Dear IUFRO 1.05 Uneven-aged Silviculture Research Group Members:
Here is a new update with information for our Uneven-aged
Silviculture Research Group. As before, my goal is to send out a
similar update several times each year. Please forward this email to
interested persons who might not be on this mailing list and
encourage them to join the list server as indicated below.
22-28 August 2010, XXIII IUFRO World Congress, Seoul, Republic of
Korea, "Forests for the Future: Sustaining Society and the
Environment" . The call for papers and posters is now open for the
Seoul Congress ( Our Uneven-aged
Silviculture research group was involved in developing two technical sessions:
"Uneven-aged silviculture in temperate and tropical forests: Towards
paradigm expansion." This session is co-organized with IUFRO
1.02.04 and will attempt to foster sharing of information on
management of uneven-aged forests in temperate, boreal and tropical
forests. We anticipate six papers divided between temperate, boreal
and tropical forests. Abstracts can be submitted through the IUFRO
website or you can contact Kevin O'Hara or Armin Seydack (leader of
IUFRO1.02.04; armins(a)
"Silviculture and global change: Managing forests for ecosystem
resiliency and carbon storage." This session will address strategies
to improve resiliency/adaptability of forests and carbon storage
through silvicultural design of forest structures. Although this
session has a weaker tie to the objectives of our Research Group,
uneven-aged silviculture nonetheless will play an important role in
mitigating global change scenarios. Again, you can submit an
abstract through the IUFRO website, or contact me at the address
below or session co-organizer Juergen Bauhus
There are, of course, many other technical sessions on a variety of
themes. The IUFRO2010 website has more details.
Future Meetings:
The next meeting of the 1.05 Uneven-aged Silviculture Research Group
will be in Slovenia in September 2010. Exact dates and other details
on conference theme, fieldtrips, and abstract submission procedures
will be announced later. But please note this meeting will be in the
month immediately following the IUFRO Congress in Seoul. So plan
your travel accordingly.
The review and publication of the papers from our recent meeting in
Shizuoka, Japan is apparently moving on schedule according to Hiromi
Mizunaga who is supervising the editorial process. He expects the
special issue of the Journal of Forest Research with these papers to
be published in late 2009.
Research Group Email Newsletter: If you have colleagues who wish to
be placed on the IUFRO 1.05 email listserve (or any IUFRO listserve)
encourage them to register via the IUFRO website: or
specifically to IUFRO 1.05 at the link below:
Your Research Group Officers are:
Kevin O'Hara, Coordinator
University of California - Berkeley
137 Mulford Hall, #3114
Berkeley, CA 94720-3114 USA
email: ohara(a)
phone: 510.642.2127
fax: 510.643.5438
Hubert Hasenauer, Deputy Coordinator
Institute of Forest Growth Research
University of Agricultural Sciences
Peter Jordan Str. 82
1190 Wien
Tel: ++43-1-47654-4205
Fax: ++43-1-47654-4242
e-mail: hubert.hasenauer(a)
Dr. Shi Zuomin, Deputy Coordinator
P.O. Box 14
Institute of Forest Ecology, Environment and Protection
Chinese Academy of Forestry
Beijing 100091, P. R. China
Tel: 0086-10-62888308
Fax: 0086-10-62884972
Email: shizm(a)
Dr. Susan Stevens Hummel
USDA PNW Research Station
P.O. Box 3890
Portland, OR 97208 USA
Tel. 503 808-2084
Fax: 503 808-2020