Von: Hailemariam, Temesgen [mailto:temesgen.hailemariam@oregonstate.edu]
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 24. Mai 2018 07:10
Betreff: Reminder
This is a friendly reminder that the early registration (and reduced
conference fee) for the upcoming First Research Group 4.01 meeting in
Blacksburg, Virginia, USA, October 28-30 will end June 1.
The meeting is jointly organized by 4.01, the Southern and Northeastern
Mensurationists Groups. We encourage you to register early! The website for
registration is:
theastern-mensurationists-and-iufro-4-01-conference. Please also let us
know if you would like to participate in a field trip on October 31.
Further details about the meeting can be found at