Update: Joint Forest Communicator Workshop, 29 Aug to 1 Sept, Portland, OR, USA
by Miner, Cynthia L -FS
The Joint FCN and IUFRO Forest Communicators workshop is only a month away! We have a new option for registering for the workshop using credit cards. If you haven't registered or need to make your payment, please do so as soon as possible. Discounted rooms are available at our venue The Double Tree Hotel. These rooms will be released on July 31; please make your reservations by July 30.
Link to registration and hotel reservations:
Presenters: By August 22, 2016, please send your presentation file to Becky Bittner (bbittner(a)fs.fed.us<mailto:bbittner@fs.fed.us>).
I will be out of the office on vacation until August 8, 2016. Please contact Becky if you have any questions while I am away.
Summers in Portland are particularly beautiful. Expect pleasantly warm summer temperatures. This link describes what Portland has to offer: http://www.travelportland.com/things-to-do/
Oregon is known for its forests, mountains, coast, Columbia Gorge, wines, hiking, and much more.
We are looking forward to seeing you in beautiful Portland, Oregon USA!
Best regards,
Cindy Miner
Coordinator, IUFRO Working Party for Communications & Public Relations
Assistant Station Director for Communications and Applications
Forest Service - Pacific Northwest Research Station
p: 503-808-2135
c: 503-701-4054
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8 years, 7 months
Forest Policy and Economics: Alert 15 July-21 July
by Brigitte Burger
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<http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/13899341 > Forest Policy and Economics
<http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/13899341/70 > Volume 70 , Pages 1-182, September 2016
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8 years, 7 months
Conference announcement and cfp - Cost Action Orchestra Conference on "Bioeconomy and ecosystem services, synergy or conflict? Horizontal and vertical policy analysis, modelling and orchestration in practice"
by Daniela Kleinschmit
Dear all,
please be informed about the final conference of Cost Action Orchestra
to be held from 5-6 September 2016 in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
“Bioeconomy and ecosystem services, synergy or conflict? Horizontal and
vertical policy analysis, modelling and orchestration in practice”
BACKGROUND: ORCHESTRA aims at supporting the coherence of forest-related
policy targets and efficiency of policy measures. ORCHESTRA has
facilitated multinational, transdisciplinary collaboration between
sociologists, policy scientists, economists and modellers as well as
active interaction with various stakeholders. The new knowledge can be
used by European policy and decision makers to adjust forest-related
policies and their implementation to the requirements of multilevel and
multi-stakeholder governance.
Please find detailed information here:
Best regards
Prof. Dr. Daniela Kleinschmit
Professur für Forst- und Umweltpolitik/
Chair of Forest and Environmental Policy
University of Freiburg
Tennenbacherstr. 4
D- 79106 Freiburg
Tel: +49 (0) 761/203-3712
Secretariat: +49 (0) 761/203-3713
8 years, 8 months
Final Call for Abstracts for FLARE Meeting
by Brigitte Burger
Final call for abstracts for the 2016 FLARE Meeting in Edinburgh!
FLARE (Forests and Livelihoods: Assessment, Research, and Engagement) <http://www.forestlivelihoods.org/ > aims (1) to advance cutting-edge knowledge and practices regarding forest-based livelihoods, governance, biodiversity, and climate change; (2) increase dialogue and interactions between practitioners and researchers/scholars; and (3) create a global community of practice on forest-livelihood interactions. The second annual meeting will focus on the approaches, methods, tools, and indicators to assess how, where, and why governing forest and forest mosaics for improving livelihoods works, and how it can be strengthened.
Submit your abstract for a paper, panel session, lightning talk, poster, or workshop before July 10th. Don't miss your chance to be considered for one of three cash prizes for the best paper submitted and presented!
