We have a 16 months postdoctoral position in Montpellier, France  


He/she has a proven track record in one or more of the following fields: Joint species distribution models (JSDMs), environmental modelling, eco-informatics, computational ecology, geography or equivalent with strong background on Spatial Information Systems. Expertise in remote sensing is an added value. Skills in statistical modelling, programming, spatial analysis and geomatics – further details are attached


Kindest regards ,


Sandra Luque



Sandra Luque PhD, HDR

Chair IUFRO Division 8 - Forest Environment

Director of Research at IRSTEA

National Research Institute of Science and Technology for Environment and Agriculture

UMR TETIS Land, environment, remote sensing and spatial information

500 rue Jean-François Breton / 34093 Montpellier Cedex 5, France

Mob. +33 769150689 / Skype: sandra.luque2


