Please register for the upcoming webinars in October, November, and January (please see information below).
Looking forward to seeing you at one of the webinars!
Research Group 4.01.00 Forest Mensuration and Modelling
“Effects of multicollinearity in model-based inference”
Join Dr. Svetlana Saarela, Researcher in the Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management (MINA) of the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), on Monday, October 24, 2022, 6:05 – 7:00 am Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), when she talks about the effects of multicollinearity on model-based prediction precision.
To receive the zoom link for the webinar, please register here:
Dr. Tzeng Yih Lam will conclude the "2022 Forest Mensuration and Modelling Chats."
“Field Study on Critical Height Sampling and Its Antithetic Variants”
Join Dr. Tzeng Yih Lam, Associate Professor, School of Forestry and Resource Conservation, National Taiwan University, on Monday, November 28, 2022, 10:05 – 11:00 pm Pacific Standard Time (PST), when he talks about critical height sampling. The webinar is hosted by IUFRO 4.01.00 as part of the 2022 webinar series "Forest Mensuration and Modelling Chats."
To receive the zoom link for the webinar, please register here:
Drs. Sheng-I Yang and Thomas Brandeis will kick off the "2023 Forest Mensuration and Modelling Chats."
“Modeling allometric relationships for Caribbean trees using a mixed-effects random forest algorithm”
Join Dr. Sheng-I Yang, Assistant Professor at the University of Tennessee, and Dr. Thomas Brandeis, Research Forester with the Southern Research Station, USDA Forest Service, on Thursday, January 26, 2023, 8:05 – 9:00 am Pacific Standard Time (PST), when they talk about modeling allometric relationships for Caribbean trees.
To receive the zoom link for the webinar, please register here:
*ISTF session** proposals for IUFRO 2024*
With collaborators, the International Society of Tropical Foresters (ISTF)
is developing session proposals for the XXVI IUFRO World Congress 2024 –
Forests and Society towards 2050, to be held 23-29 June 2024 in Stockholm,
Sweden. . The deadline for session
submissions is 13 Oct 2022. If you would like to make a presentation in any
of the sessions below, (you do not need to be 100% sure of attending),
please send the session of interest, and your name, affiliation, country, and
draft title to tropicalforesters(a) by 11 Oct 2022. The draft
proposals (still under development) for all these sessions can be obtained
updated proposals will be posted periodically until submission. Suggestions
on the draft proposals are welcome, as well as new co-organizers.
*Sessions to be proposed:*
*Smart Agroforestry Practices for Sustainable Livelihood** (Division 1)*
*Urban trees & green landscapes: Monitoring and management for providing
multiple services** (Division 6) *
*Legacy of the Tropical Timber Foundation and sustainable forestry**
(Division 3)*
*Tropical forest restoration success and how to achieve it** (Division 3)*
*Tropical forestry education: Improving preparation for a challenging
future** (Division 6)*
*Legacy tropical forest data: current status, uses, and securing them**
(Division 4)*
*Research advances towards sustainability for the high-value Meliaceae**
(Division 1) *
*Ecology and management of old growth forests** (Division 8)*
Dear colleagues
Enclosed please find the invitation for our IUFRO 2022 All-Division 1 and 4 Online Conference, to be held 29 November - 2 December 2022.
We look forward to seeing you.
Best wishes,
Jens Peter Skovsgaard and Don Hodges
Coordinators, IUFRO Div. 1 & 4¤
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