Dear colleagues,
The joint proposal of Berhard Moehring, Bjoern Seintsch and myself for
a session of unit 4.05.01 on ‘International compatibility and
benchmarking of economic data from monitoring, reporting and
accounting’ within the upcoming IUFRO 125th Anniversary Congress in
Freiburg, Germany, 19-22 September, 2017 has been accepted.
Session outline:
Economic data require prudent assessment in order to allow for sound
comparisons and fruitful benchmarking exercises, standards and
definitions being a pre-requisite not only in terms of availability but
also in terms of consistent application. For instance, cut-offs or the
use of surrogates may introduce severe biases. The same unit of
measurement is a necessary but by no means a sufficient condition for
any kind of trade-off-considerations. Merely assuming the consistency of
data provided by different sources or referring to different kinds of
values may in fact trigger severe misjudgements and thus compromise
research efforts. Respective issues in accounting are to be addressed at
the level of bookkeeping, national accounting and international
reporting alike, referring to frameworks such as forest accountancy data
networks, IAS 41, IEEAF and FRA. The scope of contributions comprises
timber production as well as the provision of non-wood goods and forest
services. The session provides an opportunity for an international
assessment, synthesis and evaluation in regard to the availability,
documentation and quality of economic data on forestry as well as the
identification of possible amendments from a scientific point of view.
It is intended to integrate efforts like the ones of the DACH-initiative
and the EUROSTAT task force on forest accounting and to carry on
previous discussions which took place under the umbrella of unit 4.05.00
in a specifically focused way.
Tentative topics of contributions:
(1) Benchmarking based on accounting data: what forestry may learn
from agriculture
(2) International comparability of IEEAF sector statistics
(3) DACH 3.0: the significance of forest accountancy data networks
for sector statistics – an international comparison in regard to the
(4) Reliability and compatibility of fair values according to IAS
(5) How to establish monetary values for non-wood goods and forest
services? An international comparison of approaches applied in Forest
Resource Assessment.
The call for abstracts is now open and respective contributions may be
submitted till November 30, 2016
( Additional submissions
referring to topics 4 and 5 are especially encouraged.
Best regards,
Walter Sekot
Institute of Agricultural and Forestry Economics
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna
Feistmantelstrasse 4, 1180 Wien, Austria
Phone: +43-1-47654-73321
Fax: +43-1-47654-73309
mobile: +43-664-8453985