some information on a summer school co-organized by our institute :
4th NFZ Summer School FORMOD "Modelling forest community
organisation, functions and dynamics for improving forest management"
Le Tholy (France), September 2008 6th-14th
NFZForest.net, a European research and training network in forest
sciences (8 Universities and Research Institutes at Nancy, Freiburg,
Zürich) organizes its 4th Summer School in Le Tholy (Vosges
Mountains, near Epinal, North-East France), on September 2008, 6th to
FORMOD is directed at post graduate students (end of Master, PhD or
Post Doc).
Scope :
In forestry, traditional tools for decision-making are based upon
phenomenological models of site quality, stand dynamics and wood
properties (site-productivity models, yield tables, dynamic or
allometric models). The design of these tools makes intensive use of
data bases, permanent plot networks, mathematical and statistical
methods (dynamic systems, multivariate analysis, regression, mixed
models). They are efficient for representing the variety of
silvicultural scenarios and their impact on stand demography, tree
growth and morphology, dynamics of quality criteria. Recent
progresses in GIS, data base combinations and statistical modelling
create new fields of applications: species habitat mapping, landscape-
level community dynamics, resource evaluation.
A major challenge to the phenomenological approach is raised by
ongoing trends in ecosystem dynamics and forest management. The
assumption that site is stationary is contradicted by the evidence of
long-term trends in climate, CO2 and atmospheric depositions, soil
chemistry, with measurable impacts on tree growth and plant community
structure. Management criteria enlarge to a broad range of objectives
and constraints : high quality timber, pulp, panels, fuelwood ;
biodiversity, carbon storage and substitution, landscape, soil
fertility and water quality. Much more attention is paid to
evaluating forest vulnerability and resilience with regard to
disturbances, devising adaptive strategies and focusing on risk
At the same time, physiology, ecology and wood sciences have
accumulated a large knowledge corpus on forest response to
environment, tree functioning, species habitats and leaf traits,
relationships between wood formation and industrial performance. This
led to the design of mechanistic process-based models, more
responsive to environment variations. Due to their high number of
parameters, specific problems of model fitting, evaluation and
practical application have to be addressed. To associate generality
and precision, different forms of hybrid models have been
The objective of the Summer School is to illustrate the interest and
diversity of modelling approaches, for both understanding forest
ecosystem dynamics and improving their management. General lectures
on modelling different scientific problems are associated with in-
depth methodological lectures and debates (current policy issues,
management needs, training systems).
Interested students are invited to make a pre-registration. You'll
find more informations and the pre-registation form at this address :
Oliver Brendel UMR Ecologie et Ecophysiologie Forestiere
INRA - Centre de Nancy 54280 Champenoux France
brendel(a)nancy.inra.fr TEL 0033/383/394100 FAX /394022