A unique opportunity free, online course, to build a network of future Landscape Ecologists!

Do not miss it!!!





De : kienast [mailto:felix.kienast@wsl.ch]
Envoyé : lundi 3 septembre 2018 13:41
À : Felix Kienast <felix.kienast@wsl.ch>
Cc : Gregor Martius <gregor.martius@wsl.ch>
Objet : reminder launch of first MOOC Landscape Ecology


Dear colleagues,


as I have informed you, we launch our new MOOC on Landscape Ecology next Monday,  September 10th 2018. 


We are hoping to reach as many people as possible through this free, online course, and to build a network of future Landscape Ecologists. Thanks to your help, already over 1000 participants from over 100 countries have signed up. 


We are grateful if you help us further spread the word and post this reminder text and image on twitter and other social media outlets: 




Learn to understand and shape our future landscapes. Join inspiring participants from over 100 countries in the first Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Landscape Ecology. More at: https://www.edx.org/course/landscape-ecology




Prof. Dr. Felix Kienast
ETHZ & Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, 
Snow and Landscape Research WSL
8903 Birmensdorf

Tel +41 44 739'23'66 / Fax +41 44 739'22'54 

Past President 2015-2019
International Association for Landscape Ecology IALE 