Dear Colleagues:
The international conference "Ecosystem Design for Multiple Services - with
an emphasis on Eurasian Boreal Forests" will be held in St. Petersburg,
Russia on 9-11 November 2011.
Many IUFRO officeholders are involved and an exciting programme has been put
together; to learn more about it, please visit:
See you in St. Petersburg!
Dr. Maxim Chubinsky
Ass. prof., executive director of ICFFI, vice dean of Forestry Faculty St
Petersburg State Forest Technical University,
Institutsky per, 5
194021, St Petersburg, Russia
posted on behalf of Maxim Chubinsky by Brigitte Burger, IUFRO Headquarters
Dear Colleagues:
The 30th General Assembly of ICSU was concluded last week in Rome.
Additional Press Releases were issued by the ICSU Secretariat at the
conclusion of the final session, one of them containing detailed information
about the new President of ICSU:
Nobel Prize winning scientist is new President of ICSU:
Responsibilities of scientists underlined by scientific community:
You are welcome to forward these press releases to your contacts.
Best regards
Brigitte Burger
IUFRO Headquarters
forwarded on behalf of Michael Kleine by Brigitte Burger, IUFRO
Dear colleagues,
The Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing, the
Experimental Center of Tropical Forestry,
Pingxiang, the Albert-Ludwigs-University,
Freiburg and the University of Technology,
Dresden will organize an "International
Conference on Multipurpose Forest Management
under Changing Conditions" from November 23-24 in Nanning, China.
Further Information about the second announcement
of the conference is available in English
or in Chinese (
You are welcome to join the above mentioned
conference. Please feel free to distribute this
information to potential other participants.
Best regards
Heinrich Spiecker
Heinrich Spiecker
Director, Institut für Waldwachstum / Institute for Forest Growth
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Tennenbacher Str. 4, 79106 Freiburg, Germany
tel. ++49-761-2033737
fax ++49-761-2033740