Von: João Azevedo [mailto:jazevedo@ipb.pt]

Betreff: Next week in Curitiba



Dear colleagues,


I would like to call your attention to the  landscape ecology WP related events that will take place in Curitiba next week during the IUFRO World



Mon 30 Sep 2019 12:30 - 13:30 /14:00 - 15:00 Subplenary D8a: Forest Biodiversity in the framework of global change and the role of Landscape

Venue: R07 - WING 2

Presentation Types: Subplenary

Chair: João Azevedo, Sandra Luque


Tue 1 Oct 2019 15:30 - 17:30

D8e: Improving conservation targets for forest biodiversity: towards operational solutions from remote sensing technology

Venue: R16 - PG

Presentation Types: Oral

Chair: Sandra Luque, Petteri Vihervaara



Wed 2 Oct 2019, 18:30 - 19:20

IUFRO Landscape Ecology WP business meeting

Venue: Room R10 - WING 2


We plan to keep the discussions going after the meeting in a LE WP

dinner; I will announce the restaurant once I am familiar with Curitiba

and the venue of the conference.


Hope to see you there.



Best regards.





João Azevedo, Prof. Coordenador

Vice-Coordenador do Centro de Investigação de Montanha (CIMO)


Instituto Politécnico de Bragança

Escola Superior Agrária

Campus de Santa Apolónia

5300-253 BRAGANÇA



telefones: (+351) 273 330 901 / 273 303 341

e-mail: jazevedo@ipb.pt

web: http://www.esa.ipb.pt/cv/jazevedo/