Third International Faustmann Symposium
Forest Economics in a Dynamic and Changing World
October 28-31, 2009
The Hunting Castle of Kranichstein
Darmstadt, Germany
The year 2009 marks the 160th anniversary since Martin Faustmann published
the seminal paper “Berechnung des Werthes, welchen Waldboden, sowie noch
nicht haubare Holzbestände für die Waldwirthschaft besitzen” – “Calculation
of the Value which Forest Land and Immature Stands Possess for Forestry”.
This paper stands as an icon both for forest economics and capital theory.
The first International Faustmann Symposium was held in Darmstadt, Germany
in 1999 and the second in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA in 2005. We invite all
interested parties to attend the Third International Faustmann Symposium
titled “Forest Economics in a Dynamic and Changing World”.
The themes of the Symposium are:
1. New theoretical developments of deterministic and stochastic forest
economic models in the rapidly changing worlds of natural resources,
environment, and economic development.
2. Theoretical and practical applications for optimal timber production at
the stand, forest and regional levels, including studies on forest economic
problems in developing countries.
3. Studies on the integration of timber production with recreational and
other forest values, including economic studies on forestry and climate
4. Studies applying the optimal rotation approach in other fields of
resource, environmental or agricultural economics.
Call for Papers
The organizers of the Symposium are particularly interested in encouraging
both theoreticians and practitioners in the field of forest economics, as
well as economists and forest scientists with closely related interests to
participate in the Symposium. The intent is to have a lively exchange
between researchers and practitioners during the Symposium and to spark
ideas to meet the needs of real world applications. Any questions regarding
relevance should be directed to either to Dick Brazee (
<> brazee(a) or Olli Tahvonen (
<> olli.tahvonen(a)
For consideration full papers must be received by April 30, 2009. Papers
should be in English. Please use the templates on the webpage (
<> and submit
papers (electronically) to Dick Brazee at <>
brazee(a) or Olli Tahvonen at <>
olli.tahvonen(a) Authors will be notified regarding acceptance by
June 30, 2009.
Best Paper Award
Participants born in 1979 or later can win the "best paper award". Sponsor
of this 500 € award is S.D. Albrecht Fürst zu Oettingen-Spielberg. The
criteria are the theoretical value and the originality of the manuscript.
For program information please see the Symposium webpage:
Registration is possible by now using the web form. Questions regarding
registration can be directed to Martin Moog ( <>
Organizing and Program Committee
Gregory S. Amacher, Virginia Tech, USA
Richard J. Brazee, University of Illinois, USA
Sun Joseph Chang, Louisiana State University, USA
Peter Deegen, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany
Shashi Kant, University of Toronto, Canada
Thomas Knoke, Technische Universität München, Germany
Karl-Gustaf Löfgren, University of Umea, Sweden
Bernhard Moehring, University of Goettingen, Germany
Martin Moog, Technische Universität München, Germany
Gonzalo Paredes, Universidad Austral de Chile, Chile
Jean-Luc Peyron, ECOFOR, France
Carlos Ribeiro, Federal University of Vicosa, Brazil
Olli Tahvonen, METLA, Finland
Prof. Dr. Martin Moog
Lehrstuhl für Forstliche Wirtschaftslehre
Technische Universität München
Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Am Hochanger 13
D-85354 Freising
Tel.: +49 (8161) 71-4629
Fax: +49 (8161) 71-4631
<> moog(a)
Forwarded by Brigitte Burger, IUFRO Headquarters