Dear colleagues,
I wish all of you a great new year and hope to meet many of you at the one or the other
IUFRO activity.
Preparations for the IUFRO World Congress are well under way and I would like to ask you
to pay attention to the call for proposal for technical sessions, which is open from
January until April 2013. I am convinced that this is an opportunity Division 9 and all of
its research groups and working parties should use; raising attention for our part of the
forest research area and of course using the chance to strengthen our network. Please
find detailed information for proposing sessions at the following link
Another request: Division 3 plans to organize a sub-plenary session on Bioenergy. For this
session they would like to see amongst others a key note on "Biomass utilization
policies and implementation". I would like to ask you to spread this news in your
research groups and working parties and propose names for this task to me not later than
February3rd 2013. The idea behind is that the key note speaker might as well organize a
technical session on the same issue.
Last issue of this email: Still some reports from working parties and research groups
about past and future activities are missing. Please send them to me the LATEST JANUARY
31st. Thanks to all of you who have sent the report already: an impressive amount of work
has been done!
With best regards
Daniela Kleinschmit
Assoc. Professor
Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Unit of Forest Policy
PO Box 7008, SE-75007 Uppsala
Visiting address: Vallvägen 9C
Phone: +46 18 672493
Mobile: +46 72 5867588