Visit our meeting webpage at: <http://www.forestlivelihoods.org/flare-meeting-2016 > http://www.forestlivelihoods.org/flare-meeting-2016
Cristy Watkins PhD
Research Manager <http://www.ifriresearch.net/about-us/collaborating-research-centers/michiga… > International Forestry Resources and Institutions
FLARE Network Secretariat, www.forestslivelihoods.org
School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan
Editorial Assistant, <http://www.journals.elsevier.com/world-development/ > World Development Journal
8 years, 8 months
Registration: Joint FCN & IUFRO Communications Workshop Aug 29 to Sep 1
by Brigitte Burger
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From: "White, Selena - FS" <selenawhite(a)fs.fed.us>
To: "div9(a)lists.iufro.org (G. Wolfrum's List)" <div9(a)lists.iufro.org>, "Aguade, Neus" <comunicacio(a)cerca.cat>, "Aissani, Lucinda (presse(a)irstea.fr)" <presse(a)irstea.fr>, "Alam, Mahbubul" <Malam.ku(a)gmail.com>, "Antov, P. " <p.antov(a)gmail.com>, "Baroche, Christiane" <christiane.baroche(a)onf.fr>, "Baschny, Thomas " <thomas.baschny(a)bmlfuw.gv.at>, "Begus, Jurij" <jurij.begus(a)zgs.gov.si>, "Beranova, Jana" <jana.beranova(a)ifer.cz>, "Bergvall, Olof" <olof.bergvall(a)slu.se>, "Bittner, Becky R -FS" <bbittner(a)fs.fed.us>, "Boetekees, Gemma" <g.boetekees(a)fsc.org>, "Borg, Annika" <annika.m.borg(a)slu.se>, "Bortelova, Katarina" <bortelova(a)nlcsk.org>, "Buchner, Pia" <Pia.Buchner(a)bundesforste.at>, "Burt, Bob" <bburt3(a)cogeco.ca>, "Candre, Christine" <candre(a)chasseurdefrance.com>, "Carlsson, Ingela" <ingela.carlsson(a)holmen.com>, "Janean.Creighton(a)oregonstate.edu" <Janean.Creighton(a)oregonstate.edu>, "Cronkleton, Peter" <p.cronkleton(a)cgiar.org>, "Dahlgren, Christina" <christina.dahlgren(a)lnu.se>, "Davidson, Timothy" <DavidsonT(a)si.edu>, "De Zoysa, Mangala " <mangalaxyz(a)yahoo.com>, "degomez(a)ag.arizona.edu" <degomez(a)ag.arizona.edu>, "Donovan, Deanna" <dgdono(a)yahoo.com>, "Edwards, Peter" <Peter.Edwards(a)slu.se>, "Elizondo, Ana Isabel Barquero" <ana.barquero.elizondo(a)una.cr>, ETSI Montes <informatica.forestales(a)upm.es>, "Farcy, Christine" <christine.farcy(a)uclouvain.be>, "Fernandez, Nilda" <nifern(a)magyp.gob.ar>, "Ferreira, Vanda " <Vanda.ferreira(a)fao.org>, "Fitzpatrick, Tim" <fitz(a)sltrib.com>, "Franch, Maria Giovanna" <franch(a)ivalsa.cnr.it>, "Galarneau, Dan" <Danny.Galarneau(a)nrcan-rncan.gc.ca>, "Galloway, Glenn" <ggalloway(a)latam.ufl.edu>, "Gerardin, Philippe" <philippe.gerardin(a)univ-lorraine.fr>, "Gitonga, Steven" <sgitonga(a)kefri.org>, "Gschwandtl, Ingwald" <ingwald.gschwandtl(a)bmlfuw.gv.at>, "gusmith(a)nrcan.gc.ca" <gusmith(a)nrcan.gc.ca>, "Hamberger, Joachim" <joachim.hamberger(a)fueak.bayern.de>, "Harada, Kazuhiro" <harada(a)agr.nagoya-u.ac.jp>, "Hautakangas, Juha" <hautakangas(a)iufro.org>, "Hayes, Stephanie" <stephanie.hayes(a)efi.int>, "Hermansen, Annie -FS" <ahermansen(a)fs.fed.us>, "Horvath, Norbert" <norbert.horvath(a)skk.nyme.hu>, "Huck, Michael" <huck(a)iufro.org>, "Hynynen, Petri" <petri.hynynen(a)uef.fi>, INIA <ucc(a)inia.es>, "john.innes(a)ubc.ca" <john.innes(a)ubc.ca>, "INRA (presse(a)inra.fr)" <presse(a)inra.fr>, "IPLA (comunicazione(a)ipla.org)" <comunicazione(a)ipla.org>, "Jansson, Mikael" <Mikael.Jansson(a)slu.se>, "Jense, Gerben" <gerben.janse(a)skogsstyrelsen.se>, "Jeo, Richard" <rjeo(a)tnc.org>, "Kauhanen, Erkki" <erkki.kauhanen(a)metla.fi>, "Kearney, Martina" <martina.kearney(a)agriculture.gov.ie>, "Kemp, Susan" <skemp(a)usgs.gov>, "Khorchidi, Margaeta" <khorchidi(a)iufro.org>, "Klatte, Dortje" <Dortje.Klatte(a)hnee.de>, "Kleine, Michael" <kleine(a)iufro.org>, "Kleinschmit, Daniela" <Daniela.Kleinschmit(a)sprod.slu.se>, "Klement, Michaela" <michaela.klement(a)boku.ac.at>, "Kocher, Susie" <sdkocher(a)ucdavis.edu>, "Koessler, Birgit" <birgit.koessler(a)stmk.gv.at>, "Kohsaka, Ryo" <kohsaka(a)hotmail.com>, "Konijnendijk, Cecil" <cecil.konijnendijk(a)slu.se>, "Korhonen, Minna" <minna.korhonen(a)efi.int>, "Kriz, Gerald Thomas" <kriz(a)boku.ac.at>, "Krott, Max" <mkrott(a)gwdg.de>, "Lackner, Christian" <christian.lackner(a)bfw.gv.at>, "Laessig, Reinhard" <reinhard.laessig(a)wsl.ch>, "Lamberth, Ulrika" <ulrika.lamberth(a)skogsstyrelsen.se>, "Landmann, Guy" <landmann(a)gip-ecofor.org>, "Langer, Lisa" <lisa.langer(a)scionresearch.com>, "Liliana Rogozea (r_liliana(a)unitbv.ro)" <r_liliana(a)unitbv.ro>, "Lindstad, Berit" <berit.lindstad(a)umb.no>, "Maas, Jelle" <j.maas(a)minlnv.nl>, "Mackin, Martin" <martin(a)q4pr.ie>, "Magister, Kim-Astrid" <pressestelle(a)tu-dresden.de>, "Makkonen-Spiecker, Kaisu" <kaisu.makkonen-spiecker(a)forst.bwl.de>, "Marusakova, Ludmila" <marusakova(a)nlcsk.org>, "Mazza, Rhonda L -FS" <rmazza(a)fs.fed.us>, "Mbiru, Sheila" <sheilambiru(a)gmail.com>, "Mikkola, Eero" <mikkola(a)iufro.org>, "Mills, Roger" <roger.mills(a)bodleian.ox.ac.uk>, "Mohor, Dana" <mohor.dana(a)gmail.com>, "Mohren, Frits" <frits.mohren(a)wur.nl>, "Montanes, Jose Luis" <vicerrector.sinco(a)upm.es>, "Moya, Mariana" <moyamari(a)agro.uba.ar>, "Mukolwe, Michael O." <michaelmukolwe(a)yahoo.com>, "Murphy, Sile" <sile(a)q4pr.ie>, "Nedanovaska, Vaska " <vaskaned(a)gmail.com>, "Nikolic, Vladimir " <vladimir.nikolic(a)zzps.rs>, "Nygren, Pekka" <pekka.nygren(a)metla.fi>, "Obrien, Eilis" <eilis.obrien(a)ucd.ie>, "Oduir, Nellie Mugure" <nelliekefri(a)ngara.org>, "Opuni-Frimpong, Emmanuel" <eopunifr(a)mtu.edu>, "Paras, Floribel D." <fdparas(a)gmail.com>, "Park, MiSun" <mpark(a)snu.ac.kr>, "Parrotta, John -FS" <jparrotta(a)fs.fed.us>, "Perry, Charles H -FS" <charleshperry(a)fs.fed.us>, "Petrokofsky, Gillian" <gillian.petrokofsky(a)zoo.ox.ac.uk>, "Real, Alejandra" <alejandra.real(a)conaf.cl>, "redelsheimerc(a)safnet.org" <redelsheimerc(a)safnet.org>, "Richter, Thomas " <pressestelle(a)uni-goettingen.de>, "Riemer, Annamaria" <annamaria.riemer(a)moez.fraunhofer.de>, "Ruusila, Anu " <anu.ruusila(a)efi.int>, "Sadath, Nazmus" <nsadath(a)gwdg.de>, "Samajdar, Papia" <papia.samajdar(a)gmail.com>, "Sarvas, Milan" <sarvas(a)fris.sk>, "Schmechel, Dirk" <dirk.schmechel(a)lwf.bayern.de>, "Schreck, Marianne" <marianne.schreck(a)bfw.gv.at>, "Senyonjon, Nicholas" <senyonjonicholas(a)yahoo.co.uk>, "Sladekova, Katarian" <sladekova(a)sav.savzv.sk>, "Stanturf, John " <drdirt48(a)gmail.com>, "Stephansson, David" <David.Stephansson(a)slu.se>, "Strom, Anna" <anna.strom(a)umu.se>, "Swartling, Asa" <asa.swartling(a)sei-international.org>, "Than, Wai Wai" <waiwaikyaw2007(a)gmail.com>, "Tokola, Timo" <timo.tokola(a)uef.fi>, "Tomor, Rumen" <rtomor(a)yahoo.com>, "Tuck, David" <dtuck(a)nrcan.gc.ca>, "Tunde, Csiha" <csiha.tunde(a)nyme.hu>, "Tuomasjukka, Diana" <diana.tuomasjukka(a)efi.int>, "Tyrvainen, liisa" < <mailto:liisa.tyrvainen@metla.fi> liisa.tyrvainen(a)metla.fi>, University of Valladolid < <mailto:subdireccion.relaciones.etsiiaa@uva.es> subdireccion.relaciones.etsiiaa(a)uva.es>, "Upfold, Sally" < <mailto:sally.upfold@icfr.ukzn.ac.za> sally.upfold(a)icfr.ukzn.ac.za>, "Uyangab, Badarch" < 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Date: Fri, 1 Jul 2016 14:29:26 +0000
Subject: Registration: Joint FCN & IUFRO Communications Workshop Aug 29 to Sep 1
A friendly reminder to make your hotel reservations and register for our upcoming workshop in Portland, Oregon. Your registration will be much appreciated as we make final plans. <http://www.iufro.org/joint-forest-communicators-workshop-2016-registration/ > Link to Registration
Paste into your search window if you have trouble with the link above:
<http://www.iufro.org/joint-forest-communicators-workshop-2016-registration/ > http://www.iufro.org/joint-forest-communicators-workshop-2016-registration/
Kind regards,
Cindy Miner
Coordinator, IUFRO Working Party for Communications & Public Relations
Assistant Station Director for Communications and Applications
Forest Service – Pacific Northwest Research Station
p: <tel:503-808-2135> 503-808-2135
c: <tel:503-701-4054> 503-701-4054
<mailto:clminer@fs.fed.us> clminer(a)fs.fed.us
8 years, 8 months
Conference Craiova
by mirela niculescu
Dear Colleagues, Onbehalf of the organizing committee it is our pleasure to invite you toparticipate in the 12-th "DURABLEAGRICULTURE – AGRICULTURE OF THE FUTURE" Annual Meeting to be held in Craiova, Romania, at the Faculty ofAgronomy of the University of Craiova. Particularfocus of the conference: "ADVANCEDMETHODS FOR A SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE, SILVICULTURE AND FOOD SCIENCE."See you inCRAIOVA in NOVEMBER 2016 !
Prof.assoc. Mirela NICULESCU, PhD.Vice-DeanFaculty of AgronomyUniversity of CraiovaDepartament of Botany19 Libertatii street, 200583Craiova Romani00 40 251 41847500 40 730 447200
8 years, 8 months