Dear uneven-aged list members,
my name is Marcelo Navall, I'm working a INTA in northern Argentina (in
semiarid Chaco forests), and I've joined to this list after IUFROLat
Congress, held in Costa Rica this year. I just want to say hello and share
with you an application that we developed, aimed to assist tree marking /
cutting control in uneven aged forests.
Using the capabilities of smartphones/tablets, we developed a free
application to carry a complete census of the cutting block, and
simultaneously give a basal area control method and to assist tree marking.
Using it, we can asses and mark 5ha per day of our forests, in a 2 people
team (BA=8m2/ha, cutting intensity 30% BA, 160 tree/ha > 10cm dbh)
The application is called SilvoINTA and is available free in Google Play
(only available for devices with Android Operative System).
Maybe you know someone who can find it useful. Any suggestions to improve
it will be appreciated.
More info (in Spanish) in…
2013/7/22 Kerr, Gary <Gary.Kerr(a)>
Dear IUFRO member,
A short note to let you know that the next meeting of IUFRO Research Group
1.05.00 on uneven-aged silviculture will be based at the Swiss Federal
Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL) in Birmesndorf near
Zurich in Switzerland.
The title of the conference will be: 'Future concepts in uneven-aged
silviculture for a changing world'
The conference will be held on Tuesday 17 June 2014 to Thursday 19 June (3
days) and the post conference field trip will be between Friday 20 June and
Tuesday 24 June (5 days).
We are in the process of designing a website with more information and
registration details. The website will go live in September.
For more information please contact Andreas Zingg (andreas.zingg(a)
or Gary Kerr (gary.kerr(a)
We look forward to seeing you in Switzerland next summer.
Andreas Zingg and Gary Kerr
Research Group 1.05.00 - Uneven-aged silviculture
International Union of Forest Research Organizations
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