Early anthropogenic movements of wattles in Australia
by Le Roux, JJ, Dr <jleroux@sun.ac.za>
Dear All
We are currently revising an MS on the population genetic structure of Acacia pycnantha in Australia and South Africa. One of the main reviewers' comments was a clear need for us to illustrate early human-mediated wattle movements (1800's onwards) in Australia during re-vegetation and forestry initiatives. The only literature sources that we could find in this regard were:
# Victoria. Board of Inquiry. "Wattle Bark: Report of the Board of Inquiry, Together with a Statement Showing the Profit to be Derived from the Systematic Cultivation of Wattles.". 1892
# Frawley J: Joseph Maiden and the National Transitional circulation of wattle Acacia spp. Hist Rec Aust Sci 2010, 21: 35-54
Does anyone know/have references to any sources that may provide additional information on this issue? This does not have to be specific to A. pycnantha, but also wattle ,movements in general. This would be very helpful and dearly appreciated.
Kind regards
Dr Jaco Le Roux
Department of Botany and Zoology
Centre for Invasion Biology
Stellenbosch University
Matieland, South Africa
TEL: +27 21 808 2086
ALT EMAIL: jacoleroux01(a)gmail.com<mailto:jacoleroux01@sun.ac.za>
WEB: http://academic.sun.ac.za/cib/team/academic/jleroux.asp
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