Dear Colleagues of IUFRO 2.09.02 Unit,
Dr. Carmen Diaz-Sala (University of Alcalá, Spain) communicated to me that she will serve
as the Guest Editor for a Special Issue of the Open Access journal-Plants (ISSN 2223-7747,<…)
on the highly relevant topic for our WP of "Adventitious Root Formation in Tree
If you are interested to contribute to this Special Issue, you will find further
information at:…
The deadline for manuscript submission is January 31, 2020
Please forward the information to any interested colleague!
Kind regards,
Jean-François Trontin
IUFRO 2.09.02 Unit Coordinator
IUFRO Working Party 2.09.02
Somatic embryogenesis and other vegetative propagation technologies
Jean-François Trontin, PhD
IUFRO information webpage:<htt…
FCBA Technological Institute
Biotechnology & Advanced Forestry Department
71, Route d'Arcachon - Pierroton
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