corner of the
peninsula of India. Despite its relatively small size, Sri Lanka possesses a
high level of biodiversity. Sri Lanka is one of the 34 biodiversity hotspots
identified in the world and has the highest biodiversity per unit area of
land amongst Asian countries.
Sri Lanka welcomes the Scientific
Community to WBC-2014 at Colombo, Sri Lanka. The scheduled congress
organized by Global Scientific Research Foundation, Bangalore, India in
association with Field Ornithology Group of Sri Lanka and Department of
Biological Sciences, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, will provide a
platform for Scientists and conservation leaders. WBC-2014 also provides a
platform for environmental consultants , environmental advocates, corporate
and public policy-makers across the world for knowledge exchange and network
development. This conference will help traditional communities and
conservation scientists to collaboratively generate knowledge about nature
and its conservation. The conference emphasizes on conservation of
Biodiversity and natural heritage and will highlight the crucial role of
biodiversity in our global society and relate biodiversity to the global
millennium goals in order to achieve sustainable development
Indeed it is our honour as
Organizers of WBC-2014, to request your esteemed organization to support the
WBC to be held in Colombo, Sri Lanka during 24th-28th November 2014.
Collaborators of the World Biodiversity Congress can help us to spread the
information, can contribute by sending congress emails to your membership,
including us in your newsletter, adding our conference to your calendar of
events, participating in the conference program, providing an opportunity by
allowing the organizers to include an advertisement in your publication and
so forth. The collaborating organizations / institutions shall be
recognized as such on the conference website and in conference materials. We
greatly acknowledge the sponsorship of the organizations for the success of
the biodiversity congress.
We are sure your esteemed organization
would be one of the collaborators of the World Biodiversity Congress. If you
consider our request, kindly send your logo and consent to use the same in
the congress website and in congress materials. We welcome your suggestions
for the successful organization of the congress and looking forward to your
For preliminary information on the scheduled Congress please visit:
We also welcome you and invite your esteem self
as a Delegate to this Congress and welcome you to Colombo, Sri Lanka to
enjoy the wonderful Biodiversity and hospitality of Sri Lanka..
With warm regards,
Dr. Anita M.
President, World Biodiversity Congress 2014, Sri Lanka
Dear Colleagues,
You surely marked your calendars a long time ago, but now the time has come to register for the XXIV IUFRO World Congress, to be held in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, 5-11 October 2014.
All the details, such as registration fees, early-bird registration, payment, and key dates are available at
For the actual registration, please click the green button "CLICK HERE TO REGISTER". - We look forward to seeing you in Salt Lake City!
Sincerely yours,
IUFRO Headquarters
on behalf of the Congress Organizing Committee
Scientists and Colleagues:
Submit your abstract today! Less than one week remains to submit your abstract for the 2014 IUFRO World Congress!
Do not miss to be part of this unique and exciting event!
The IUFRO 2014 Congress Scientific Committee
John Parrotta (Chair); Jens Peter Skovsgaard (Division 1); Yousry El-Kassaby (Division 2); Hans Heinimann (Division 3); Ron McRoberts (Division 4); Andrew Wong (Division 5); Tuija Sievänen (Division 6); Tod Ramsfield (Division 7); Alain Franc (Division 8); Jim Johnson (Division 9); Mike Wingfield (Vice-President, Divisions); Su See Lee (Vice-President, Task Forces, Special Programmes, Projects and IUFRO-led Initiatives); Lisa Hansen (International Forestry Students Association); Richard Guldin (ex-officio; COC Chair)
2014 IUFRO World Congress Call for Abstracts is Open – Deadline for Abstract Submissions is 15 October 2013 – submit your abstract at: <>
The title of the Congress is "Sustaining Forests, Sustaining People: The Role of Research" and the seven scientific themes of the program are: Forests and People, Forests and Climate Change, Forest and Water Interactions, Forest Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, Forest Biomass and Bioenergy, Forest Products for a Greener Future, and Forest Health in a Changing World. Sessions will address these themes and more!
Keynote speakers include: Dr. Jack Dangermond (founder and President of ESRI GIS systems – Knowledge Discovery, Synthesis and Application: the Science-Management Interface) & Dr. David Haskell (Professor of Biology, University of the South - Knowledge Discovery, Synthesis and Application: the Science-Management Interface); Dr. Andy Buchanan (Professor of Timber Design at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand - Modern Timber Buildings from Sustainable Forests); Dr. Cecil Konijnendijk van den Bosch (Head of the Department of Landscape Architecture, Planning and Management, University of Copenhagen - City Forests, Forest Cities – exploring the complex liaison between the sylvan and the urban); Dr. David Newbery (Professor for Vegetation Ecology, the Institute of Plant Sciences, University of Bern, Switzerland - On maintaining cycles and feedbacks in tropical forest ecosystems: some thoughts from basic research) and, Connie Hedegaard, to be confirmed (European Commissioner for Climate Action). Plus many more exciting and knowledgeable sub-plenary and technical session speakers.
Submit your abstract today to be part of this unique and exciting event!
The IUFRO 2014 Congress Scientific Committee
John Parrotta (Chair); Jens Peter Skovsgaard (Division 1); Yousry El-Kassaby (Division 2); Hans Heinimann (Division 3); Ron McRoberts (Division 4); Andrew Wong (Division 5); Tuija Sievänen (Division 6); Tod Ramsfield (Division 7); Alain Franc (Division 8); Jim Johnson (Division 9); Mike Wingfield (Vice-President, Divisions); Su See Lee (Vice-President, Task Forces, Special Programmes, Projects and IUFRO-led Initiatives); Lisa Hansen (International Forestry Students Association); Richard Guldin (ex-officio; COC Chair)
Dear Participants of the FAGUS 2010 International Scientific Symposium,
Dear Organisers and Supporters,
It is our special pleasure to share with you the news on publishing Papers on the Future of Beech further to the FAGUS 2010 International Scientific Symposium which took place from October 27th - October 29th 2010 in Varaždin, Croatia and Zala County, Hungary.
All authors who submitted their papers to the FAGUS 2010 reviewing process and were positively evaluated in review will find their papers in the upcoming edition of 'Acta Sylvatica et Lignaria Hungarica', Vol.6 (2010):
Other news on FAGUS you may check at:
Once again we would like to express our most sincere gratitude to IUFRO and EFI on their overall contribution and support in organisation of FAGUS 2010;
to our Hungarian partners for their organisation and support same as for the post-symposium activities;
to national Institutions who generously supported this international scientific event of great importance for both countries organisers;
and to all participants without whom we would not have such a successful symposium!
Thank you all!
On behalf of the FAGUS 2010 Organization Committee we cordially salute you,
and looking forward to meet you on some other occasion
Igor Kolar, dipl. Ing.šum.
Hrvatski šumarski institut /Croatian Forest Research Institute
Stručni suradnik za međunarodnu suradnju /Associate for International Cooperation
Cvjetno naselje 41, HR-10450 Jastrebarsko, Croatia
Tel: +385.1.6273.008, Fax: +385.1.6273.035, Mob: +385.99.2281.681,
E-mail: igork(a)
Molimo vodite brigu o očuvanju okoliša prije ispisa /Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail