Join the Revived International Society of Tropical Foresters!
by Brigitte Burger
Von: International Society of Tropical Foresters ISTF []
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 25. Oktober 2018 22:26
Betreff: Join the Revived International Society of Tropical Foresters!
Joint the Revived International Society of Tropical Foresters!
Dear friends:
We hope you will be interested in joining the central International Society of Tropical Foresters (ISTF). The organization is being reactivated after a five-year hiatus. With its focus on being a communication network, ISTF can help you connect with others interested in tropical forests and forestry. ISTF was founded in the 1950s and “in response to a worldwide concern for the fate of tropical and subtropical forests, ISTF is committed to the protection, wise management and rational use of the world’s tropical forests”. So far, over 570 people from around the world have joined. For now, the organization will be dues-free, for simplicity and to encourage broad participation (although this is under discussion).
If you would like to join, please fill out the table at <…> GoogleForms ( <…>… ). This information will be shared among ISTF members, for sharing information and establishing collaborations. if you have any problems accessing and filling out the table, or any other questions, please contact <> tropicaforesters(a)
The current online resources for ISTF include:
1) Blair Orr’s continuation of the former ISTF newsletter as a newsletter for the Society of American Foresters International Forestry Working Group. (Available at: <> If you fill out the form, we will add you to the list for receiving this newsletter
2) The old ISTF web page, still at
3) The ISTF Facebook group page at: <>
4) The ISTF Linked-In page at: <>
5) Student chapter at Yale University, which sponsors the annual Yale ISTF conference: <> , <>
6) Student Chapter at North Carolina State University: <> , <>
We look forward to hearing from you. Please pass this invitation on to your friends.
The ISTF Transition Team
6 years, 4 months