Fellow uneven-aged group members (my apologies for double listing),
I would like to encourage you to submit an abstract for presentation at the IUFRO World
Congress in Curitiba, Brazil 29 Sep - 5 Oct 2019. Specifically, I have co-organized
session #228 titled:"Managing for adaptation: increasing resistance, resilience, and
transformative capacity" (w/ Khaled Misbahuzzaman and Christian Messier; see short
abstract below). I like to think the topic is sufficiently broad that your work fits and
would really like to have a strong representation of silviculture. If you are in doubt,
whether your work qualifies, just send me an email and I can provide feedback.
The abstract submission deadline is December 31, 2019. Note, that you will have to
register for the congress first (you will need your registration number for abstract
submission), but will not have to pay until later in May. For abstract submission, please
go to:
Short description
The session discusses how novel management approaches that emphasize ecosystem resistance,
resilience, and transformative capacity can be beneficial in various ecological and social
settings. Management approaches include silvicultural practices and a combination of
forest governance, traditional ecological knowledge, communication and training in
optimization of ecosystem service provision.
" Without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible"
Klaus J. Puettmann
Edmund Hayes Professor in Silviculture Alternatives
321 Richardson Hall
Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR 97331
Tel. 541 737 8974
FAX 541 737 5814
From: rg10500 <rg10500-bounces(a)lists.iufro.org> On Behalf Of Kerr, Gary
Sent: Friday, November 23, 2018 1:08 AM
To: rg10500(a)lists.iufro.org
Subject: [IUFRO RG 1.05.00] IUFRO Research Group 1-05-00 - Future Leadership
Good morning all,
A short note to let all members know that the most recent meeting in Valdivia, Chile
(12-14 November) was a great success. I'm very grateful to Pablo Donoso, Daniel Soto
and Jennifer Romero for organizing the conference and a superb post-conference tour.
During the meeting we convened a short meeting to consider options for the future
leadership of the group and a note of this is attached. The purpose of this e-mail is to
give members who could not attend the meeting an opportunity to express their views.
Please read the attached file and let me have your views by the end of December 2018.
Kind regards,
Dr. G. Kerr
Principal Silviculturist
Forest Research
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