Dear Colleagues,
The IUFRO Units 4.04.04 'Sustainable Forest Management Scheduling' and
4.04.06 'Nature Conservation Planning' aresponsoring a Special Issue on
Decision Support for Integrated Policy Analysis to be published in
Forest Policy and Economics
This Special Issue originates from an initiative of Working Group 2
“Forestry modelling for integrated policy analysis” of COST Action
FP1207 “Orchestrating forest-related policy analysis in Europe
(ORCHESTRA)". It addresses a topic that is relevant to the five themes
of the IUFRO 2015-2019 Strategy and that is transversal to Divisions 3,
4, 6 and 9.
We welcome the submission of manuscripts reporting research of models,
methods and/or decision support systems (DSS) that account for
forest-related policy analysis at multiple levels and its application in
real case studies. As currently, little information is available about
decision support tools used for forest policy development, a special
focus should be on the information provided by different types of
decision support tools at different scales and on the benefits and
limitations/challenges of the approaches presented. Particular attention
should be paid to forest-related policy fields such as biodiversity,
climate change, bioenergy, trade and green economy.
The deadline for manuscript submission: 30 September 2016
More information at:…
Sorry for any crossposting. Please disseminate this information to
whomever you think might be interested.
Thank you.
Best regards,
Jose G. Borges, Jordi Garcia-Gonzalo and Marc E McDill
José G. Borges
Professor at the School of Agriculture, University of Lisbon
Coordinator of EMMC Mediterranean Forestry and Natural Resources Management (MEDfOR)
Coordinator of IUFRO Group Sustainable forest management scheduling