The latest news from Division 4
by Donaldson, Katie
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Hello from IUFRO Division 4!
After more than a year gap, we are publishing our quarterly newsletter again! I want to welcome Katie Donaldson, our new communications specialist, and thank her for putting this newsletter together. She will be the primary contact for the newsletter moving forward.
We are approaching a new year and hopefully more opportunities to meet (virtually and in-person) to collaborate on Division 4 activities and research. We also will receive a lot more information about the 2024 World Congress<… > in Stockholm, with the Call for Abstracts being released soon. We had a large number of session proposals from the Division and should be receiving word about these shortly. Beyond the World Congress, a number of other webinars and meetings are scheduled for the new year. Please review the schedule below and participate if possible.
As always, please feel free to email me<> or your unit officers if you have any questions or suggestions regarding the newsletter, future meetings, or any other topic related to IUFRO or Division 4.
Meet Your Division 4 Officers
We are introducing you to all Division 4 officers, a handful at a time. A full list of your Division 4 officers<… > can be downloaded for your convenience, or view the full list of units for Division 4<… >.
[Jordi Garcia-Gonzalo]
Jordi Garcia-Gonzalo<… >
* j.garcia(at)
* Deputy Coordinator, 4.04.06
* Current Position: Head of the Landscape Dynamics and Biodiversity Programme at the Forest Sciences and Technology Centre of Catalonia
* Research Interests: forest management, forest planning, development of forest ecosystem management models, and decision support systems
[Vasja Leban]
Vasja Leban<… >
* vasja.leban(at)
* Deputy Coordinator, 4.05.02
* Current Position: Assistant and specialist adviser, University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Forestry and Renewable Forest Resources, Slovenia
* Research Interests: ecosystem services management and optimization, stakeholder perspectives, forest policy, mixed methods research
[Stjepan Posavec]
Stjepan Posavec<… >
* sposavec(at)
* Coordinator, 4.05.02
* Current Position: Professor in Forest Economics, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology, University of Zagreb, Croatia, EU
* Research Interests: Forest economics and finance, ecosystem services, environmental economics, marketing in forestry
[Minna Räty]
Minna Räty<… >
* minna.raty(at)
* Deputy Coordinator, 4.03.01
* Current Position: Senior Scientist, Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), Helsinki, Finland
* Research Interests: Forest resources, forest management, scenario analysis, forest inventory
[Keith Reynolds]
Keith Reynolds<… >
* keith.reynolds2(at)
* Coordinator, 4.03.00
* Current Position: Research Forester with the US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service Research, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Corvallis, Oregon
* Research Interests: spatial decision support for environmental analysis and planning related to forest management
[Lydia Rosenkranz]
Lydia Rosenkranz<… >
* lydia.rosenkranz(at)
* Deputy Coordinator, 4.05.01
* Current Position: Scientist at Thuenen Institute of International Forestry and Forest Economics, Hamburg, Germany
* Research Interests: economic accounts for forestry, model-based analyses of changed political and economic conditions on the forest industry
[Svetlana Saarela]
Svetlana Saarela<… >
* svetlana.saarela(at)
* Coordinator, 4.02.06
* Current Position: Researcher, Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås, Norway
* Research Interests: statistical inferences applied to natural resource surveys, forest biometrics, remote sensing-assisted forest inventories
[Simo Sarkki]
Simo Sarkki<… >
* simo.sarkki(at)
* Deputy Coordinator, 4.05.05
* Current Position: Docentship, "anthropology of environmental governance" at University of Oulu, Finland
* Research Interests: science-policy-society interfaces, social innovations, land use in northern areas, qualitative scenarios, and participatory approaches under the broader theme of environmental governance
[Endre Schiberna]
Endre Schiberna<… >
* minna.raty(at)
* Deputy Coordinator, 4.05.02
* Current Position: Senior researcher, head of Department of Forest Economics, Forest Research Institute, University of Sopron, Hungary
* Research Interests: forest economics and finance, ecosystem services; wild game management economics
Upcoming Division 4 Meetings
2nd North American Mensurationists Conference<… >
* 11-14 December 2022
* Portland, Oregon, United States
* Units 4.01.00 and 4.03.00
Forest Mensuration and Modeling Chats webinar<… >
* Research group 4.01.00 will host its next scheduled webinar on "Modeling allometric relationships for Caribbean trees using a mixed-effects random forest algorithm"<… > on 26 January 2023.
* The group hosted seven webinars for the series in 2022. You can watch the recordings online<… >.
* The group is taking suggestions for 2023 speakers. Please email suggestions to bianca.eskelson(a)<>.
Close-to-Nature Silviculture: Experiments and Modeling for Forestry Practice<… >
* 7-9 February 2023
* Online discussion conference
* Divisions 1.00.00, 4.00.00 and all Research Groups and Working Parties
International IUFRO 4.05 Conference
* 25-27 September 2023
* University of Ljubljana in Slovenia
* Unit 4.05
Job Opportunities
Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship<… >, University of Lisbon
Extension Specialist in Forest and Wildlife Management<… >, University of Tennessee
Calls for Nominations
Calls for nominations for the XXVI IUFRO World Congress Awards<… >
It will be held from 23 to 29 June 2024 in Stockholm, Sweden.
Deadline for submission of nominations: 15 May, 2023.
Recent Work from Division 4
Unit 04.05.00 held its conference<… > in Sept. for managerial forest economics and accounting as a base for decision making in a changing world. If you missed it, the conference report <… > is now available.
Submitted by Manuela Hirschmugl
* The ForestSAT 2022 conference<… > in Berlin took place at the end of August and beginning of September.[… <… >
Submitted by Maria Nijnik
* An Institutional Analysis and Reconfiguration Framework for Sustainability Research on Post-transition Forestry: a focus on Ukraine<… >
* What Are the Impacts of Social Innovation? A Synthetic Review and Case Study of Community Forestry in the Scottish Highlands<… >
* Collective forestry regimes to enhance transition to climate smart forestry<… >
* "Going out to get in"-Roles of forest conflicts in bottom-linked environmental governance progressing toward socio-political innovations<… >
* From science to social innovations connecting forests and people<… >
Submitted by Vitor Hoeflich
* Payment for environmental services: the case of Costa Rica (Pago por servicios ambientales: el caso de Costa Rica)<… >
* Latin America: A regional perspective on its forest policy and economics<… >
* Contribution of the forest sector to the Uruguayan economy: A first approach with National Accounts<… >
IUFRO Research Group 4.05.00 celebrated its 40th anniversary<… > in 2021 and received recognition for the milestone by the IUFRO president.
You can learn more about its history here.<… >
[… ]
Unit 4.05.05 received the IUFRO letter of appreciation for its organized special sessions on social innovation and adaptive responses to challenges and social innovation in mountain areas to steer a sustainable governance of nature.
Do you have news for us? Hit reply and let us know! We'd love to hear from you.
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2 years, 2 months
Call for applications to two post doc positions at ISA, Lisbon, Portugal
by José G Borges
Dear Colleagues,
I'm looking for two Doctors / PhDs to do research with my team at the
Forest Research Centre of the School of Agriculture (ISA) within the
framework of the H2020 FIRE RES project ( ). The
place of work is at ISA in Lisbon, Portugal. However, collaboration with
European partners is foreseen and encouraged as well as work visits to
colleagues in the USA, Costa Rica, Canada, Brazil and Chile within the
scope of the DecisionES project (https://decisiones.ctfc .cat/) which I
also coordinate a ISA. The application period will run from 17 November
to 21 December 2022. Applications should be emailed to the
forchange(a) with cc to my own email address at
joseborges(a) <> More
information about the tenders at < > and
<… >
Any initiative to publicize these tenders is welcome. Thank you.
José G. Borges
Associate Professor of Forest Management and Economics
Forest Research Centre, School of Agriculture, University of Lisbon
Coordinator of EMMC Mediterranean Forestry and Natural Resources Management (MEDfOR)
Coordinator of IUFRO Group Sustainable forest management scheduling
2 years, 2 months
NEW DATES for IUFRO All-Div. 1 and 4 Online Conference
by Brigitte Burger
Dear forest colleague,
The IUFRO All-Division 1 and 4 Online Conference CLOSE-TO-NATURE SILVICULTURE: EXPERIMENTS AND MODELLING FOR FORESTRY PRACTICE has been postponed until 7-8-9 February 2023.
Please see the attached second announcement for further information.
On behalf of the organizers
Jens Peter Skovsgaard
Coordinator, IUFRO Div. 1 Silviculture
2 years, 2 months